Sally Mason is CEO

That, plus Thunder's reminder that she's protected bad actors quite apart from the athletic department. Let's remember in the wake of Gartner pushing out Dave Skorton that he was looking for a "yes man" that wouldn't rock the boat. He certainly got that. Everyone should read the DI story linked above, it's a travesty.

Michael Gartner did more damage to the University of Iowa than any single individual in years.

Maybe, but to blame him or Mason with the football team sucking is ridiculous.
Maybe, but to blame him or Mason with the football team sucking is ridiculous.

I tend to agree with this. I think Mason needs to go, but it's got little to do with athletics (she's done enough to embarrass the university with her PR blunders over the past few years). I don't necessarily think she handcuffs Barta, but more just doesn't really care if athletics are successful or not. If that makes any sense.
I tend to agree with this. I think Mason needs to go, but it's got little to do with athletics (she's done enough to embarrass the university with her PR blunders over the past few years). I don't necessarily think she handcuffs Barta, but more just doesn't really care if athletics are successful or not. If that makes any sense.

It doesn't make any sense actually. Why would the President of the University not care if athletics are successful? Do you not understand how money works?
It doesn't make any sense actually. Why would the President of the University not care if athletics are successful? Do you not understand how money works?

And the money has kept rolling in despite poor results. As long as the money's rolling, she couldn't care less if the teams are actually good.
And the money has kept rolling in despite poor results. As long as the money's rolling, she couldn't care less if the teams are actually good.

Riiight...and that's also why she has been an advocate for student athlete benefits including better healthcare or paying for more of their education. I can provide proof of her talking about supporting athletics, can you provide any proof of her not supporting athletics, or are you just talking out of your *** like the typical idiot around here?
How do you see her supporting athletics? When is the last time you saw her at a game? When has she spoken about athletics? Did you see her at the Bowl game huddle? The big 4 BB games in DM? Ever see her at an I-club event? Her predecessors, Mary Sue Coleman, David Skorton were there and were active participants. Ever hear a coach say anything about her? She has no interaction with athletics. No interest in it as long as the dollars are flowing in. I hate to use ISU for comparision, but their President is there at games, seen with large Athletic Department donors. She lacks energy, enthusiasm...and was put in place by Michael Gartner who is not a U of IA Athletics fan.

Just because your head is so far up your *** that you don't see her doesn't mean she's not there.

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It's funny, though, because the same people who think this is all Sally Mason's fault for (I don't even know...not firing Kirk, not preventing Barta from giving KF an insane contract, I guess) would probably have been really upset if she had meddled in the football program five years ago.
It's funny, though, because the same people who think this is all Sally Mason's fault for (I don't even know...not firing Kirk, not preventing Barta from giving KF an insane contract, I guess) would probably have been really upset if she had meddled in the football program five years ago.

Everyone was pizzed at Sally nearly 5 years ago. That is when the brain trust over there decided it needed to crack down on the game day atmosphere at Kinnick. Starting issuing tickets to 70 year olds walking between tailgates with a beer, eliminated liquor at tailgates, and told everyone to get the *uck out as soon as the game was over. She stabbed the football program in the back and watched as it slow bleed all the atmosphere out of Kinnick until last year when it was nearly dead did they finally figure out WTF they just did. It was 4 1/2 years of ignorant bliss over there, and it is inexcusable, and most certainly a fireable offense.
Everyone was pizzed at Sally nearly 5 years ago. That is when the brain trust over there decided it needed to crack down on the game day atmosphere at Kinnick. Starting issuing tickets to 70 year olds walking between tailgates with a beer, eliminated liquor at tailgates, and told everyone to get the *uck out as soon as the game was over. She stabbed the football program in the back and watched as it slow bleed all the atmosphere out of Kinnick until last year when it was nearly dead did they finally figure out WTF they just did. It was 4 1/2 years of ignorant bliss over there, and it is inexcusable, and most certainly a fireable offense.

Hey Dean, where were you back in 2010 when this stuff was being discussed, pal?

THEY CAME FIRST for the Kegs,
and I didn't speak up because I drank my beer from a can.

THEN THEY CAME for the Field House Parking lot,
and I didn't speak up because I tailgated next to the stadium.

THEN THEY CAME for the Smokes,
and I didn't speak up because I don't smoke.

THEN THEY CAME for the Drinking Games,
and I didn't speak up because I liked to grill and listen to music.

THEN THEY CAME for me and my beer,
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

Iowa football is cyclical - we're at the top of the cycle now and the administration and IC City Council can clamp down on tailgating all they want and we'll still get 70k people to Kinnick most weeks. The true test will be when we revert to the mean and have a few 6-6 years or even a 3-9 year. When I cruise over from Chi-town, there's a steady stream of Hawk fans, but I can't imagine that those same people are going to drive 7 or 8 hours round trip if tailgating is crushed and the football team is terrible. The tailgating at Illinois sucks and the football team is bad - they are only 2 and a half hours from Chi-town and their stadium is half empty for a lot of games. That will be us when the football team drops again (which it will).
Just because your head is so far up your *** that you don't see her doesn't mean she's not there.


Easy, Mr. Mason, you're gonna blow your cover.

I agree Sally had nothing to do with 7,000 missed tackles against Tennessee. I have a broader concern about the university's leadership, including the bunker mentality evidenced by the Daily Iowan debacle among other things.
Easy, Mr. Mason, you're gonna blow your cover.

I agree Sally had nothing to do with 7,000 missed tackles against Tennessee. I have a broader concern about the university's leadership, including the bunker mentality evidenced by the Daily Iowan debacle among other things.

Come on, dilldo, there's no reason for you to get upset because I can present proof that completely contradicts what he said. Your

As for your DI debacle...the writer of the article comes across as a butthurt little child. The access for DI hasn't been eliminated, they're able to ask any questions they want, just like they were before during the sit down interview, they just have to do it by e-mail. Considering that the interviews were verbatim interviews and all they were doing is transcribing what Sally said, it seems pretty pointless to continue those meetings when they can just e-mail her and she can respond. That way, instead of this "journalist" having to type out everything Sally said, she can just copy and paste those responses from the e-mail. They don't like being in a room with other journalists? Guess what...that's the life of a journalist so get use to it and stop being a little crybaby about it.
Come on, dilldo, there's no reason for you to get upset because I can present proof that completely contradicts what he said. Your

As for your DI debacle...the writer of the article comes across as a butthurt little child. The access for DI hasn't been eliminated, they're able to ask any questions they want, just like they were before during the sit down interview, they just have to do it by e-mail. Considering that the interviews were verbatim interviews and all they were doing is transcribing what Sally said, it seems pretty pointless to continue those meetings when they can just e-mail her and she can respond. That way, instead of this "journalist" having to type out everything Sally said, she can just copy and paste those responses from the e-mail. They don't like being in a room with other journalists? Guess what...that's the life of a journalist so get use to it and stop being a little crybaby about it.

I've seen fanboys of many things.....but of Sally Mason......Really, you wanna die on this hill protecting this elitist? I mean talk about apologist, you gotta be a big one when you are calling out student journalists, and being an apologist for the most powerful person on the campus, who is sooooo thinned skinned that she can't answer questions from a freaking student. We would all KILL KF if he wouldn't talk to the media, but your gonna give this academia elitist "a pass"....

I supposed your gonna make excuse after excuse for Mason and what she did to the game day atmosphere around Kinnick.....They even know how badly the *ucked up, and have called off the police dogs, and stopped targeting 60 and 70 year olds on game day.....
You guys must not realize the U of I is more than just athletics. Mason was not hired to be an AD she was hired to facilitate the learning of under-grad and graduate students. She has facilitated many great things at the U of I, including the building of a children's hospital which is light years more important than football. Barta should be in a conversation to be fired, not Mason.
I've seen fanboys of many things.....but of Sally Mason......Really, you wanna die on this hill protecting this elitist? I mean talk about apologist, you gotta be a big one when you are calling out student journalists, and being an apologist for the most powerful person on the campus, who is sooooo thinned skinned that she can't answer questions from a freaking student. We would all KILL KF if he wouldn't talk to the media, but your gonna give this academia elitist "a pass"....

I supposed your gonna make excuse after excuse for Mason and what she did to the game day atmosphere around Kinnick.....They even know how badly the *ucked up, and have called off the police dogs, and stopped targeting 60 and 70 year olds on game day.....

You've been a running joke around here for a really long time so your opinion continues to mean absolutely nothing to me. Thanks for taking the time to reply though.
You've been a running joke around here for a really long time so your opinion continues to mean absolutely nothing to me. Thanks for taking the time to reply though.

Hahaha....that's rich coming from you. Let's do this big mouth, post a poll on who is the bigger "joke" you or me.....loser leaves the board.

Since I know you will duck this, just go back to working Sally's box and STFU.
Hahaha....that's rich coming from you. Let's do this big mouth, post a poll on who is the bigger "joke" you or me.....loser leaves the board.

Since I know you will duck this, just go back to working Sally's box and STFU.

Oh wow, I really struck a nerve with you there didn't I? I mean, you just got mad at some random guy on the internet that you've never even met. I'm just going to chalk it up to the fact that you have no real friends and the opinions of random people mean something to you.

As for your poll, I don't care what other people on this board think of me. I'm not here to impress or make friends. I've got a life and don't need them, unlike someone around here....deanvogs.
Hey Dean, where were you back in 2010 when this stuff was being discussed, pal?

THEY CAME FIRST for the Kegs,
and I didn't speak up because I drank my beer from a can.

THEN THEY CAME for the Field House Parking lot,
and I didn't speak up because I tailgated next to the stadium.

THEN THEY CAME for the Smokes,
and I didn't speak up because I don't smoke.

THEN THEY CAME for the Drinking Games,
and I didn't speak up because I liked to grill and listen to music.

THEN THEY CAME for me and my beer,
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

Whoa, man, you need to calm down or dean is going to challenge to you an old fasioned HN poll off. Winner leaves the boards....FOREVER. DUN DUN DUN!
When you actively change to a culture that is against sports, what recruit wants to come into that?

Ok, I'm going to need you to explain to me this "culture that is against sports". I'm pretty sure you're just making stuff up.

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