Sally Mason is CEO

I know you started this just to troll me, but pull your head out of your azz Tweeter. This isn't about getting drunk, but that is all you got, cause you don't even know what Kinnick is like any just "read" about it. I drive down every morning on game day, and I stay sober cause I drove home after every game. I have no interest in seeing more drunks around Kinnick on game day. This isn't about "getting hammered". It's about the University offering a fun and inviting environment for it's paying customers. You don't just tell your SUPPORTERS who are actually paying thousands of $$$$ a year to just show up, shut up, and GTFO when the game is done.

The problem is the university has driven away far too many of the good people with it's go f yourself attitude. The give me your check, now GTFO policies. Maybe you would understand this if you had actually set foot in Kinnick over the last 10 years. Instead you sit in your ivory tower (Ivory tower = couch in your case) with Sally, and try to explain to others what is and isn't good for them. Man I think you have been hanging with those libs too long in da Wasteland, and you are starting to think like you'll tell me Sally Mason should be dictator and supreme commander so those mean BOR types don't spoil her master plans......cause lack of oversight has never led to anything bad at all....

Go back to Da Wasteland and ask OK4P how welcoming the athletic dept. and the university are......maybe he can splan it to ya.

Who's trolling who? Your comments have been so ludicrous, so ill-informed, so frankly stupid, it's difficult at times to think you actually believe them. And yet I know you do. Because Sally Mason took a few unpopular steps -- under some pressure -- to make the game day experience safer for students, fans, public safety and stadium personnel, because she is trying to make a trip to Kinnick Stadium more friendly for families and visitors, you want her fired? Just because it impacted YOUR tailgating?

Sorry, bud, not interested. If you so dislike coming to Iowa City now on football Saturdays, why don't you instead get a couple season tickets to games at your alma mater? UNI plays respectable football. You can sit out in teh parking lot, wear your purple and gold, yell a few "Go Panthers!" and drink to your heart's, and your liver's, content.

Instead of filling eight pages of a message board thread with your inane comments, next time call a whaaaambulance.
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Who's trolling who? Your comments have been so ludicrous, so ill-informed, so frankly stupid, it's difficult at times to think you actually believe them. And yet I know you do. Because Sally Mason took a few unpopular steps -- under some pressure -- to make the game day experience safer for students, fans, public safety and stadium personnel, because she is trying to make a trip to Kinnick Stadium more friendly for families and visitors, you want her fired? Just because it impacted YOUR tailgating?

Sorry, bud, not interested. Instead of filling eight pages of a message board thread with your inane comments, next time call a whaaaambulance.

At least I have at least been to Kinnick in the last decade, so excuse me if I say that you don't have a freaking clue. The issues of the tickets really don't bother me, I don't care that roughly 30 or so extra 60 year olds got a ticket for open container. They should have been smarter and left his freaking beer unopened. My issue is with the combative and uninviting stances that the administration and athletic department take against their own consumers (the fans).

Sally Mason's solution to an issue was just completely unimaginative (Derp, "crack down"). The give us your money and GTFO attitude comes from an administration and athletic department that just doesn't understand how you create and keep loyal customers. The administrator at top had no vision, nor any idea on how to accomplish what should have been the real goal, which is to create a family atmosphere and capturing more customers (fans). To think that you create a better experience for 70,000 fans (the 99.9%), by issuing 30-40 extra tickets (the .1% bad actors) is an epic fail. All you do is QUIETLY go about having the police issue more citations, and you PUBLICLY promote new family friendly activities to do at Kinnick on game day, and you promote the heck out of the ones currently in place for all to enjoy.

Sally may be the best person on the planet. You have a point that she shouldn't spend a ton of her time on football. Yet all that means is she need to shut up an get out of the way. Hire someone to do this (Barta) and let him do it. Don't come out and be so freaking combative with your fan base, and tell them how you are gonna "crack down" on their azzez. If that is her solution, Barta needed to tell her to STFU, and to let him do his job and handle it.

Even stricter tailgating restrictions enforced by the University of Iowa Police Department, an effort to decrease open containers on public property, did not stop diehard Hawkeye fans from enjoying a Bud Light while playing a game of bags before a football game at Kinnick Stadium this fall.The Daily Iowan reported police gave out 146 citations on the first game day of the season, up from 46 citations the previous year. This prompted tons of complaints to University of Iowa and UI Police administration from alumni and other football fans who said they believed the new tailgating atmosphere was uninviting.

The downtick in student citations and arrests reflects a larger trend at Kinnick Stadium. From 2010-2012 police charged an average of 562 people per season, an average of roughly 80 charges per game. The current 2013 average is about 32 per game.
Dean, word of advice, pal. When you find yourself in a deep hole, stop digging.

What hole? You think Sally Mason did a "good job" of changing the game day experience at Kinnick, and made Kinnick safer? Please present your evidence, I'd like to hear it.
What hole? You think Sally Mason did a "good job" of changing the game day experience at Kinnick, and made Kinnick safer? Please present your evidence, I'd like to hear it.

You can tailgate at UNI!

Your alma mater wants to sell out all home games and fill those vast expanses of concrete surrounding the UNI-Dome. They even say so. Looks like a sweet deal, Dean.
You can tailgate at UNI!

Your alma mater wants to sell out all home games and fill those vast expanses of concrete surrounding the UNI-Dome. They even say so. Looks like a sweet deal, Dean.

Ahhhh, the admission of defeat. I love it.

To answer the question for you. The game day is no safer than it was in 2009 (it wasn't unsafe then), and the game day is no more family friendly (as they have driven away many fans).

I think it should be fairly self evident that any company or entity that is trying to sell a product that marketing 101 tells you that you don't tell the consumer that you are "cracking down" on them. What you do is offer them more reasons to come experience your product. Kinnick has sooooooo much going for it, but maybe you don't realize that as you haven't been there in a decade. Sell all the positives about game day on Kinnick, as that is what 99.9% of fans experience. Create even more family friendly events, slash ticket prices for students, and create future paying customers (not freeloaders like you).

The funny thing is you think you are running circles around me, yet you can't site one example how Sally Mason succeeded in making Kinnick safer, or the game day better with her policies from '10-'12. You and Sparky really need to do a better job of keeping up. I think surrounding yourself with "yes men" on da Wasteland has made you guys weak.
I don't tailgate myself, but when I'm walking thru the lots on gameday it appears everyone is having a good time. Things don't seem any different now than they were 10 years ago.
Ahhhh, the admission of defeat. I love it.

To answer the question for you. The game day is no safer than it was in 2009 (it wasn't unsafe then), and the game day is no more family friendly (as they have driven away many fans).

I think it should be fairly self evident that any company or entity that is trying to sell a product that marketing 101 tells you that you don't tell the consumer that you are "cracking down" on them. What you do is offer them more reasons to come experience your product. Kinnick has sooooooo much going for it, but maybe you don't realize that as you haven't been there in a decade. Sell all the positives about game day on Kinnick, as that is what 99.9% of fans experience. Create even more family friendly events, slash ticket prices for students, and create future paying customers (not freeloaders like you).

The funny thing is you think you are running circles around me, yet you can't site one example how Sally Mason succeeded in making Kinnick safer, or the game day better with her policies from '10-'12. You and Sparky really need to do a better job of keeping up. I think surrounding yourself with "yes men" on da Wasteland has made you guys weak.

"In 2010, officials at the University of Iowa launched the “Think Before You Drinkâ€￾ campaign, which saw huge spikes in a number of offenses. During the 2010 season opening game at Kinnick Stadium, police charged 119 people with possessing an open container. Between 2011 and 2013 they charged another 180 people with possessing an open container during season opening games. On Saturday. not a single person was cited for having an open container."

There is your "one example". It took me approximately 2 seconds to find this. I would think even someone with your below average intelligence would do some research before proving your oppositions point for them. Come on kid, maybe it's the education you got at UNI.

"In 2010, officials at the University of Iowa launched the “Think Before You Drinkâ€￾ campaign, which saw huge spikes in a number of offenses. During the 2010 season opening game at Kinnick Stadium, police charged 119 people with possessing an open container. Between 2011 and 2013 they charged another 180 people with possessing an open container during season opening games. On Saturday. not a single person was cited for having an open container."

There is your "one example". It took me approximately 2 seconds to find this. I would think even someone with your below average intelligence would do some research before proving your oppositions point for them. Come on kid, maybe it's the education you got at UNI.

Just because you tell the police to stop issuing tickets, doesn't mean you fixed anything. Plus issuing an open container ticket = safety these days??? You really believe that nobody was guilty of an "open container" on a tailgate day. Even you aren't this stupid. Sally Mason saved the world!!!!!

The avg tickets issued in 2009 was 46 per game day. From '10-'12 it was roughly 80. Then in '13 it was 32. All they did is stop issuing the extra 40 worthless open container tickets that they were giving other words they went back to the '09 policies. In the meantime they found a way to alienate thousands of fans, and during this time the sellout streak was broken, and now we can only sell out vs ISU.
Just because you tell the police to stop issuing tickets, doesn't mean you fixed anything. Plus issuing an open container ticket = safety these days??? You really believe that nobody was guilty of an "open container" on a tailgate day. Even you aren't this stupid. Sally Mason saved the world!!!!!

The avg tickets issued in 2009 was 46 per game day. From '10-'12 it was roughly 80. Then in '13 it was 32. All they did is stop issuing the extra 40 worthless open container tickets that they were giving other words they went back to the '09 policies. In the meantime they found a way to alienate thousands of fans, and during this time the sellout streak was broken, and now we can only sell out vs ISU.

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Sweet, we know da Wastelanders line today is it.

Now please splan how Kinnick was sooo dangerous in '09 and is soooo safe now. Also splan to me how Kinnick is more family friendly with thousands of fewer families showing up now than did in '09.

Thanks for playing Sparky.....can you get Tweeter back, at least he is coherent....unlike your half wit posts.
Sweet, we know da Wastelanders line today is it.

Now please splan how Kinnick was sooo dangerous in '09 and is soooo safe now. Also splan to me how Kinnick is more family friendly with thousands of fewer families showing up now than did in '09.

Thanks for playing Sparky.....can you get Tweeter back, at least he is coherent....unlike your half wit posts.

I would explain correlation to you, but you went to UNI and wouldn't get it.
I would explain correlation to you, but you went to UNI and wouldn't get it.

2009 46 per game
2010-12 80 per game
2013 30 some per game

That's freaking brilliant. Lets start a "crack down" so that when we get level back to pre "crack down" number, we will proclaim victory.

Let me give you a real example of correlation......every time I read one of your posts I get dumber.

Now please go to da Wasteland and send Tweeter back
2009 46 per game
2010-12 80 per game
2013 30 some per game

That's freaking brilliant. Lets start a "crack down" so that when we get level back to pre "crack down" number, we will proclaim victory.

Let me give you a real example of correlation......every time I read one of your posts I get dumber.

Now please go to da Wasteland and send Tweeter back

Don't forget that when you make my argument for me to include 2014 when there were 0 given.

Thank you.

How do you think Ferentz and Barta feel about the Think Before You Drink campaign?
Don't forget that when you make my argument for me to include 2014 when there were 0 given.

Thank you.

How do you think Ferentz and Barta feel about the Think Before You Drink campaign? straight from da Wasteland. Next up hit me with another UNI reference.....HAHAHAHA

Listen I already know you are a freaking half least come up with your own arguments..... straight from da Wasteland. Next up hit me with another UNI reference.....HAHAHAHA

Listen I already know you are a freaking half least come up with your own arguments.....

Now that you know you've been wrong since the beginning and your entire argument has fallen apart you're just going to give up?

Honestly, I always knew you were a lurking over there, wanting to be part of the in crown but never could be since nobody takes you seriously.

Here's a picture for you that I would guess sums up your entire life...
At least I have at least been to Kinnick in the last decade, so excuse me if I say that you don't have a freaking clue. The issues of the tickets really don't bother me, I don't care that roughly 30 or so extra 60 year olds got a ticket for open container. They should have been smarter and left his freaking beer unopened. My issue is with the combative and uninviting stances that the administration and athletic department take against their own consumers (the fans).

Sally Mason's solution to an issue was just completely unimaginative (Derp, "crack down"). The give us your money and GTFO attitude comes from an administration and athletic department that just doesn't understand how you create and keep loyal customers. The administrator at top had no vision, nor any idea on how to accomplish what should have been the real goal, which is to create a family atmosphere and capturing more customers (fans). To think that you create a better experience for 70,000 fans (the 99.9%), by issuing 30-40 extra tickets (the .1% bad actors) is an epic fail. All you do is QUIETLY go about having the police issue more citations, and you PUBLICLY promote new family friendly activities to do at Kinnick on game day, and you promote the heck out of the ones currently in place for all to enjoy.

Sally may be the best person on the planet. You have a point that she shouldn't spend a ton of her time on football. Yet all that means is she need to shut up an get out of the way. Hire someone to do this (Barta) and let him do it. Don't come out and be so freaking combative with your fan base, and tell them how you are gonna "crack down" on their azzez. If that is her solution, Barta needed to tell her to STFU, and to let him do his job and handle it.

Even stricter tailgating restrictions enforced by the University of Iowa Police Department, an effort to decrease open containers on public property, did not stop diehard Hawkeye fans from enjoying a Bud Light while playing a game of bags before a football game at Kinnick Stadium this fall.The Daily Iowan reported police gave out 146 citations on the first game day of the season, up from 46 citations the previous year. This prompted tons of complaints to University of Iowa and UI Police administration from alumni and other football fans who said they believed the new tailgating atmosphere was uninviting.

The downtick in student citations and arrests reflects a larger trend at Kinnick Stadium. From 2010-2012 police charged an average of 562 people per season, an average of roughly 80 charges per game. The current 2013 average is about 32 per game.

Sally's solution?

Try again.
I think the "academic" geniuses at many universities are like this. My oldest daughter ,not an athlete, had decent grades in high school scored on ACT. Graduates from college with a 3.3 going into a Masters program. I think labeling kids simply using an ACT score absolutely ludicrous. But the geniuses at all universities do this.
Now that you know you've been wrong since the beginning and your entire argument has fallen apart you're just going to give up?

Honestly, I always knew you were a lurking over there, wanting to be part of the in crown but never could be since nobody takes you seriously.

The next original thought you have will be your first. I figured instead of debating a half wit Sally Mason fanboy, I'd just go right to the source.
I shouldn't have been surprised to find you are nothing more than a lacky running messages back and forth between da Wasteland and here. Now run along and find out how you should respond to this.
The next original thought you have will be your first. I figured instead of debating a half wit Sally Mason fanboy, I'd just go right to the source.
I shouldn't have been surprised to find you are nothing more than a lacky running messages back and forth between da Wasteland and here. Now run along and find out how you should respond to this.

You're so butt hurt that Vin found a way to get to you that you're going to run away like a little ***** tavernhokk like you did back in the old days. The best day of your life must have been when Jon decided to ban the dirty 30 so you didn't have to run away anymore. Same ol' deanvog...never could finish a fight with any dignity.

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