The email that almost got Dolphin fired

Climate change used to be global warming until they found out some places were getting colder. :cool:

The biggest mistake ever is having a politician be the face of climate change. They should have had the head of NASA come out with it. Now people believe or don't believe in it based on what party they're affiliated with. If Al Gore was a Republican, all Republicans would believe in it and Democrats wouldn't. It was a huge mistake that very well could cost our kids and grandkids. People should really do scientific research on it instead of listening to politicians to form their opinion.
I was just in Iowa City today. I was behind a car that had a bumper sticker that read "Islam is the way." I thought, "Yeah, the way to Hell." I pulled up next to the driver and it was a male Middle Eastern, probably early 20's.

I have no problem with other religions in this world, except Islam. To me, it's more of a cult than anything. Trying to mix Islam into western society is like mixing water and oil. Two years ago I saw a tv promo for the U Iowa and they had a muslim woman wearing a hijab on her head. Man, it made my blood boil. I'm just waiting for the day when we see "no go zones" in Iowa City.

Angela Merkel the President of Germany in an online interview last year said that by 2040 Germany will be an Islamic nation. The article also said that there are now more mosques in Germany than Christian churches. She didn't really seem to care either.

The death of a dying sports message board.
I was just in Iowa City today. I was behind a car that had a bumper sticker that read "Islam is the way." I thought, "Yeah, the way to Hell." I pulled up next to the driver and it was a male Middle Eastern, probably early 20's.

I have no problem with other religions in this world, except Islam. To me, it's more of a cult than anything. Trying to mix Islam into western society is like mixing water and oil. Two years ago I saw a tv promo for the U Iowa and they had a muslim woman wearing a hijab on her head. Man, it made my blood boil. I'm just waiting for the day when we see "no go zones" in Iowa City.

Angela Merkel the President of Germany in an online interview last year said that by 2040 Germany will be an Islamic nation. The article also said that there are now more mosques in Germany than Christian churches. She didn't really seem to care either.

Wow. How did you become so well informed and tolerant? Why would a women wearing a hijab make your blood boil? Because she has different beliefs? Does that make her evil or something? The problem I have is that because Islam has a radical faction, who have bastardized the message, everyone feels all Muslims share the same beliefs. They don't.
Climate change used to be global warming until they found out some places were getting colder. :cool:
Al Gore when he was running for president, after stepping off the airplane in Iowa..."I have never been so cold in my life." Then gave a speech on global warming. Tin-ear, moron
Wow. How did you become so well informed and tolerant? Why would a women wearing a hijab make your blood boil? Because she has different beliefs? Does that make her evil or something? The problem I have is that because Islam has a radical faction, who have bastardized the message, everyone feels all Muslims share the same beliefs. They don't.
Islam is a religion of revenge, Christianity is a religion of forgiveness. Just stop talking.
I was just in Iowa City today. I was behind a car that had a bumper sticker that read "Islam is the way." I thought, "Yeah, the way to Hell." I pulled up next to the driver and it was a male Middle Eastern, probably early 20's.

I have no problem with other religions in this world, except Islam. To me, it's more of a cult than anything. Trying to mix Islam into western society is like mixing water and oil. Two years ago I saw a tv promo for the U Iowa and they had a muslim woman wearing a hijab on her head. Man, it made my blood boil. I'm just waiting for the day when we see "no go zones" in Iowa City.

Angela Merkel the President of Germany in an online interview last year said that by 2040 Germany will be an Islamic nation. The article also said that there are now more mosques in Germany than Christian churches. She didn't really seem to care either.
Former Prime Minister of Britain stated, "We won't make any progress until we identify ISIS and others for what they are, evil, death cults."

President Hussein Obama, "The reason they cut the heads off of Americans and others is because they don't have good paying jobs." You can't invent idiot. Left wing Kool-Aid.

President Hussein Obama, "I will never betray my Muslim brothers." Yah, Hussein, we need you around for another 3-4 terms so they can retool and gain strength.

Angela Merkel's father was a Lutheran Pastor. She believes none of it.
Former Prime Minister of Britain stated, "We won't make any progress until we identify ISIS and others for what they are, evil, death cults."

President Hussein Obama, "The reason they cut the heads off of Americans and others is because they don't have good paying jobs." You can't invent idiot. Left wing Kool-Aid.

President Hussein Obama, "I will never betray my Muslim brothers." Yah, Hussein, we need you around for another 3-4 terms so they can retool and gain strength.

Angela Merkel's father was a Lutheran Pastor. She believes none of it.

Dude...get over it. Obama was a great President and he was black. Crazy huh.
Dude...get over it. Obama was a great President and he was black. Crazy huh.
Great at running up trillions of dollars of debt, what else? Selfies? Chain Smoking? Excuses? Enabling? Spying?

Gave a speech at a Medal of Honor ceremony and called the recipient over and over a "Corpse Man." Harvard? Just be quiet.
You can't group all Muslims as out for revenge. It's like I can't group all white men as mass murderers.
The religion has revenge as a foundation, not all are murders, but many are, biggest challenge is how quiet Islam is when they cut heads off of prisoners, enslave, etc. Accepted, praised, few if any protests. Cult.
If your belief system requires that you eliminate those with different beliefs...your belief system sucks.
The goal of Islam is worldwide domination, through violence, birth rates, deceit. Any multi-cultural, diversity infested, valueless country is at risk. Islam is embedded in the left, where they thrive, are tolerated and adored. They funnel millions to the left and vote en-masse as a block to those who "celebrate diversity." The left is a rich breeding ground. The press hides from these challenges and is lock-step to the left. Resistance is futile.
The goal of Islam is worldwide domination, through violence, birth rates, deceit. Any multi-cultural, diversity infested, valueless country is at risk. Islam is embedded in the left, where they thrive, are tolerated and adored. They funnel millions to the left and vote en-masse as a block to those who "celebrate diversity." The left is a rich breeding ground. The press hides from these challenges and is lock-step to the left. Resistance is futile.

It is little different than the USSR. It wasnt about ideology. It was about a ruling group dominating the masses for personal gain. Who became thw 1 percent their? So called commies.

Wht did the US overthrow a democratic Iran in the 50s? To benefit oil companies. Why did the maases harethe US? Not hard to figure. Why did the ruling class use Islamism? To keep the masses in check.

Why are the Saudies do brutal? Keeping down the masses. How do the Saudies stay in power historically. US support.

Goesvroundvand round and round. A mollion dead Iraqi s? Why? Oil co s. Why a war in Ukraine?
It is little different than the USSR. It wasnt about ideology. It was about a ruling group dominating the masses for personal gain. Who became thw 1 percent their? So called commies.

Wht did the US overthrow a democratic Iran in the 50s? To benefit oil companies. Why did the maases harethe US? Not hard to figure. Why did the ruling class use Islamism? To keep the masses in check.

Why are the Saudies do brutal? Keeping down the masses. How do the Saudies stay in power historically. US support.

Goesvroundvand round and round. A mollion dead Iraqi s? Why? Oil co s. Why a war in Ukraine?
I tried to read this twice.
Did we ever even take the oil in Iraq? Seems weird to start a war just so we can have their oil, win the war, and then not take the oil.
The goal of Islam is worldwide domination, through violence, birth rates, deceit. Any multi-cultural, diversity infested, valueless country is at risk. Islam is embedded in the left, where they thrive, are tolerated and adored. They funnel millions to the left and vote en-masse as a block to those who "celebrate diversity." The left is a rich breeding ground. The press hides from these challenges and is lock-step to the left. Resistance is futile.

Come on dude...there's no evidence of this kind of thing actually happening. #WesternEuropeToday ;)