Rhoads-zo the Clown

I do not get all the ISU sympathy here. You will NEVER see it or hear it from ISU fans. Fact of the matter, it was a game played between two teams that would be average teams in the Mo Valley Conference this year. Boo frickin hoo. When the day comes when I hear anything but cheers from an ISU fan after an Iowa loss, maybe I'll change my tune. Until then, I hope they (ISU) lose every game, forever.

everybody now-a-days is supposed to stop bullying. that message is being pounded in at the school level and it must be working if people are supporting the clowns after last night.

but i'm with you.
His feet were wrapped and his upper body was wrapped, there was no fighting for yards. He was down because his forward progress stopped. The time of the whistle also doesn't matter as long as the ref determined him down. Watch a game and pay attention to the whistle, it's not uncommon.

ISU lost because they suck. They lost because they had 118 yards in penalties. They lost because they allowed a hail mary play with no time on the clock going into halftime.

^^ this is true and this happens alot where we see a line judge come in from 30 yards away from the pile and signal the ball carrier down when maybe it was a fumble. or signal a TD after a RB has been down and then stretched into the endzone. It is too bad for the clowns as it has been for almost every team.

I only saw this on replays and it was a 50-50 call as the ball carrier could easily have been called down by forward motion being stopped, even if a whistle hadnt been blown.
Really, just dismissing altogether the possibility that three professional analysts in the booth also thought it was a fumble too? That even Texas fans on their own message boards are calling it a fumble and actually wouldnt have minded losing that game to get Brown out of there?

Youre not the brightest poster on here if you cant put down your hawk colored goggles and look at it objectively.
OMFG that's funny! Durr, Jesse Palmer thought it was a fumble, so it's a fumble!

Look, it doesn't matter how many "Professional Broadcasters" thought it was a fumble, the referees looked at the play and said it wasn't. So either you're going to have to delude yourself into thinking the refs intentionally threw the game in a large conspiracy, or accept the truth.

Either way, YOU'RE not the one looking at it objectively.
The thing I keep coming back to is the hailmary pass, and the fact the ISU defense let Texas drive all the way down the field in order to put themselves in position to score in the first place. Everyone is making a huge deal about the no fumble call, but they have to remind themselves that without the pass interference penalties Texas wouldn't have been in that position.

Was it a bad call? It seems like most people appear to agree that it was at least borderline. However, a good team never would have put themselves in that position in the first place.
The thing I keep coming back to is the hailmary pass, and the fact the ISU defense let Texas drive all the way down the field in order to put themselves in position to score in the first place. Everyone is making a huge deal about the no fumble call, but they have to remind themselves that without the pass interference penalties Texas wouldn't have been in that position.

Was it a bad call? It seems like most people appear to agree that it was at least borderline. However, a good team never would have put themselves in that position in the first place.

DP - there are a lot of those plays you can point to. how many interceptions should iowa state have had in the 1st half?
DP - there are a lot of those plays you can point to. how many interceptions should iowa state have had in the 1st half?

At least a couple. I distinctly remember McCoy just lobbing a pass up in the air like he was playing a game of 500 in the first quarter. That's the point tho... when there's a controversial call like this fans come out of the woodwork acting like there is some sort of conspiracy to keep Texas and the B12 looking strong... In reality ISU had a handful of opportunities to come out with a win regardless of that call and they blew it.
Even if you hate the Clowns and are glad they lost, poor officiating is bad for college football as a whole. Try to look at it as an impartial observer.
Even if you hate the Clowns and are glad they lost, poor officiating is bad for college football as a whole. Try to look at it as an impartial observer.

I agree with you. I don't ever remember officiating being under the microscope like it is today. In both college and the NFL. There's been a lot of high profile mistakes. It's incredibly frustrating to watch.

However, I am looking at this particular situation as an impartial observer. If what happened to ISU happened to Iowa I would say the same thing. I'd be upset about the call, but in the end I would realize the game wasn't decided based on that one call. They had their opportunities and they blew it.
I agree with you. I don't ever remember officiating being under the microscope like it is today. In both college and the NFL. There's been a lot of high profile mistakes. It's incredibly frustrating to watch.

However, I am looking at this particular situation as an impartial observer. If what happened to ISU happened to Iowa I would say the same thing. I'd be upset about the call, but in the end I would realize the game wasn't decided based on that one call. They had their opportunities and they blew it.

100%. It wasn't like ISU had many chances to bury the horns. this is what happens when you let a team like texas hang around. isu should have won this game way before the final minute.
Steve Deace has been heard saying, 'they looked down at the name on the front of their jersey' when referring to a lesser talented team barely getting beat by a much more talented team (see pod cast after Mich vs UConn game). I live in Dallas and was watching the game with some Longhorn fans and that's exactly what I told them would happen if ISU didn't score a TD on their second to last drive. They laughed. I said that if ISU kicked a FG the final score would be 31-30 cause ISU was going to realize 'who they were' as SD would put it. Obviously that's exactly what happened but I figured it would have been a blown coverage, a long pass play, a long run, or something to that affect; not ISU getting screwed at the end of the game. I for one feel horrible for ISU fans and for coach rhoads. They were the better team and played a better game only to have the win flat out stripped away. Even the Longhorn fans watching the game with me said as much but they were obviously still happy with the outcome. If this would have happened to Iowa against OSU, or any other team for that matter, everyone on this board would be flipping out.
You are missing the point: it didn't happen to Iowa, it happened to Iowa State. See the difference?
Really, just dismissing altogether the possibility that three professional analysts in the booth also thought it was a fumble too? That even Texas fans on their own message boards are calling it a fumble and actually wouldnt have minded losing that game to get Brown out of there?

Youre not the brightest poster on here if you cant put down your hawk colored goggles and look at it objectively.

I'm wearing Hawkeye gold today, I'm very bright. In fact someone told me my shirt was almost blinding. I don't have any goggles on though, that would be ridiculous in a professional environment that doesn't require them.

You continue to think what you want, officials made a decision and the losers need to get over it. Clowns lost, game over. So pwoud Rhoads needs to prepare for TT and keep his players from committing 118 yards worth of penalties. Probably needs to take an anger management class along with a public speaking class too. It's not......good.....to....talk....like....this...during...press CONFERENCES!
OMFG that's funny! Durr, Jesse Palmer thought it was a fumble, so it's a fumble!

Look, it doesn't matter how many "Professional Broadcasters" thought it was a fumble, the referees looked at the play and said it wasn't. So either you're going to have to delude yourself into thinking the refs intentionally threw the game in a large conspiracy, or accept the truth.

Either way, YOU'RE not the one looking at it objectively.

Not to mention the Weisman TD that wa soverturned at ISU...when all the "professionals" said it was, the "analyst" said it wasn't...blah blah blah.

The bottom line is that the replay booth couldn't see "indisputable" evidence that could overturn the call.

Sad for the Cyclones, sad for Texas. Sadder that many on here seem to have been glued to the game.