Rhoads-zo the Clown

Ha. The only people that have an issue with Rhoads' post-game rant are some Texas fans and iowa fans. Why do hawk fans care? Is it because ISU is in the national spotlight again, so hawk fans think they need to pipe up, just like during this last basketball season? Oh, and essentially the entire country loved the Rhoads' rant and thought that Iowa State was screwed. Keep being hurry-butt gents. It's truly fun to watch!

My Cyclone fan friends are split about 50/50. Half loved the rant. Half thought it was embarrassing. It's not just TX and IA fans.

And you were in the national spotlight again because they were featuring the train-wreck that is Texas Football right now. Had zero to do with Iowa State.
Ha. The only people that have an issue with Rhoads' post-game rant are some Texas fans and iowa fans. Why do hawk fans care? Is it because ISU is in the national spotlight again, so hawk fans think they need to pipe up, just like during this last basketball season? Oh, and essentially the entire country loved the Rhoads' rant and thought that Iowa State was screwed. Keep being hurry-butt gents. It's truly fun to watch!

not sure if serious. you are in the spotlight again, alright. after the so pwoud speech, and the refs screwed us speech, you are going to have to make a new addition to the hawk donor building to house all the trophies that are forthcoming due to all of the high-star recruits that have flowed into the program given the 'spotlight'.......
You know, it was just a few short years ago that hawk fans didn't care about ISU at all. This place barely gave ISU any air time. Now, ISU is a sort of fascination with you folks. Why is that? Well, I think it's because we're under your skin now. You all hate Iowa State because its not just a bump in the road anymore. You hate our AD because he's generated a lot of money for ISU athletics. You hate our football coach because he creates excitement around our program EVEN when the team is 1-3. You hate our basketball coach because he's done a much better job than than yours in the same amount of time. I'm sure you hate our new football only facility as well as our new basketball practice facility. To me, it sounds like it's a hawk fan issue, not a Cyclone problem.
not sure if serious. you are in the spotlight again, alright. after the so pwoud speech, and the refs screwed us speech, you are going to have to make a new addition to the hawk donor building to house all the trophies that are forthcoming due to all of the high-star recruits that have flowed into the program given the 'spotlight'.......

I've got hawkeye friends who hate Isu as much as you do, and I've also got hawkeye friends who root for the clones when they are not playing the hawks. But I am curious why you and others hate Isu so much. I have an idea why you guys do, but am curious.
I've got hawkeye friends who hate Isu as much as you do, and I've also got hawkeye friends who root for the clones when they are not playing the hawks. But I am curious why you and others hate Isu so much. I have an idea why you guys do, but am curious.

let me ask you this: where do you live? (generally, not specifically). i.e. i live in the des moines area, and that should give you a big hint as to my raison.
OMFG that's funny! Durr, Jesse Palmer thought it was a fumble, so it's a fumble!

Look, it doesn't matter how many "Professional Broadcasters" thought it was a fumble, the referees looked at the play and said it wasn't. So either you're going to have to delude yourself into thinking the refs intentionally threw the game in a large conspiracy, or accept the truth.

Either way, YOU'RE not the one looking at it objectively.

Why does everyone conveniently omit the fact that pollack said I think it is a fumble but the play will stand as called.
You know, it was just a few short years ago that hawk fans didn't care about ISU at all. This place barely gave ISU any air time. Now, ISU is a sort of fascination with you folks. Why is that? Well, I think it's because we're under your skin now. You all hate Iowa State because its not just a bump in the road anymore. You hate our AD because he's generated a lot of money for ISU athletics. You hate our football coach because he creates excitement around our program EVEN when the team is 1-3. You hate our basketball coach because he's done a much better job than than yours in the same amount of time. I'm sure you hate our new football only facility as well as our new basketball practice facility. To me, it sounds like it's a hawk fan issue, not a Cyclone problem.

you haven't been around that long and you try too hard.

believe me, no one on this board, or no one i know is 'jealous' of your program.

btw, and please be specific (and i'm not trying to derail) and explain why, in your mind, you think floyd has done a better job than fran?
and don't say 'made it to the ncaa tourney'. last year, identical records, and iowa beat isu.

back to football. clown fans eat up the 'it's us against the world' crap that pauw and pull hard dish out. you ever wonder where you guys get the 'blame the refs' mentality? it was on display last evening. there in lies your excitement.
I hate gnats. They are annoying. I squish them when they try to bite me. Hell, sometimes I'll even talk about them. I'll be all like "Hey, these bugs are irritating." However, I am not jealous of them. They are tiny, weak and don't live very long.
You know, it was just a few short years ago that hawk fans didn't care about ISU at all. This place barely gave ISU any air time. Now, ISU is a sort of fascination with you folks. Why is that? Well, I think it's because we're under your skin now. You all hate Iowa State because its not just a bump in the road anymore. You hate our AD because he's generated a lot of money for ISU athletics. You hate our football coach because he creates excitement around our program EVEN when the team is 1-3. You hate our basketball coach because he's done a much better job than than yours in the same amount of time. I'm sure you hate our new football only facility as well as our new basketball practice facility. To me, it sounds like it's a hawk fan issue, not a Cyclone problem.

You have mistaken pity and ridicule for envy.

Personally I find it funny watching my clone friends fall all over themselves for the hope of maybe going 6-6
Love Fran's passion, hates Rhoads' passion. Gotta love this hypocrisy that comes up every once in awhile.
Don't you never go a mentionin' Fran in the same sentence as paw woads. Evah! Ya hear me hillbilly boy?
Because there are more clones where you live?

when i moved to this area, the level of my 'hatred' for the clowns rose immensely. see: hawkfromnorwalk.

yes, more clowns here than anywhere else with the exception of ames.

them and the media love for the clowns here drives me crazy.
Really, just dismissing altogether the possibility that three professional analysts in the booth also thought it was a fumble too? That even Texas fans on their own message boards are calling it a fumble and actually wouldnt have minded losing that game to get Brown out of there?

Youre not the brightest poster on here if you cant put down your hawk colored goggles and look at it objectively.
I'm not disputing the fumble on the first carry but I would never use the word of an analyst to try to make a case.
Saying Hok fans "care"...is a bit of an overstatement. We do enjoy a good laugh, though.

You Clones have been on our board thumping your chests, saying you were going to destroy us in Ames, have a 9-3 season with a shot at the "big" 12 title, Rhoad-zo is one of the best coaches in the Nation... blah blah blah. Well...until a couple weeks ago you were. And last night's game was the only thing on, it was hard to miss.

So yeah, when a guy talks a bunch of trash in your face...and then as he turns to retreat, he slips and falls in the mud... it's hard not to laugh.

So we're laughing. And having Rhoad-zo as part of the circus just makes it more entertaining.
You know, it was just a few short years ago that hawk fans didn't care about ISU at all. This place barely gave ISU any air time. Now, ISU is a sort of fascination with you folks. Why is that? Well, I think it's because we're under your skin now. You all hate Iowa State because its not just a bump in the road anymore. You hate our AD because he's generated a lot of money for ISU athletics. You hate our football coach because he creates excitement around our program EVEN when the team is 1-3. You hate our basketball coach because he's done a much better job than than yours in the same amount of time. I'm sure you hate our new football only facility as well as our new basketball practice facility. To me, it sounds like it's a hawk fan issue, not a Cyclone problem.

This is just a lie. I have been posting on HN since 2006, and we have always made fun of ISU losers.

We hate Iowa St because you're Iowa St. We hate your AD because he's a punk doofus who always tries to pull lame publicity stunts. We hate your football coach because he's a snaggle-toothed hick who talks a big game but doesn't win anything. We hate your basketball coach because he's the basketball coach at ISU, although I don't know of anyone who hates him for moar than that. No one gives have a damn about your "facilities", if they even heard about them.

Nope, Mr. 1,000 posts on the Iowa board...it's an ISU problem.
You know, it was just a few short years ago that hawk fans didn't care about ISU at all. This place barely gave ISU any air time. Now, ISU is a sort of fascination with you folks. Why is that? Well, I think it's because we're under your skin now. You all laugh at Iowa State because its not just a bump in the road anymore. You laugh at our AD because he's generated a lot of money for ISU athletics. You laugh at our football coach because he creates excitement around our program EVEN when the team is 1-3. You laugh at our basketball coach because he's done a much better job than than yours in the same amount of time. I'm sure you laugh at our new football only facility as well as our new basketball practice facility. To me, it sounds like it's a hawk fan issue, not a Cyclone problem.

So I went to the game last night and worked this morning. Over my lunch break I checked my Facebook page for the first time in a couple days, and my news feed is filled with Cyclone fans sharing the the Paul Rhoads post-game freak out video and making comments like:

God CPR is the man!
Gotta love this guy!
We love you Coach Rhoads!
There isn't another coach in the country Cyclone Nation would rather have!

I'm sorry but WTF!?!?!?!? I feel like the entire Cyclone Nation is getting trolled by this guy. You would think that they would have learned their lesson by now. Coach Rhoads is a sub-par football coach. His record says so! However, apparently he knows exactly how to keep his job as the head coach of ISU. Just get loud and obnoxious, act like a lunatic, and continue to say the word Pwoud! As long you seem passionate the fanbase will ignore the losing.

The love for him is absolutely beyond comprehension at this point. What is this his 5th year now? And they are 1-3? Seriously Cyclone fans? At what point do you realize how stupid this guy is making you look?
Deny all you want. It truly doesn't matter because the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. That said, real hawk fans (the ones in real life, not on the internet) understand what has happened with ISU's AD as of recently and respect the progress. I understand that the internet is about posturing and to make every attempt to be funny so people will click the little "like" button on you post, but most everyone outside of the internet hawk fan base appreciates ISU's strides. The ISU fan base certainly doesn't need derp internet posters to get on board with what's going on (that's not my purpose either). So, please continue to deny and "laugh" at ISU and we'll continue to slowly build towards the future.

Oh, and you should get behind giving your head football coach a raise. Because apparently, we're the fan base that's being trolled.
This game was not decided by one play. How about the Hail Mary at the end of the first half? Never should have happened. How about the two pass interferences on ISU during the drive that put Texas deep in ISU territory? Or how about Richardson throwing the silly interception when the team was trying to position itself for a winning field goal? Very poorly managed. The offense was not on the same page as to if they were going to down the ball or run a play.

Someone else mentioned it, but Rhoads does have the ISU fanbase in his back pocket. Many of my friends had Facebook posts saying: "That is a coach I want to play for." "That is a coach I want to send my kids to play for ..." Blah, blah ... ISU is 1-4 ... It's worst start since 2007.

ISU played over its head against a bad Texas team. The "fumble" was not the deciding factor.

The Hail Mary NEVER should have happened. Rhoads can give his drama-filled speech all he wants to but the bottomline is they are not a good team. And he has been very average (when you consider his overall record)at ISU and will never take them past 6-7 wins. This year they will be lucky to get 4 wins.

But we all know ... ISU fans don't expect much. They really don't. They should be calling out the staff for the Hail Mary ... they should be questioning ISU's handling of its final drive ...

But instead, their coach gives an intense-filled speech so all is forgotten ... But, I guess when you aren't used to winning you have to have something to hold on to.
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