The email that almost got Dolphin fired

Did we ever even take the oil in Iraq? Seems weird to start a war just so we can have their oil, win the war, and then not take the oil.

Think Europe and Russian oil. Follow the trail. Iraq to Europe. Syria in between. Wipe out dependence on Russian oil. Wipe out Russian oil, no Russia.

Ya think we all the sudden became concerned about human rights in Syria...

This attack was done by Saudis...almost all the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Your current President is trying to sell them arms right now...directly after the murder of an American citizen where they cut him up with a chain saw in their Embassy. The Saudis should be an arms length ally in the middle east...pun intended. Where is the outrage?
This attack was done by Saudis...almost all the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Your current President is trying to sell them arms right now...directly after the murder of an American citizen where they cut him up with a chain saw in their Embassy. The Saudis should be an arms length ally in the middle east...pun intended. Where is the outrage?
President Trump is your president.

That's how it works.
This attack was done by Saudis...almost all the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Your current President is trying to sell them arms right now...directly after the murder of an American citizen where they cut him up with a chain saw in their Embassy. The Saudis should be an arms length ally in the middle east...pun intended. Where is the outrage?

FDR worked with a man who murdered 20 million of his own people and another 10 million in nations he subsumed. But I agree that we shouldn't buddy up to the anyone in the middle east except Israel. That's the nation the people you vote for want to exterminate.
FDR worked with a man who murdered 20 million of his own people and another 10 million in nations he subsumed. But I agree that we shouldn't buddy up to the anyone in the middle east except Israel. That's the nation the people you vote for want to exterminate.
It is difficult to find "good guys" and "bad guys" in the Middle East, trust any of them at your own peril.

If we need their oil, we have learned to tolerate them. Not that complicated.

Bill and Hillary have long been in love with Saudis, not because they like them but because they feed the Arkie Couple $$$$$ Bill can act like a King, which he loves. Hillary can act like, well, I am not sure about that one.
This attack was done by Saudis...almost all the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Your current President is trying to sell them arms right now...directly after the murder of an American citizen where they cut him up with a chain saw in their Embassy. The Saudis should be an arms length ally in the middle east...pun intended. Where is the outrage?

you forgot an important detail. as soon as our President was inaugurated, there was a coup in SA that removed the Islamic faction that was governing SA at the time of 9/11. another important detail YOU did not mention is that the current SA government, though clearly not without fault, is using the weapons they are buying from the U.S. to help police the middle east AND, along with Israel, are working to keep the real evil government of Iran from supporting terrorist activities. you know, the same evil Iranian government that our previous president gave $150 billion with $1.5 billion in cash to. the same previous president handing the same evil Iranian government a map to securing nuclear weapons, in 10 years.

lastly, the jamal khashoggi was not an American citizen. you can look that up. He worked for the NYT or WAPO (can't remember which) but he was not an American citizen. jamal khashoggi WAS the nephew of Adnan Khashoggi. Who was Adnan Khasoggi? He was the worlds richest arms dealer. who did he work for? Saudi Arabia. That's right, he was an arms dealer for the same Saudi Arabian faction who wound up being involved/responsible for 9/11.

just a couple of items someone should include when discussing the topics you brought up.
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President Trump is your president.

That's how it works.

Agreed. He's our President. Unlike many on the right...I think he's a criminal. There should have been no contact with Russia...yet there were several. He shouldn't be saying "Russia, if you are listening, find Clinton's emails". Really.

To stand at a Podium in Helsinki and say what he said...believing Putin over our intelligence...well...that was it for me and OUR President. He's dirty. And before you go into the droning of illegal investigations...well...remember...there were 5 Benghazi investigations, 4 years of Ken Starr and all he found out was that a man was willing to lie about cheating on his wife. Really a great use of money and investigation. The Republicans have no ground to stand on with the congressional investigations. The real issue is that Trumps done if they get his tax returns...and likely for other investigations. The only reason he's not under indictment now is because he's president.

It is difficult to find "good guys" and "bad guys" in the Middle East, trust any of them at your own peril.

If we need their oil, we have learned to tolerate them. Not that complicated.

Bill and Hillary have long been in love with Saudis, not because they like them but because they feed the Arkie Couple $$$$$ Bill can act like a King, which he loves. Hillary can act like, well, I am not sure about that one.

Ahhh...yes...the Bill and Hillary Clinton defense strategy. Throws red meat to the right wing morons so they lose focus on the issue at hand...well done!
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you forgot an important detail. as soon as our President was inaugurated, there was a coup in SA that removed the Islamic faction that was governing SA at the time of 9/11. another important detail YOU did not mention is that the current SA government, though clearly not without fault, is using the weapons they are buying from the U.S. to help police the middle east AND, along with Israel, are working to keep the real evil government of Iran from supporting terrorist activities. you know, the same evil Iranian government that our previous president gave $150 billion with $1.5 billion in cash to. the same previous president handing the same evil Iranian government a map to securing nuclear weapons, in 10 years.

lastly, the jamal khashoggi was not an American citizen. you can look that up. He worked for the NYT or WAPO (can't remember which) but he was not an American citizen. jamal khashoggi WAS the nephew of Adnan Khashoggi. Who was Adnan Khasoggi? He was the worlds richest arms dealer. who did he work for? Saudi Arabia. That's right, he was an arms dealer for the same Saudi Arabian faction who wound up being involved/responsible for 9/11.

just a couple of items someone should include when discussing the topics you brought up.

Really. To quote Roger Daltrey, "meet the new boss, same as the old boss". Yes...oh...yes this was a huge step up, this change in government. They plan a murder in their own embassy and have some dude walking around in his clothes after. These are some of the brightest minds out there. "Gee, Mr. Bin Salman I don't think his girlfriend waiting in the car will notice."

Policing the middle east my ass. They are carrying out their revenge killings just like the rest of them. They forget nothing. The US arms are being used to kill civilians in Yemen to be clear and anything else. Why do you think the US Congress is withdrawing support for the Saudis in Yemen and stopping Trump's arms sales?. They are ruthless barbarians.

The truth is that he had applied for permanent residency status, and three of his children were US citizens, but he wasn't yet a full citizen...but he was a legal resident of the US. He was killed because he told the truth about the regime and the backassward culture in Saudi Arabia and how the hard liners are gaining ground.

Here's a question...the US intelligence community is responsible and obligated for warning a resident of the US if there is intelligence about a plot to have them kidnapped or killed. Why wasn't Khashoggi warned? They had the intelligence that Bin Salman wanted him killed.
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Agreed. He's our President. Unlike many on the right...I think he's a criminal. There should have been no contact with Russia...yet there were several. He shouldn't be saying "Russia, if you are listening, find Clinton's emails". Really.

To stand at a Podium in Helsinki and say what he said...believing Putin over our intelligence...well...that was it for me and OUR President. He's dirty. And before you go into the droning of illegal investigations...well...remember...there were 5 Benghazi investigations, 4 years of Ken Starr and all he found out was that a man was willing to lie about cheating on his wife. Really a great use of money and investigation. The Republicans have no ground to stand on with the congressional investigations. The real issue is that Trumps done if they get his tax returns...and likely for other investigations. The only reason he's not under indictment now is because he's president.

Ahhh...yes...the Bill and Hillary Clinton defense strategy. Throws red meat to the right wing morons so they lose focus on the issue at hand...well done!
Agreed. He's our President. Unlike many on the right...I think he's a criminal. There should have been no contact with Russia...yet there were several. He shouldn't be saying "Russia, if you are listening, find Clinton's emails". Really.

To stand at a Podium in Helsinki and say what he said...believing Putin over our intelligence...well...that was it for me and OUR President. He's dirty. And before you go into the droning of illegal investigations...well...remember...there were 5 Benghazi investigations, 4 years of Ken Starr and all he found out was that a man was willing to lie about cheating on his wife. Really a great use of money and investigation. The Republicans have no ground to stand on with the congressional investigations. The real issue is that Trumps done if they get his tax returns...and likely for other investigations. The only reason he's not under indictment now is because he's president.

Ahhh...yes...the Bill and Hillary Clinton defense strategy. Throws red meat to the right wing morons so they lose focus on the issue at hand...well done!

* Uranium One. Go look it up. Trump might have told a joke about Putin/Hillary's emails, but Hillary, Mueller (then FBI director who literally traveled to Russia with a sample of our uranium to present to Putin/Russia for analysis), Eric Holder and the rest of the CFIUS members actually SOLD 20% OF OUR URANIUM TO RUSSIA.
* You mention tax returns. Do you realize that every President has his taxes reviewed by the IRS, by law, to determine if there are any illegalities? Do you realize that there is NO LAW that requires a Presidential candidate or President to disclose their tax returns? But, let's put all that aside for a moment. If you feel the need to have Trump's taxes because he is President, then I would imagine you feel the same for VP Mike Pence, right? So, then, anyone who is in the line of succession should submit their tax returns for public view, right? So, let's get Nancy Pelosi's returns. Then we can see how a career politician can be worth $140 million. I am sure you agree with that, right?
* Ken Starr actually identified crimes committed by President Clinton and referred them to Congress. Mueller literally found NO CRIMES (collusion or obstruction) by Trump, his campaign or his family or satellites.
* Benghazi. While Congress may not have found "illegalities" I hope you are not morally defending Hillary, Obama, Leon Paneta and the rest of Obama's administration for regime change that caused the murders of 4 American citizens AND that Obama's administration failed to even attempt to save their lives in anything remotely a timely fashion. Actually, let me modify that. Congress did find illegalities. The Benghazi investigations is how we all learned that Hillary was using an illegal server or servers to avoid FOIA laws. And guess what? The Obama and his White House and his Administration knew all about it because they emailed Clinton that used her illegal servers.
* Uranium One. Go look it up. Trump might have told a joke about Putin/Hillary's emails, but Hillary, Mueller (then FBI director who literally traveled to Russia with a sample of our uranium to present to Putin/Russia for analysis), Eric Holder and the rest of the CFIUS members actually SOLD 20% OF OUR URANIUM TO RUSSIA.
* You mention tax returns. Do you realize that every President has his taxes reviewed by the IRS, by law, to determine if there are any illegalities? Do you realize that there is NO LAW that requires a Presidential candidate or President to disclose their tax returns? But, let's put all that aside for a moment. If you feel the need to have Trump's taxes because he is President, then I would imagine you feel the same for VP Mike Pence, right? So, then, anyone who is in the line of succession should submit their tax returns for public view, right? So, let's get Nancy Pelosi's returns. Then we can see how a career politician can be worth $140 million. I am sure you agree with that, right?
* Ken Starr actually identified crimes committed by President Clinton and referred them to Congress. Mueller literally found NO CRIMES (collusion or obstruction) by Trump, his campaign or his family or satellites.
* Benghazi. While Congress may not have found "illegalities" I hope you are not morally defending Hillary, Obama, Leon Paneta and the rest of Obama's administration for regime change that caused the murders of 4 American citizens AND that Obama's administration failed to even attempt to save their lives in anything remotely a timely fashion. Actually, let me modify that. Congress did find illegalities. The Benghazi investigations is how we all learned that Hillary was using an illegal server or servers to avoid FOIA laws. And guess what? The Obama and his White House and his Administration knew all about it because they emailed Clinton that used her illegal servers.

Hannity is that you? God...all Fox News talking points. Uranium One...LOL. only had to go through three different committees to get approval and Clinton wasn't directly involved. Do your homework dude. You realize Jeff Sessions appointed a prosecutor to look into this 2017...guess what his conclusions were. NOTHING. If you don't think Trump would have been on his soap box right away if they found any dirt. God...he would have been or would be more obnoxious than usual.

In November 2017, Shepard Smith of Fox News described President Trump's accusations against Clinton regarding Uranium One "inaccurate in a number of ways." Smith said that the sale of Uranium One was "not a Hillary Clinton approval" but instead a unanimous decision by the nine cabinet-level department heads of CFIUS, approved by the president and with permits issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Smith added that "most of the Clinton Foundation donations" came from Frank Giustra, who "sold his stake in the company" three years before it was sold to Russia. Lastly, Smith noted that "none of the uranium was exported for use by the U.S. to Russia."[50][51][52]

I would support getting Pelosi's tax returns absolutely. I think all politicians should have to disclose them.

Are you kidding me? Mueller found no crimes? Let's get it straight, there was obvious collusion with the Russians by the Trump Campaign. Manafort sharing polling data with the Russians, meeting in Trump Tower, meetings with Kislyak that were disclosed...Trumps own pleas for them to find Clinton's emails. All collusion. Collusion is not a crime. What Mueller couldn't do is find conspiracy...that's a crime. However, he didn't charge Trump with a crime because you can't indict a sitting president. There were crimes. Did you not see his press conference. He referred 10 obstruction of justice counts to congress. The White House actions right now...coercing witnesses to not provide information and not complying with subpoenas is also obstruction of an investigation. The House has do you think the Republicans got 5 Benghazi investigations.

Mistakes were made on so many levels in regard to Benghazi. To blame Clinton solely is ridiculous...she's ultimately responsible as it's the state department, but several departments failed to take the appropriate response to that terrible situation. Let's talk about her emails for a second. You know Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner use personal cell phones right...and the President has one? Where is the outrage? It's the same security and privacy breach...yet no one is jumping up and down. Why?
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The stupid part about this whole argument is everyone "does their homework". They just believe what they want based on which side they're on. Maybe you're both write. Maybe you're both wrong. One thing's for sure, neither one of you know.
* Uranium One. Go look it up. Trump might have told a joke about Putin/Hillary's emails, but Hillary, Mueller (then FBI director who literally traveled to Russia with a sample of our uranium to present to Putin/Russia for analysis), Eric Holder and the rest of the CFIUS members actually SOLD 20% OF OUR URANIUM TO RUSSIA.
* You mention tax returns. Do you realize that every President has his taxes reviewed by the IRS, by law, to determine if there are any illegalities? Do you realize that there is NO LAW that requires a Presidential candidate or President to disclose their tax returns? But, let's put all that aside for a moment. If you feel the need to have Trump's taxes because he is President, then I would imagine you feel the same for VP Mike Pence, right? So, then, anyone who is in the line of succession should submit their tax returns for public view, right? So, let's get Nancy Pelosi's returns. Then we can see how a career politician can be worth $140 million. I am sure you agree with that, right?
* Ken Starr actually identified crimes committed by President Clinton and referred them to Congress. Mueller literally found NO CRIMES (collusion or obstruction) by Trump, his campaign or his family or satellites.
* Benghazi. While Congress may not have found "illegalities" I hope you are not morally defending Hillary, Obama, Leon Paneta and the rest of Obama's administration for regime change that caused the murders of 4 American citizens AND that Obama's administration failed to even attempt to save their lives in anything remotely a timely fashion. Actually, let me modify that. Congress did find illegalities. The Benghazi investigations is how we all learned that Hillary was using an illegal server or servers to avoid FOIA laws. And guess what? The Obama and his White House and his Administration knew all about it because they emailed Clinton that used her illegal servers.

Congrats, Arvada! You provided misleading bias on each and every one of your examples.
Hannity is that you? God...all Fox News talking points. Uranium One...LOL. only had to go through three different committees to get approval and Clinton wasn't directly involved. Do your homework dude. You realize Jeff Sessions appointed a prosecutor to look into this 2017...guess what his conclusions were. NOTHING. If you don't think Trump would have been on his soap box right away if they found any dirt. God...he would have been or would be more obnoxious than usual.

In November 2017, Shepard Smith of Fox News described President Trump's accusations against Clinton regarding Uranium One "inaccurate in a number of ways." Smith said that the sale of Uranium One was "not a Hillary Clinton approval" but instead a unanimous decision by the nine cabinet-level department heads of CFIUS, approved by the president and with permits issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Smith added that "most of the Clinton Foundation donations" came from Frank Giustra, who "sold his stake in the company" three years before it was sold to Russia. Lastly, Smith noted that "none of the uranium was exported for use by the U.S. to Russia."[50][51][52]

I would support getting Pelosi's tax returns absolutely. I think all politicians should have to disclose them.

Are you kidding me? Mueller found no crimes? Let's get it straight, there was obvious collusion with the Russians by the Trump Campaign. Manafort sharing polling data with the Russians, meeting in Trump Tower, meetings with Kislyak that were disclosed...Trumps own pleas for them to find Clinton's emails. All collusion. Collusion is not a crime. What Mueller couldn't do is find conspiracy...that's a crime. However, he didn't charge Trump with a crime because you can't indict a sitting president. There were crimes. Did you not see his press conference. He referred 10 obstruction of justice counts to congress. The White House actions right now...coercing witnesses to not provide information and not complying with subpoenas is also obstruction of an investigation. The House has do you think the Republicans got 5 Benghazi investigations.

Mistakes were made on so many levels in regard to Benghazi. To blame Clinton solely is ridiculous...she's ultimately responsible as it's the state department, but several departments failed to take the appropriate response to that terrible situation. Let's talk about her emails for a second. You know Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner use personal cell phones right...and the President has one? Where is the outrage? It's the same security and privacy breach...yet no one is jumping up and down. Why?
Are you Rachel Maddow?