Sally Mason is CEO

You're getting confused Dean. I'm the box guy, and I have no love for Sally, or the other enlightened, elitist, intelligentsia. Nor alumni who are an embarrassment, and have never given anything back either monetary or otherwise. All net takers I guess. If this doesn't apply to you, than ignore please.

I'm just on here about firing people. For whatever reason that makes me feel better this evening since I'm back in cold weather for a bit before I leave again.

Please confine your arguments and insults to the proper person(s) in this thread (and in your head).

Back to firing people. I'd like to fire the guy at the gas station that I couldn't understand earlier. Also the lady at the grocery store express lane who didn't have enough guts to tell the guy with excessive items to leave the express check out. Some other people I'd like to fire as well, but I can only fire my employees. More than money, I'd like one day where I could just fire people randomly. Just for a day though.
Sporky, please dont agree to that poll big fella......
Id really miss yur sweet threads like that juan about those silvferfish bugs....: that was pretty monumental

I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.

I hate silverfish bugs...scary bastards.
And Kentucky Fred Chicken. Never a good day for that either.

With respect to Sally Mason, if she is the reason the drunken pig doesn't sit next to me at games explaining about how Iowa pulls guards all game long, than I think she did a good job about the entire game day drunken Kinnick experience, which was wrecked for me starting about 2010 anyway.
You're getting confused Dean. I'm the box guy, and I have no love for Sally, or the other enlightened, elitist, intelligentsia. Nor alumni who are an embarrassment, and have never given anything back either monetary or otherwise. All net takers I guess. If this doesn't apply to you, than ignore please.

I'm just on here about firing people. For whatever reason that makes me feel better this evening since I'm back in cold weather for a bit before I leave again.

Please confine your arguments and insults to the proper person(s) in this thread (and in your head).

Back to firing people. I'd like to fire the guy at the gas station that I couldn't understand earlier. Also the lady at the grocery store express lane who didn't have enough guts to tell the guy with excessive items to leave the express check out. Some other people I'd like to fire as well, but I can only fire my employees. More than money, I'd like one day where I could just fire people randomly. Just for a day though.

The only thing I'm confused about is the Mason lovefest. I mean posters who rip the coaches, players, heck even high school recruits are outraged that I might want to hold the President to account for the athletic department? I never knew they cared so much about my opinion on Sally.....but I guess when I live rent free in their heads, they care about everything that I post.
And Kentucky Fred Chicken. Never a good day for that either.

With respect to Sally Mason, if she is the reason the drunken pig doesn't sit next to me at games explaining about how Iowa pulls guards all game long, than I think she did a good job about the entire game day drunken Kinnick experience, which was wrecked for me starting about 2010 anyway.

When did you start sitting with the Proles?
Where did I ever say any of this? I never said she had no rooting interest in Iowa sports. I never hung Coker on her. I have simply said that the targeted campaign to destroy the game day atmosphere at and around Kinnick was incredibly stupid. Maybe some of your who never venture to Kinnick wouldn't understand....but those of us who have spent every game day Saturday at and around Kinnick for the last decade do understand what Sally Mason's decision resulted in. It was simply a short sighted bureaucratic ignorant thing to do.....and is a fireable offense in my opinion.

So now I can see what this is all about. Sally Mason and the ICPD have upset you by making it harder for you to be a drunk ignorant hick. That makes sense because you went to UNI.

Click on the link and get yourself some help. Now that I know your addiction I can't help but feel even more sorry for you. Hopefully you don't have a wife and kids to beat.
Where did I ever say any of this? I never said she had no rooting interest in Iowa sports. I never hung Coker on her. I have simply said that the targeted campaign to destroy the game day atmosphere at and around Kinnick was incredibly stupid. Maybe some of your who never venture to Kinnick wouldn't understand....but those of us who have spent every game day Saturday at and around Kinnick for the last decade do understand what Sally Mason's decision resulted in. It was simply a short sighted bureaucratic ignorant thing to do.....and is a fireable offense in my opinion.

Oh, boo-hoo. Cry me a river, deano. So sorry that city and university officials have ruined your tailgating and made it harder for you or others to get drunk in the vicinity of Kinnick before you wander into the game. But do you think it's remotely possible that Mason and others were under a good deal of pressure to address the public drunkenness and related problems (public urination, vomiting, litter, vandalism, fighting, etc.) on game days in Iowa City? Do you think there might have been threats to withhold funds or to take other punitive steps if the university and the city didn't get a handle on things?

I'm sure there are some who had no problem with what was going on -- Amsterdam of Middle America if you will. But the public intoxication in the vicinity of the stadium and other facilities was getting out of hand. It posed a threat to public and personal safety and damaged private and university property. Mason and others were encouraged to act, and did.

Too bad that is impinging on your Kinnick experience.
And Kentucky Fred Chicken. Never a good day for that either.

With respect to Sally Mason, if she is the reason the drunken pig doesn't sit next to me at games explaining about how Iowa pulls guards all game long, than I think she did a good job about the entire game day drunken Kinnick experience, which was wrecked for me starting about 2010 anyway.
Fred chicken isnt bad
So now I can see what this is all about. Sally Mason and the ICPD have upset you by making it harder for you to be a drunk ignorant hick. That makes sense because you went to UNI.

Click on the link and get yourself some help. Now that I know your addiction I can't help but feel even more sorry for you. Hopefully you don't have a wife and kids to beat.

I don't need to drink when I can have fun being all up in your head. Did you take a break from downvoting my posts? If you think you can get under my skin you are wrong, but I'm flattered that you wastelanders are trying.
The only thing I'm confused about is the Mason lovefest. I mean posters who rip the coaches, players, heck even high school recruits are outraged that I might want to hold the President to account for the athletic department? I never knew they cared so much about my opinion on Sally.....but I guess when I live rent free in their heads, they care about everything that I post.

Just curious, dean -- have you ever met Sally Mason?
I don't need to drink when I can have fun being all up in your head. Did you take a break from downvoting my posts? If you think you can get under my skin you are wrong, but I'm flattered that you wastelanders are trying.

You poor little guy. I only downvoted your posts enough to see if it would bother you, and it did because now you've brought or up twice. It's ok though, you keep tellinf yourself it doesn't bother you.

I'm not sure why you keep saying you're all up in my head. You keep lobbing up shots and they keep falling short. I'm going to have to start calling you Rudock or dilldo, named after your intellectual twin.
You poor little guy. I only downvoted your posts enough to see if it would bother you, and it did because now you've brought or up twice. It's ok though, you keep tellinf yourself it doesn't bother you.

I'm not sure why you keep saying you're all up in my head. You keep lobbing up shots and they keep falling short. I'm going to have to start calling you Rudock or dilldo, named after your intellectual twin.

HAHA...the only person you are fooling is yourself. Keep telling yourself that you would waste your time to go back and downvote someones post cause they AREN'T all up in your dome......OK4P sayz hi as well, but you knew that cause he is up there as well.

As far as taking shots at you, I don't need to....just me posting seems to pizzz you off enough to keep me entertained.
HAHA...the only person you are fooling is yourself. Keep telling yourself that you would waste your time to go back and downvote someones post cause they AREN'T all up in your dome......OK4P sayz hi as well, but you knew that cause he is up there as well.

As far as taking shots at you, I don't need to....just me posting seems to pizzz you off enough to keep me entertained.

Ok4p and I get along just fine. Don't act like you two get along though, I know what he really thinks of you.

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