Sally Mason is CEO

I am still waiting...this is the third or fourth time I have asked for examples to show how Mason is discouraging success on the playing field. I could list some serious mistakes I have seen her make in her role as president, but none of my examples relate to athletics.

Her over sight in athletics comes down to whether the AD is doing his job or not. If you need to ask the next question you need to do a bit of research on Iowa and B1G athletics.
The football program makes money. That will most likely change, but until it does Sally and Gary can hang their heads on the bottom line of the program. The "win or lose, we still booze" mentality sets us apart from a lot of other schools.
I am still waiting...this is the third or fourth time I have asked for examples to show how Mason is discouraging success on the playing field. I could list some serious mistakes I have seen her make in her role as president, but none of my examples relate to athletics.
How do you see her supporting athletics? When is the last time you saw her at a game? When has she spoken about athletics? Did you see her at the Bowl game huddle? The big 4 BB games in DM? Ever see her at an I-club event? Her predecessors, Mary Sue Coleman, David Skorton were there and were active participants. Ever hear a coach say anything about her? She has no interaction with athletics. No interest in it as long as the dollars are flowing in. I hate to use ISU for comparision, but their President is there at games, seen with large Athletic Department donors. She lacks energy, enthusiasm...and was put in place by Michael Gartner who is not a U of IA Athletics fan.
How do you see her supporting athletics? When is the last time you saw her at a game? When has she spoken about athletics? Did you see her at the Bowl game huddle? The big 4 BB games in DM? Ever see her at an I-club event? Her predecessors, Mary Sue Coleman, David Skorton were there and were active participants. Ever hear a coach say anything about her? She has no interaction with athletics. No interest in it as long as the dollars are flowing in. I hate to use ISU for comparision, but their President is there at games, seen with large Athletic Department donors. She lacks energy, enthusiasm...and was put in place by Michael Gartner who is not a U of IA Athletics fan.

To be fair to her, I'm pretty sure she does attend at least quite a few football games. She's got her own large suite in the press box, and I'm pretty sure that gets used to schmooze quite a bit, albeit perhaps not with donors who give a rat's *** about athletics.

It really only takes a quick glance at what our past two university presidents have done to know that Mason is not what we should be looking for in a president. Coleman took over the University of Michigan and Skorton became the president at Cornell. Anyone see Mason taking over an Ivy League school, or one that's just a step below that? I didn't think so.
[*]We focused on building a $7 million boat house over replacing a 30 year old football practice and offices/operations facility.

I won't argue with most of the original post, but think you are reaching here. They had a donor that offered a sizeable donation as long as it went to the boat house. It was going to happen anyway...the donation just moved up the timetable.

I have mentioned it before. All you have to do is look at Wisconsin in the 80's to see what happens when your president doesn't care about your athletic department. That place was a mess.
Kiplinger's - February / 2015 issue.........ranking the Top 100 Public Colleges

#6 Michigan
#8 Wisconsin
#9 Maryland
#15 Ohio State
#27 Purdue
#32 Minnesota
#36 Illinois
#40 Indiana
#43 Rutgers
#50 Michigan State
#56 Penn State
#68 Nebraska

Many elements factored (grad rates, academic support, cost & financial aid, student indebtedness, etc.)......basically rating the best value overall. Article lists which schools were not included in the rankings due to incomplete data and Iowa was not one of them. By my count that leaves Iowa as the only Big 10 school to not make the cut as Northwestern is a private college and was ranked #20 among the Top 50 Private Colleges.

Another example of leadership in IC?
Kiplinger's - February / 2015 issue.........ranking the Top 100 Public Colleges

#6 Michigan
#8 Wisconsin
#9 Maryland
#15 Ohio State
#27 Purdue
#32 Minnesota
#36 Illinois
#40 Indiana
#43 Rutgers
#50 Michigan State
#56 Penn State
#68 Nebraska

Many elements factored (grad rates, academic support, cost & financial aid, student indebtedness, etc.)......basically rating the best value overall. Article lists which schools were not included in the rankings due to incomplete data and Iowa was not one of them. By my count that leaves Iowa as the only Big 10 school to not make the cut as Northwestern is a private college and was ranked #20 among the Top 50 Private Colleges.

Another example of leadership in IC?

If true...and it really doesn't matter if it's not, because perception is reality.... that is just sickening and dishearteningly sad.
The football program makes money. That will most likely change, but until it does Sally and Gary can hang their heads on the bottom line of the program. The "win or lose, we still booze" mentality sets us apart from a lot of other schools.

Cubsitis. Kinnick is liek Wrigley to a point.
So KF pulled a Sally Mason in not allowing the QBs to be interviewed.
He doesn't let the QBs talk to the media, he shuts freshman down and doesn't allow his players on social media. I don't think he's self-aware enough to realize that hurts recruiting. Or maybe he is and doesn't care. Either way, it's bad.
I am still waiting...this is the third or fourth time I have asked for examples to show how Mason is discouraging success on the playing field. I could list some serious mistakes I have seen her make in her role as president, but none of my examples relate to athletics.

Hasnt fired the coach yet.
This thread is full of some of the dumbest comments I've ever read on this site.

Mason hasn't done anything to hinder the football program other than restrict tailgating times. In fact, I'd say she's done more to help than that moron Barta. Ferentz gets whatever he wants whenever he wants it. I highly doubt that Iowa would have gotten their brand new state of the art facilities if Sally was trying to handcuff Ferentz.

You all need to step back from the ledge and think about what you're saying.
"I highly doubt that Iowa would have gotten their brand new state of the art facilities if Sally was trying to handcuff Ferentz."

Revenue from the football program was used by the U of I to support many projects, but the new state of the art football facilities received none of that money. The facility was funded entirely by private donations. Construction was delayed until funding had been raised, meanwhile several $million in football revenue was used to build a boat house.
"I highly doubt that Iowa would have gotten their brand new state of the art facilities if Sally was trying to handcuff Ferentz."

Revenue from the football program was used by the U of I to support many projects, but the new state of the art football facilities received none of that money. The facility was funded entirely by private donations. Construction was delayed until funding had been raised, meanwhile several $million in football revenue was used to build a boat house.

I guess Ferentz just said "hey, I'm going to build new football facilities and you're going to be ok with it. Ok, Sally?"
I guess Ferentz just said "hey, I'm going to build new football facilities and you're going to be ok with it. Ok, Sally?"

Basically yes. They had to have a plan in place where they didn't give her one single minor excuse to say no.
Kiplinger's - February / 2015 issue.........ranking the Top 100 Public Colleges

#6 Michigan
#8 Wisconsin
#9 Maryland
#15 Ohio State
#27 Purdue
#32 Minnesota
#36 Illinois
#40 Indiana
#43 Rutgers
#50 Michigan State
#56 Penn State
#68 Nebraska

Many elements factored (grad rates, academic support, cost & financial aid, student indebtedness, etc.)......basically rating the best value overall. Article lists which schools were not included in the rankings due to incomplete data and Iowa was not one of them. By my count that leaves Iowa as the only Big 10 school to not make the cut as Northwestern is a private college and was ranked #20 among the Top 50 Private Colleges.

Another example of leadership in IC?

That, plus Thunder's reminder that she's protected bad actors quite apart from the athletic department. Let's remember in the wake of Gartner pushing out Dave Skorton that he was looking for a "yes man" that wouldn't rock the boat. He certainly got that. Everyone should read the DI story linked above, it's a travesty.

Michael Gartner did more damage to the University of Iowa than any single individual in years.

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