The Fran Conundrum

You're not a balanced human in this case, but rather slow as you stated above. And for some reason you're content to just watch the plane plummet until it crashes into the f'n mountain. The transfer of CW is not the problem. In fact his recruitment in the first place is the problem. Yet another recruit who had no business playing at this level. Same will be said for Connor. It's not that goddamn hard to land a decent pg. You know how I know that? Bc every shit team we've played so far has a better pg than us. Every single one!! That's piss poor recruiting. That "just 1 piece" you speak of...ain't coming in next year. And most likely not the following year. Maybe never as Fran has yet to prove in 8 years he can even recruit an avg B1G level pg.

sick burn Sheagle! Ya got me with clever wit and well timed comedy. Applause///

I thought Mike G was an avg B1G level PG. I am not content to watch the plane crash into the mountain. I aint content with shit. This program is a f'n mess at this moment. Joe Wieskamp is a borderline McD All American. That's not my opinion, that's me repeating what is uttered by people who report on the sport in this state. Take it up with them....and he's probably going to start the day he arrives, I don't understand how that is not going to make an impact on Iowa's team, which is all we disagreed about to begin with. Williams was a miss, his recruitment in the first place is the problem...but to say that his departure carried no weight on the current state of this team is a pretty bad take.
sick burn Sheagle! Ya got me with clever wit and well timed comedy. Applause///

I thought Mike G was an avg B1G level PG. I am not content to watch the plane crash into the mountain. I aint content with shit. This program is a f'n mess at this moment. Joe Wieskamp is a borderline McD All American. That's not my opinion, that's me repeating what is uttered by people who report on the sport in this state. Take it up with them....and he's probably going to start the day he arrives, I don't understand how that is not going to make an impact on Iowa's team, which is all we disagreed about to begin with. Williams was a miss, his recruitment in the first place is the problem...but to say that his departure carried no weight on the current state of this team is a pretty bad take.

Hey you opened the door; I merely walked through. Is Joe an avg to above avg pg? No. And CW's loss is not felt. Backcourt was a joke with, or without him. Unless you miss his blazing 33% fg% 2pts/game and always stellar FT shooting. He was probably one of our better defenders, but we certainly don't need 2 Ahmad Wagners now do we.
Everyone on this team has has every coach.

Team and individual fundamentals are grade school/YMCA level.

Plus, the team has no PG...

The unwatchable, hopeless, heartless, collection of losers...

Who will lead them? Who has the heart to make it better?
What do you base that on, exactly?

The same thing he bases most of his posts on: His constant demand that we fire all of our coaches. He is indeed the biggest troll on the board, though he has 2 or 3 others who are in contention. These guys have only one song and all of the rest of the posters on this board are "fake news."
I agree with a lot of this. I will also say the biggest short comings of this team is, they lack a team leader on the floor. None of the existing players have stepped up to fill that roll. Maybe in the locker room and at practice but not during the game. I prefer it to be the point guard and it doesn't have to be the second coming of Ronnie Lester. An Andre Woolridge type player would help this team set up the offense and defense. Surely Fran can find a PG capable of filling that role. Val Barnes, Dean Oliver, Kenny Arnold, Jeff Moe and Jeff Horner. Those types of players are out there. Find a solid PG that can lead a team on the floor. Quit looking for that super star PG that will never come to Iowa.
Andre woolridge baby he almost single handedly beat Kentucky in the dance when they had Mashburn.
The same thing he bases most of his posts on: His constant demand that we fire all of our coaches. He is indeed the biggest troll on the board, though he has 2 or 3 others who are in contention. These guys have only one song and all of the rest of the posters on this board are "fake news."

He's not a troll at all. Just a fire everyone guy.
Team needs to be Much more aggressive, and to play Much tougher. They are being manhandled by some teams. Hawks are being smashed in the face over and over again. The opponents make it look innocent, just going for the ball, contesting a loose ball or rebound, However they are getting away with thug behavior.....

Happened in the clone game. Solomon Young was getting away with bloody murder. He and Brady were going for a loose ball and he smashed Brady in the side of the head, knocking him to the floor with force, then he stomped the floor next to Ellinson's head while continuing on down the floor. Don't believe they called a foul. Took Brady a while to get up.....

Later in the game, Young and Cordell were going for a loose ball on the sideline, Young wasn't even attempting to get the ball. He slammed into Pemsl and threw him out of bounds when he was off balance. Again no call other than denying the ball to whomever touched it last.....

In the Penn State game, Ryan Kriener faked a shot near the basket, making the PS player jump into the air over his head, on the way down he smashed Ryan in the head, causing a concussion. Again no foul called. Should have been a flagrant, just like Young's transgressions.....

In the Buckeye game Garza was smashed in the face going for a rebound. It was not inadvertent. It was deliberate and then he seemed to hit Tyler in the face while continuing his rampage. Again no foul called. I do not believe.....

The referees are letting them get away with this, Injuries have been caused, and it could be worse. On the other hand, we get called for little touches. This seriously affects the pace and style of the game for the Hawks. We can't afford to have players sitting on the bench, like Cook and Garza because of early touch fouls. The opponents have adopted this strategy. It has to stop.....

We have more than enough fouls to give. Wagner, Pemsl and Kriener have 15 fouls to obtain. They should be seriously hard fouls. Let us start putting these thugs on the floor, while avoiding a flagrant. Same as they are doing to us, over and over. if they want to play ThugBall. Ok Let's Play.....

Last season we had the reputation of being JunkYardDogs. Calhoun would mention this over and over. He loved the fight and never-say-die attitude the Hawks displayed. This season that attitude is obviously absent. We need to start playing Hard. If a MFer laughs in our faces and taunts the coaches and players on the bench, we need to make them pay for that.....

The Hawks play as tough as anyone who grew up on the streets of Philadelphia, like most of Penn State's roster, and anywhere else. Let's start to show our toughness and Fight Back.....

Fran knows about tough play. He grew up in Philadelphia, and now needs to let the Lads loose.....

Time to fight back.....

Typed this rather quickly, sort of a rant, and just might need to edit later on.....


You need not edit your comments. I can give you pretty long list of season ticket holders who agree with at least 90% of what you wrote. Thanks.
I’ve seen a lot of state of Iowa bball in my time..a lot. I think JW has change to be very solid BIG player in time. He is no Harrison Barnes..He is no Fred Hoiberg.

I”ve also seen PM play a fair amount and while he looks solid vs a bunch of Iowa HS kids he’s not playing Top level completion in Chicago. WHere a fair amount of these Iowa kids fail is not on the offensive end at the next level it is on the defensive end.

I think PM is a top 150 kid...He is not a top 30 kid IMO.

I’ve never liked the FM hire...ever. We have a HC who thinks the game is won with 9 PF’s. College bball is won in the backcourt and our HC struggles recruiting that and prob always will. We also have a HC who is hell bent in continuing with the 12 man rotations in games...As a former old time player I would have hated having to come in...get on a roll..and then be pulled and sit for 8-9 minutes.

It is a matter of time for Fran and it is whether GB wants to pull the plug sooner rather than later.
Or you could put him on ignore. That would require you to have the intelligence to know how to do that. Which most of us doubt you have.

Oh, boy. Josh, you would never personally insult someone because of a difference of opinion, would you? Or, wait...guess you would. Typical Josh.
So, just looking at offensive numbers, Bohannon has averaged:

10.9 points/5.1 assists - freshman year
11.8 points/5.0 assists - sophomore year

Do you consider him a good, solid PG?

No he isn't yet. I'm not saying he won't be. Will he improve over the next two years is the question. The PG situation at Iowa is not in a favorable condition and IMO after 8 years it should be. I happen to like Fran. I just wish he would find a PG like I mentioned in an earlier post. I am a big proponent of having a natural progression of PGs in place. I don't think that is happening down in Iowa City. Bohannon should be the back up PG waiting his turn behind a SR.
I thought Pat had a way better jumper and handles then Cook at this point in the process? Also, I think they are pretty similarly rated aren't they? I'm just curious as to how you guys know this stuff? I aint saying you're wrong... I just want to know what you know. How you know it. Why you think it is?

Could it be that you are making these types of statements off of the product that's on the court now and letting that possibly influence your take?
Cook has got 60 pounds on Patrick, easily. He'd crush him in the post. Patrick needs to add at least 40 lbs by the time he makes it to campus, or he is the most over rated player in the nation. He's too weak.
They aren't the same deficiencies every year. Same as last year tho. Jordan made the All B1G freshman team last season. He played PG. What's changed? No competent guard to compliment him. His rotation, I 1000% agree with you. Play 8-9 guys max. His bench should have shortened up a month ago. He couldn't recruit out of state because he had nothing to recruit with with no NCAA appearances since 2006. He got us to the dance and what happened? Cook, Garza, Nunge.... stop already.

It's bad, but it's just insanity how far you guys let things swing.
This is the "Jordan Bohannon at PG" result that I expected last year, frankly. I didn't think opposing defenses committed to stopping Jok, would make that much difference in the amount of room JB had to operate. But it did.
I meant CM. And Joe looks great against shitty Eastern Iowa competition. Hopefully that translates to B1G play, but you're crazy if you think he'll be in impact player immediately (which is what this team needs).
I've seen Joe play a dozen times in high school and AAU. He IS the real deal and he will start immediately. Especially on a team this bad. I never thought Conner was a great prospect and I don't think Patrick is either. But Joe Weiskamp is.
So why is he ranked that high? All the major services are wrong? Who has him ranked the lowest? It would seem that several places are whiffing on him
I honestly think he could be ranked that high if he had 30 or 40 more pounds of muscle on him. He's about as weak as Uthoff was when he was in high school. Except Uthoff had a better outside shot.
I honestly think he could be ranked that high if he had 30 or 40 more pounds of muscle on him. He's about as weak as Uthoff was when he was in high school. Except Uthoff had a better outside shot.

His family all has good builds so that's promising. If he is overly skinny because of cancer, he will gain faster than a kid who is just naturally meant to be skinny.
This is off the deep end. I think this the Freshman and Sophomore class, along with more guards can compete for the NCAA tournament next year. How can you say that these guys are peaking at age 20? Had Uthoff peaked after his Sophomore year when he was flat out not good? Jok ? White? None of those guys were playing any better then the guys you listed that have peaked at this point in their careers. They played on better teams, with better upperclassman. How are the McCaffery boys already over rated? Connor hasn't played but for a few minutes this season while being injured and sick. Where in the world would that even be something that can be gleaned at this point? Patrick is ranked as a borderline 5 star before his junior year of HS.

Weiskamp may have committed to the school, but firing the HC right before he arrives would definitely open his mind I imagine.

Fran deserves all the heat he's getting, I am all about dishing it out. Disgusted...but, ya can't let it swing that far to the side imo

I TRULY hope you are right about next year.
My concerns:
1. Slow afoot
2 Bad defense (we all know that)
3. No point guard (we all know that)
4. No improvement. I imagine every
B1G team has us solidly in the
Win column.
5. Team seems lethargic and unfocused

6. If they don't improve, I think 0-18 is
at least possible. If we lose the next
three games, we'll be over a third of
the way there...

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