Rhoads-zo the Clown

Deny all you want. It truly doesn't matter because the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. That said, real hawk fans (the ones in real life, not on the internet) understand what has happened with ISU's AD as of recently and respect the progress. I understand that the internet is about posturing and to make every attempt to be funny so people will click the little "like" button on you post, but most everyone outside of the internet hawk fan base appreciates ISU's strides. The ISU fan base certainly doesn't need derp internet posters to get on board with what's going on (that's not my purpose either). So, please continue to deny and "laugh" at ISU and we'll continue to slowly build towards the future.

Oh, and you should get behind giving your head football coach a raise. Because apparently, we're the fan base that's being trolled.

so, by your definition of what a fan is, are you a real clown?
Deny all you want. It truly doesn't matter because the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. That said, real hawk fans (the ones in real life, not on the internet) understand what has happened with ISU's AD as of recently and respect the progress. I understand that the internet is about posturing and to make every attempt to be funny so people will click the little "like" button on you post, but most everyone outside of the internet hawk fan base appreciates ISU's strides. The ISU fan base certainly doesn't need derp internet posters to get on board with what's going on (that's not my purpose either). So, please continue to deny and "laugh" at ISU and we'll continue to slowly build towards the future.

Oh, and you should get behind giving your head football coach a raise. Because apparently, we're the fan base that's being trolled.
Slowly build toward the future? Paw appears to have stopped.

You fit my caricature of clone fan. A 4-8 ceiling and losing to UNI is believed to be progress because your coach cares.
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This game was not decided by one play. How about the Hail Mary at the end of the first half? Never should have happened. How about the two pass interferences on ISU during the drive that put Texas deep in ISU territory? Or how about Richardson throwing the silly interception when the team was trying to position itself for a winning field goal? Very poorly managed. The offense was not on the same page as to if they were going to down the ball or run a play.

Someone else mentioned it, but Rhoads does have the ISU fanbase in his back pocket. Many of my friends had Facebook posts saying: "That is a coach I want to play for." "That is a coach I want to send my kids to play for ..." Blah, blah ... ISU is 1-4 ... It's worst start since 2007.

ISU played over its head against a bad Texas team. The "fumble" was not the deciding factor.

The Hail Mary NEVER should have happened. Rhoads can give his drama-filled speech all he wants to but the bottomline is they are not a good team. And he has been a very average program at ISU and will never take them past 6-7 wins. This year they will be lucky to get 4 wins.

But we all know ... ISU fans don't expect much. They really don't. They should be calling out the staff for the Hail Mary ... they should be questioning ISU's handling of its final drive ...

But instead, their coach gives an intense-filled speech so all is forgotten ... But, I guess when you aren't used to winning you have to have something to hold on to.

the speech was orchestrated. clown fans, in general, always blame some external factor for their failure. pauw and company chose the easy road - distract with the blame game. clown fans are eating from dullard and pauws hands.
Doesn't respect or care about internet fans opinion but continues to argue with them and beg for their attention. What a weird ******* hobby.
Deny all you want. It truly doesn't matter because the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. That said, real hawk fans (the ones in real life, not on the internet) understand what has happened with ISU's AD as of recently and respect the progress. I understand that the internet is about posturing and to make every attempt to be funny so people will click the little "like" button on you post, but most everyone outside of the internet hawk fan base appreciates ISU's strides. The ISU fan base certainly doesn't need derp internet posters to get on board with what's going on (that's not my purpose either). So, please continue to deny and "laugh" at ISU and we'll continue to slowly build towards the future.

Oh, and you should get behind giving your head football coach a raise. Because apparently, we're the fan base that's being trolled.
Jesus Christ dude, do you have any idea how pathetic you sound?

People "respect the progress" of the Iowa state athletics program? No they don't! That is only something the ISU "internet fanbase" wants to believe. The reality of the situation is that, in the past, NO ONE cared about ISU athletics, and in the present, NO ONE continues to care.

No, by all means, come into your rival's board with a 1-3 record and brag about all of the progress you've made.
Slowly build toward the future? Paw appears to have stopped.

You fit my caricature of clone fan. A 4-8 ceiling and losing to UNI is believed to be progress because your coach cares.
It's really quite remarkable. They care moar about the fact their coach got face time on Sportscenter than the fact that he's doing an absolutely horrible job coaching and recruiting, and generally building the program away from a modicum of respectability.
Most non-internet Hawk fans who aren't Cyclone fans probably don't know who Iowa State's coach is. In fact, I would bet there are a good chunk of people outside of those criteria who don't know where Iowa State is or what their mascot is.

Basically, out side of the state of Iowa nobody gives a flying **** about Iowa State sports (hell, barely anyone cares about Iowa sports though at least we've done some things nationally, well, in football and wrestling, that matter at some point) let alone "respect the ******* process" whatever that means.
You know...I honestly didn't typically make that much of the ISU game. It was important to win...don't get me wrong...but I really viewed it as a measuring stick game for Iowa's offensive line, QB, and running game, etc. In rivalry games, where no program has a dominate team, the games can swing with momentum and go either way. Usually the better team wins, but not always (See 2002).

Lately, however, I've changed my tune with the ISU game. It's now very important to me...and not just for those measuring stick reasons I mentioned...it's because Paul Rhoads has stoked the fire about this game. That cheerleading / player kissing / down on his knees pleading crap just aggravates the hell out of me. We needed to win the game this year to break one the greatest two game victory streak in the history of Clown football. I think their players play like punks, and are cocky beyond the fact that they have had at best, low levels of success. How about changing the program with hard work and class.

Personally, with what Iowa has coming back next year and the following year...I'm going to enjoy kicking the living crap out of a Rhoads-zo the Clown team. Next year is going to be very, very ugly in Kinnick and I'll enjoy every minute of it. I actually found myself rooting for Texas last night...which is the darkest place I've ever been.
Again, the HN fans will continue to deny. I honestly believe that most here would rather see ISU fail than iowa succeed. As jacked up as the CF posters can be, I don't have that same general feeling. There also isn't (and won't be) 7, 8 seperate threads about the iowa game this saturday. Why is that? Why the obsession with ISU? You say "to make fun", but what can't be said in a single thread? Hell, even hawk posters comment on how often Cyclone threads pop up around here. Its just comical how infatuated the posters here are with ISU. Hence, the reason I call most HN posters more of the internet reputation poster and not so much fan.
Again, the HN fans will continue to deny. I honestly believe that most here would rather see ISU fail than iowa succeed. As jacked up as the CF posters can be, I don't have that same general feeling. There also isn't (and won't be) 7, 8 seperate threads about the iowa game this saturday. Why is that? Why the obsession with ISU? You say "to make fun", but what can't be said in a single thread? Hell, even hawk posters comment on how often Cyclone threads pop up around here. Its just comical how infatuated the posters here are with ISU. Hence, the reason I call most HN posters more of the internet reputation poster and not so much fan.
The hits keep coming with this guy.

You think we'd rather see the clowns fail than the hox succeed? How could we? The Clowns have never succeeded. That's liek saying "Hok fans would rather see the sun set in the west rather than it rain water".
Again, the HN fans will continue to deny. I honestly believe that most here would rather see ISU fail than iowa succeed. As jacked up as the CF posters can be, I don't have that same general feeling. There also isn't (and won't be) 7, 8 seperate threads about the iowa game this saturday. Why is that? Why the obsession with ISU? You say "to make fun", but what can't be said in a single thread? Hell, even hawk posters comment on how often Cyclone threads pop up around here. Its just comical how infatuated the posters here are with ISU. Hence, the reason I call most HN posters more of the internet reputation poster and not so much fan.

Holy **** you're delusional, you guys had longer game threads on CyFan than we did on here during the NIT game. You have a 22 page thread on Iowa basketball recruiting. There's not many football posts about Iowa on there because what are they going to say "Yeah Iowa is a lot better than us" LOL. Most of the posts on here are making fun about how dumb Clone fans are, you just lost to a ******* terrible Texas team at home. It's year 5 of Roads' tenure and you're 1-3 with a loss to an FCS team, riding a 5 game home losing streak, headed for your fourth straight losing year, 5th straight losing conference season under Rhodes and bringing in another bottom of the B12 barrel recruiting class. You're not improving.
The hits keep coming with this guy.

You think we'd rather see the clowns fail than the hox succeed? How could we? The Clowns have never succeeded. That's liek saying "Hok fans would rather see the sun set in the west rather than it rain water".

Certainly. This place is mostly satire based. It reminds me of much weaker version of goemaw. I don't think most posters here take this place seriously. Why should a fan of another team take it or its posters seriously?
Certainly. This place is mostly satire based. It reminds me of much weaker version of goemaw. I don't think most posters here take this place seriously. Why should a fan of another team take it or its posters seriously?
Fair enough. I guess that explains why you said that Iowa fans are afraid of how successful ISU has become, it was clever satire?
Fair enough. I guess that explains why you said that Iowa fans are afraid of how successful ISU has become, it was clever satire?

I never said that iowa fans are afraid of what ISU has come from to where they are now. What I was eluding to was that iowa fans are getting uncomfortable with ISU no longer being a bump in the road that they were not so long ago. The days of getting thrashed by iowa by 5 TD's. Those days are over. By the way, I've counted 11 separate threads about ISU's game yesterday. You kinda understand why I think HN is obsessed with ISU? There are a total of 19 threads about iowa on CF dating back to August 31st. It's pretty pathetic. Especially for big brother, right?
I never said that iowa fans are afraid of what ISU has come from to where they are now. What I was eluding to was that iowa fans are getting uncomfortable with ISU no longer being a bump in the road that they were not so long ago. The days of getting thrashed by iowa by 5 TD's. Those days are over. By the way, I've counted 11 separate threads about ISU's game yesterday. You kinda understand why I think HN is obsessed with ISU? There are a total of 19 threads about iowa on CF dating back to August 31st. It's pretty pathetic. Especially for big brother, right?

So you're clueless, delusional, and a now a liar too?

God bless, sweet Clown Prince.
The whistle clearly had not blown and he was not down. Plus, all three broadcasters thought it was a fumble. Some of you guys on here............man. If this happened to the hawks this board would melt from hawk fans sick about the call.
C'mon Comanche! The play can be dead before a whistle is blown. Way, way before a whistle is blown. And stopping forward progress means the play is dead instantly.


Wait a tic. I'm failing to see how going 1-3 and getting jobbed by you own conference equals "momentum". They seriously are one ****ed up gang of mouth breathing fans.
ISU made all kinds of mistakes in that game and had all kinds of chances for someone to make a play. It shouldn't have come down to this play.

That said, where there should not be a mistake is in the replay booth. I can understand the linesman not seeing the ball being stripped because he is being blocked by George. But there is no excuse for the booth and the Big XII to get it wrong.

They don't have to see the ball in George's hands at the point of the strip to overturn the play. They knew it wasn't in Gray's hands. They knew George was at the 40 with the ball in his hands.

It was clear George had taken 2-3 steps before the whistle blew.

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