Rhoads-zo the Clown

You and ankle should be nominated for cyclone haters of the month. Good grief. You must like beating up a guy after he got robbed.

So let me get this straight. You find every opportunity you can to put down the Hawks, but you can't wait to jump on here and defend the Clones? Sure you aren't a Clone fan in disguise?
I do not get all the ISU sympathy here. You will NEVER see it or hear it from ISU fans. Fact of the matter, it was a game played between two teams that would be average teams in the Mo Valley Conference this year. Boo frickin hoo. When the day comes when I hear anything but cheers from an ISU fan after an Iowa loss, maybe I'll change my tune. Until then, I hope they (ISU) lose every game, forever.

I don't seem to remember a lot of sympathy from Clone fans after the terrible refs in the Outback Bowl incorrectly called us offsides and that was a Bowl game.
Wait a tic. I'm failing to see how going 1-3 and getting jobbed by you own conference equals "momentum". They seriously are one ****ed up gang of mouth breathing fans.

I assume you're talking about my posts. If so, you'll note that I said "generally". No where did I say that this season equates to gaining momentum. Simple reading comprehension mistake there. Also, last I checked, ISU's recruiting class is ranked higher than iowa's. If we were to use that as a measuring stick, I'd say that's progress. Generally (<-- for you hfn).
Ha. The only people that have an issue with Rhoads' post-game rant are some Texas fans and iowa fans. Why do hawk fans care? Is it because ISU is in the national spotlight again, so hawk fans think they need to pipe up, just like during this last basketball season? Oh, and essentially the entire country loved the Rhoads' rant and thought that Iowa State was screwed. Keep being hurry-butt gents. It's truly fun to watch!
The only reason there was any national relevance to this game is because Texas was in it. ISU is not relevant on a national scale. By the way I noticed you give yourself a little thrill by not using upper case letters when you type Iowa or Hawks, very clever.
Yeah, with wins over powerhouse programs like Eastern Michigan Tech and Northeast Missouri A&M State I can't understand why iowa isn't up there with Alabama in the rankings.
I know why you posted this. You wanted to draw attention to ISU who got hammered by an Iowa team that had wins over your imagined teams.
Stewo is right. The rest of you Iowa fans are just jealous. The clones have held their opponents under 40 pts for 23 games in a row now! That leads the conference!

Best. Defense. Ever.
It was hilarious when Rhoads slammed down that chair and got up in Marble's grill, blathering on about "getting MAD again" while pumping sunshine about how great of a shooter Oglesby is. Out. Of. Control. Delusional idiot. All an act. Oh, wait...
The only people that have said the word jealous are you all. I've not even eluded to that as that wasn't part of what I was talking about. Pretty much business as usual for HN though.
Also, I first thought this thread title was Rhabdo the Clown and that Chris Doyle had switched sides.
Listen Cychamp and Stewo. What you say means absolutely d*** until your piece of **** team accomplishes something other than being the laughing stock of college football. It's not a coincidence that you "keep getting screwed over". It happens because your coach is a ball-less, whiny, ***** that keeps getting you into the situations that allows you to get "screwed".

Other than that your AD is a clueless moron that keeps allowing the clown leading your team to act like he knows what in the hell he's doing. You're looking at ANOTHER losing season under Rhoads and none of you morons have anything to say except you're all so PROUD that he's your coach. You're losers. You've always been losers and you will always be losers.

Enjoy the back seat for another season while Iowa gets all of the press and the wins.
Listen Cychamp and Stewo. What you say means absolutely d*** until your piece of **** team accomplishes something other than being the laughing stock of college football. It's not a coincidence that you "keep getting screwed over". It happens because your coach is a ball-less, whiny, ***** that keeps getting you into the situations that allows you to get "screwed".

Other than that your AD is a clueless moron that keeps allowing the clown leading your team to act like he knows what in the hell he's doing. You're looking at ANOTHER losing season under Rhoads and none of you morons have anything to say except you're all so PROUD that he's your coach. You're losers. You've always been losers and you will always be losers.

Enjoy the back seat for another season while Iowa gets all of the press and the wins.
Haha. Awesome. Talk about a Gomer. We have a winner.
Haha. Awesome. Talk about a Gomer. We have a winner.

Whatever you say, loser. How's that loss from last night sitting with you? How about your season so far? You still sad you got your ***** kicked at home by UNI?
Listen Cychamp and Stewo. What you say means absolutely d*** until your piece of **** team accomplishes something other than being the laughing stock of college football. It's not a coincidence that you "keep getting screwed over". It happens because your coach is a ball-less, whiny, ***** that keeps getting you into the situations that allows you to get "screwed".

Other than that your AD is a clueless moron that keeps allowing the clown leading your team to act like he knows what in the hell he's doing. You're looking at ANOTHER losing season under Rhoads and none of you morons have anything to say except you're all so PROUD that he's your coach. You're losers. You've always been losers and you will always be losers.

Enjoy the back seat for another season while Iowa gets all of the press and the wins.
OMG, I get it now. You are Paul Rhoads. Passionate and out of control.

Mind blown.
OMG, I get it now. You are Paul Rhoads. Passionate and out of control.

Mind blown.

Don't give yourself too much credit. I'm not sure you have the proper equipment to have your mind blown.

I can't be Paul Rhoads, he doesn't associate himself with winners only the losers from Ames.
Whatever you say, loser. How's that loss from last night sitting with you? How about your season so far? You still sad you got your ***** kicked at home by UNI?
Doing great. I obviously don't take sports quite as seriously as you.
Stewo and CyChamp, not delusional whatsoever. Or suffering from little brother syndrome, for that matter. Not. At. All.
Stewo and CyChamp, not delusional whatsoever. Or suffering from little brother syndrome, for that matter. Not. At. All.
I am actually one of the least delusional ISU fans, but having 9 ISU threads on the front page almost seemed like an invitation.

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