The email that almost got Dolphin fired

I drink frinkin hate how politics work. That's why I voted for Trump. Even if he's a bafoon personally, it's better than the crap we've had my whole life.

I think every sane person can extrapolate plenty of baffoonery from Trump. The man is a walking GIF. None of that should reflect on the actual policies the man is setting. I personally don't like some of the social or immigration policies, but I'm digging the economic policies. I'm even cool with the trade wars. Sacrifice now for a better tomorrow. Problem is Americans are all hypocrites. We want all of our luxuries while sacrificing nothing. We want the whole world to be better but only if we don't have to actually lose anything.
On a side not. It's crazy how different our country looks today than it would have if slaves would have never been brought over. I wonder what the black population would be today without slaves? I wonder what professional sports would look like? What poverty numbers would look like? What racism would look like? Would black people have hatred for whites at all? Would we even have a PC crowd? A lot would be different, that's for sure.

Do wear a helmet at all times? I'm just trying to understand the above rant. It's ok if you do, a lot of people bump into things and hit their heads. We should get high some time together, and try to find these answers you seek.
Do wear a helmet at all times? I'm just trying to understand the above rant. It's ok if you do, a lot of people bump into things and hit their heads. We should get high some time together, and try to find these answers you seek.

Well first of all, it's not a rant. It's a list of questions. Thinking about things like that don't fascinate you at all? Clearly our country is different than it would have been if slavery never existed. I was just thinking about how it's different.
I think every sane person can extrapolate plenty of baffoonery from Trump. The man is a walking GIF. None of that should reflect on the actual policies the man is setting. I personally don't like some of the social or immigration policies, but I'm digging the economic policies. I'm even cool with the trade wars. Sacrifice now for a better tomorrow. Problem is Americans are all hypocrites. We want all of our luxuries while sacrificing nothing. We want the whole world to be better but only if we don't have to actually lose anything.

I decent percentage of the population has become over the top PC. They care more about political correctness than they do about anything else. All of those people are going to hate Trump no matter what he accomplishes because he's about as un-PC as they get. That group screams the loudest too so they give the impression that most people are anti-Trump. (The president, not the man)
I decent percentage of the population has become over the top PC. They care more about political correctness than they do about anything else. All of those people are going to hate Trump no matter what he accomplishes because he's about as un-PC as they get. That group screams the loudest too so they give the impression that most people are anti-Trump. (The president, not the man)

How many Trump confidants have to go to prison to get you to change your mind about it all being about PC? Just curious. Cohen, Flynn, Gates, Manafort...nothing to see here it's all about political correctness. How do you explain the lack of transparency regarding his business ties and tax returns? Seems to me, if you are on the share the information...but they are all dirty with tax evasion...and you think Trump is different somehow. Laughable.
Just curious...what did people with no insurance through their company and with pre-existing conditions use before? I'll wait?
I am not in the insurance business.

However my view is this, how can we get Americans to take ownership of their health and lives, rather than giving them free crap?

My wife is a health care provider, 1/3 of the "free insurance" crowd doesn't show up for their appointments, nor do they call. Why should they? It is free.

And many know how to rig the system by working for cash, thus, remaining poor. Bernie doesn't talk about that type of rigging does he?

But to answer your question as a non-expert, people without insurance were/are often treated pro bono, and the hospitals, etc. absorbed those costs by raising insurance rates on those who had it or paid for it.

Others, unfortunately, become bankrupt...especially those who have a bit of net worth, but not enough to pay for it and not poor enough, to get free things.

How many Trump confidants have to go to prison to get you to change your mind about it all being about PC? Just curious. Cohen, Flynn, Gates, Manafort...nothing to see here it's all about political correctness. How do you explain the lack of transparency regarding his business ties and tax returns? Seems to me, if you are on the share the information...but they are all dirty with tax evasion...and you think Trump is different somehow. Laughable.

If I would have to guess, I would say the amount of people who own a business and would want their tax records to be public for the whole world to see would be right around zero.
All I have is holy shit...I don't even know where to begin. Lovely post Steve...hopefully the 20s to the 50s generation comes back around again...MAGA. Brown people are the problem and they cause all sorts of issues don't they.

It's breathtaking that this is your take on my comments.

There's racism and white privilege I do admit, it's just hard to recognize because people who think like you-part of the grievance industry- make everything out to be about racism and privilege when it perhaps really isn't. It's hard to have a discussion with your side because of these kind of extremist views. You do know we're not in Jim Crow times any more right?
If I would have to guess, I would say the amount of people who own a business and would want their tax records to be public for the whole world to see would be right around zero.

Exactly...then don't run for President where every candidate since the 70s has done it and it's a major issue to ensure the President doesn't make decisions based on where his money comes from or to benefit policies where he makes money.
It's breathtaking that this is your take on my comments.

There's racism and white privilege I do admit, it's just hard to recognize because people who think like you-part of the grievance industry- make everything out to be about racism and privilege when it perhaps really isn't. It's hard to have a discussion with your side because of these kind of extremist views. You do know we're not in Jim Crow times any more right?

Only in white Iowa do they not see a potential issue with the current roster make up. I'll bet you Barta and Fran have discussed it. Care to wager?

Disclaimer: I do not think Fran McCaffery is a racist, I do not think his program discriminates against people of color.
I think every sane person can extrapolate plenty of baffoonery from Trump. The man is a walking GIF. None of that should reflect on the actual policies the man is setting. I personally don't like some of the social or immigration policies, but I'm digging the economic policies. I'm even cool with the trade wars. Sacrifice now for a better tomorrow. Problem is Americans are all hypocrites. We want all of our luxuries while sacrificing nothing. We want the whole world to be better but only if we don't have to actually lose anything.
Flying into DC on 300 private Lear Jets to discuss global warming with Hussein Obama.
Exactly...then don't run for President where every candidate since the 70s has done it and it's a major issue to ensure the President doesn't make decisions based on where his money comes from or to benefit policies where he makes money.
Correct, we only need presidents who have sucked money from the public coffer for their life, educated to be attorneys, and who love looking in the mirror and lament when their "term" to be King of Queen is "limited" to only 8 years, such a waste.
Only in white Iowa do they not see a potential issue with the current roster make up. I'll bet you Barta and Fran have discussed it. Care to wager?

Disclaimer: I do not think Fran McCaffery is a racist, I do not think his program discriminates against people of color.
Where I grew up it is now 50% Hispanic +/-
It's breathtaking that this is your take on my comments.

There's racism and white privilege I do admit, it's just hard to recognize because people who think like you-part of the grievance industry- make everything out to be about racism and privilege when it perhaps really isn't. It's hard to have a discussion with your side because of these kind of extremist views. You do know we're not in Jim Crow times any more right?

Breathtaking is a pretty accurate word. Whenever you find yourself on the extreme end of an arguement, you should probably reevaluate. When you don't ever give a single inch in a debate, you should probably reevaluate.
Exactly...then don't run for President where every candidate since the 70s has done it and it's a major issue to ensure the President doesn't make decisions based on where his money comes from or to benefit policies where he makes money.

The idea is that our country in headed towards financial ruin so we need a guy to fix it. A guy who would want to hide his taxes from the public is the best bet to do it. And I hate to break this to you, but every decision a politician makes has an agenda of benefiting him.
Only in white Iowa do they not see a potential issue with the current roster make up. I'll bet you Barta and Fran have discussed it. Care to wager?

Disclaimer: I do not think Fran McCaffery is a racist, I do not think his program discriminates against people of color.
What do you think the issue is if you dont think Fran is racist or the program discriminates? Those are literally the only two issues that matter. I have a personal issue with it because black players are generally more athletic and more fun to watch. But that has no relevance to the topic of race we are discussing here. Is that all you're saying here is that it's a bummer we don't have more black dudes to watch? If so, we agree on something.
Where I grew up it is now 50% Hispanic +/-
The Muslim population has doubled in Iowa City over the past 10 years. The Pheasant Ridge apartments by West High is pretty much an Islamic community now. A radio station and local paper have also reported that the Muslims in IC have gone to the IC School Board and want Islam to be adopted into the IC School System! As a red blooded American, I have a serious problem with that!
What do you think the issue is if you dont think Fran is racist or the program discriminates? Those are literally the only two issues that matter. I have a personal issue with it because black players are generally more athletic and more fun to watch. But that has no relevance to the topic of race we are discussing here. Is that all you're saying here is that it's a bummer we don't have more black dudes to watch? If so, we agree on something.
