Sally Mason is CEO

Oh wow, I really struck a nerve with you there didn't I? I mean, you just got mad at some random guy on the internet that you've never even met. I'm just going to chalk it up to the fact that you have no real friends and the opinions of random people mean something to you.

As for your poll, I don't care what other people on this board think of me. I'm not here to impress or make friends. I've got a life and don't need them, unlike someone around here....deanvogs.

Welp you were the one who spoke for all of HN, and said I was a joke.....I was just calling you out on it. You ducking like a Chicken Sh!t is exactly what I expected.
Welp you were the one who spoke for all of HN, and said I was a joke.....I was just calling you out on it. You ducking like a Chicken Sh!t is exactly what I expected.

I'm not just talking about people on HN that think you're a joke, it goes much MUCH farther than that. I'm also impressed at your vocabulary and the use of the term chicken ****...are you familiar with the term tavernhokk?

I'm not just talking about people on HN that think you're a joke, it goes much MUCH farther than that. I'm also impressed at your vocabulary and the use of the term chicken ****...are you familiar with the term tavernhokk?


I had No idea there were Sally Mason fanboys.....Guess I was wrong, you certainly have gotten your panties in a wad about this whole deal protecting her. I'll quit boring everyone, and quit picking on der Sally Mason fanboy.
I had No idea there were Sally Mason fanboys.....Guess I was wrong, you certainly have gotten your panties in a wad about this whole deal protecting her. I'll quit boring everyone, and quit picking on der Sally Mason fanboy.

Quitter. Probably the story of your worthless life.
Dean before you leave and admit I'm better than you. I have an honest question for you.

You've spent enough time around here calling for the head of Sally Mason, how much time have you spent on the Panthers board calling for the head of Ruud after the monumental *** kicking they suffered at the hands of Illinois State?

Ruud obviously doesn't care about the football team since he's been rooting against them since he took over. Here's his number (319) 273-2566 and e-mail address so you can get a hold of him and ask for his resignation.

If you don't call or e-mail you're obviously a coward and a hypocrite.
Dean before you leave and admit I'm better than you. I have an honest question for you.

You've spent enough time around here calling for the head of Sally Mason, how much time have you spent on the Panthers board calling for the head of Ruud after the monumental *** kicking they suffered at the hands of Illinois State?

Ruud obviously doesn't care about the football team since he's been rooting against them since he took over. Here's his number (319) 273-2566 and e-mail address so you can get a hold of him and ask for his resignation.

If you don't call or e-mail you're obviously a coward and a hypocrite.

Steven Leath must REALLY hate ISU's football team. They're terrible.
Chris Godfrey - Good start. Good riddance for a variety of reasons including his impediment to economic development. Typical bureaucrat.

Others? Soon. And good riddance to them as well.

That is all.
Brilliant, the guy who backs down like a Chicken Sh!t, then starts talking smack after he backs down.....My bet still stands Mr. big talker.

I knew you couldn't stay gone for long. I'm in your tavernhokk head now. Every time you see my name you're going to remember today and get ****** off at the fact you're a giant loser.
Mason graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1972 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Zoology, and as such was the first member of her family to graduate from college. She then earned a Master of Science from Purdue University in 1974, followed by a Ph.D. in 1978 from the University of Arizona in Cellular, Molecular, and Developmental Biology. She conducted further research at Indiana University before accepting a position at the University of Kansas in 1981. President Mason then served as the Provost of Purdue University from 2001 until 2007.[2]

Loyalty is the least of her convictions about the University. She could give a rats *** about athletics at Iowa...Christ, she probably isn't sure what the big deal is. "The boys won more than they lost". "Gary, you keep this sports stuff out of my hair...I've got intellectuals to court and out of state tuition to reel in."
I knew you couldn't stay gone for long. I'm in your tavernhokk head now. Every time you see my name you're going to remember today and get ****** off at the fact you're a giant loser. in my head do you mean I'd be such a loser that I'd downvote every one of your post from here on out?? No way would I ever be that kind of loser. Speaking of, how's OK4P these days?

Say Hi to Sally and her box for me.
Some of you -- especially you, deano -- have no clue what you're talking about when you opine that Sally Mason has no rooting interest in Iowa sports or that she has done something to interfere with Barta, Ferentz or any of the other coaches doing their jobs. I know for a fact she appreciates Iowa athletics and wants to see the Hawkeyes do well in all sports. Some people tried to hang Coker's departure on her but sadly he was a victim of a bone-headed student conduct policy and judicial procedure that Mason had very little to do with.

Frankly, athletics is only one small item in her wheelhouse. She is the head of a major B1G university and all that entails and has done a pretty good job. She also almost single-handedly has had to try her best to protect the university's interests from the Iowa Legislature and more directly the collection of village idiots affectionately known as the Board of Regents. It's not easy and she hasn't always been successful.

Before you go spouting any more garbage about Mason, try to educate yourself a little bit. I have faith that a UNI grad can do that.
Some of you -- especially you, deano -- have no clue what you're talking about when you opine that Sally Mason has no rooting interest in Iowa sports or that she has done something to interfere with Barta, Ferentz or any of the other coaches doing their jobs. I know for a fact she appreciates Iowa athletics and wants to see the Hawkeyes do well in all sports. Some people tried to hang Coker's departure on her but sadly he was a victim of a bone-headed student conduct policy and judicial procedure that Mason had very little to do with.

Frankly, athletics is only one small item in her wheelhouse. She is the head of a major B1G university and all that entails and has done a pretty good job. She also almost single-handedly has had to try her best to protect the university's interests from the Iowa Legislature and more directly the collection of village idiots affectionately known as the Board of Regents. It's not easy and she hasn't always been successful.

Before you go spouting any more garbage about Mason, try to educate yourself a little bit. I have faith that a UNI grad can do that.

Where did I ever say any of this? I never said she had no rooting interest in Iowa sports. I never hung Coker on her. I have simply said that the targeted campaign to destroy the game day atmosphere at and around Kinnick was incredibly stupid. Maybe some of your who never venture to Kinnick wouldn't understand....but those of us who have spent every game day Saturday at and around Kinnick for the last decade do understand what Sally Mason's decision resulted in. It was simply a short sighted bureaucratic ignorant thing to do.....and is a fireable offense in my opinion.
Some of you -- especially you, deano -- have no clue what you're talking about when you opine that Sally Mason has no rooting interest in Iowa sports or that she has done something to interfere with Barta, Ferentz or any of the other coaches doing their jobs. I know for a fact she appreciates Iowa athletics and wants to see the Hawkeyes do well in all sports. Some people tried to hang Coker's departure on her but sadly he was a victim of a bone-headed student conduct policy and judicial procedure that Mason had very little to do with.

Frankly, athletics is only one small item in her wheelhouse. She is the head of a major B1G university and all that entails and has done a pretty good job. She also almost single-handedly has had to try her best to protect the university's interests from the Iowa Legislature and more directly the collection of village idiots affectionately known as the Board of Regents. It's not easy and she hasn't always been successful.

Before you go spouting any more garbage about Mason, try to educate yourself a little bit. I have faith that a UNI grad can do that.
Sally Mason and her gang of intellectually superior professors & doctorates view the esteemed University of Iowa primarily as a place of higher learning. A writer's workshop for world famous authors, a hospital for great doctors & surgeons to hone their practice, a research facility for brilliant minds to grow and a law school for tomorrows leaders etc. Sports are a cash cow and necessary evil that blight the campus landscape. Tailgating is an embarrassment that must be limited. She approved the building of rowing club facilities with football revenue.

I respect the academic excellence point of view, but Iowa is a state run school not a private Ivy League Institution. Sports and the revenue they produce are important to the U of I and to the people of the state of Iowa. A truly effective school president would ensure both academics & sports could thrive. Sally pushed for policies that restricted the game day atmosphere/tailgating/parking etc. If all her policies restrict rather than enhance, that's a pretty strong sign she is not a supporter.

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