OT: Vacation

Any place who's motto is "come on vacation, leave on probation" is not a place I want to spend my time or money.
A couple good restaurants and a little bit of music (which is meh) just isn't worth it.
Last time I was at the green space (6 years ago or so) there were so many mosquitoes.
You would think they could do something about that with propane traps.
The water quality has been decreasing for years. Evidenced by the weeds. Blue water lakes?? Lol. Half the time raw sewage has "leaked" in and they advise not to swim or caution about swimmers itch.
The DNR advises not to eat fish from there more than about twice a week.
I grew up going there on the weekends. It's changed, and not for the better.
I would save my money, go somewhere nicer and somewhere they appreciate your hard earned $$.
You gotta know your audience better if your gonna drop lie bombs like that. Jesus, dude.

Time to shut this one down, @InGoodCo lol...

1) Arnold's Park, The Emporium, three top notch golf courses, Bridges Bay, scuba diving charters and instruction, Iowa's best multi-species fishing on 5 different lakes (among others), awesome family beaches at Emerson, Marble Beach, Mini Wakan, Isthmus, Gull Point, Pikes Point and others, tons of interactive art museums for kids, kids summer theater programs, PWC rentals, boat rentals, paragliding, free concerts every Saturday night, free fireworks over the water every Saturday night (that put most towns to shame), awesome bar/bar band scene within walking distance of every hotel if that's what you're after, numerous fishing guide services for any species/season, camping literally every couple miles, Emerson and Miller's Bays turn into party coves on weekends...yeah, there's nothing up there.

2) Talk to me about water quality and fish consumption advisories (that's what they're called)...you seem to know a whole lot more than a guy who's on the water/ice there year round and has been since I was a wee little one. West Okoboji is the only one called a blue water lake; it got that description in the 1800s because due to it being the deepest lake in Iowa at 134', it appears "more blue." Spirit, East O, Upper/Lower Gar are all glacial style shallow lakes and they don't have the same appearance.

The water quality is amazing up there and consistently ranks among the highest in the state. This past winter the bluegill harvest was the best one on record and I caught several over 11". Walleyes are flying out of the water this spring. It's also amazing for swimming...you can go there right now and see the bottom clearly in 15' of water at the north end, Emerson, Pikes Point, anywhere you want to swim..you pick.

Last but not least is the dumbest of your dumb stuff...

There has never in the history of the Iowa DNR been a fish consumption advisory at the Iowa Great Lakes. Never. Even when you were a kid. Just for kicks I texted Mike Hawkins (head DNR biologist who manages the entire lake system and hatchery at IGL...google him, he's a cool guy) and he confirmed it. There's never even been one in Dickinson County before. Just to help you out next time you want to spew bullshit, there's a page on the DNR website that maintains all current fish consumption advisories located here. You'll notice that there isn't an FCA in effect anywhere close to western Iowa. In fact, here's what the DNR has to say about eating fish that come out of our waters in this state:

Everyone is encouraged to include fish in their diet, including women and young children. The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) and several national health organizations recommend that people of all ages eat fish a minimum of twice per week to achieve optimal health benefits. Pregnant women should eat fish to ensure proper fetal development.

And here's their fact sheet on Iowa fisheries.

Sorry for the long post but the level of dumbassery in this post deserved a response.
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You gotta know your audience better if your gonna drop lie bombs like that. Jesus, dude.

Time to shut this one down, @InGoodCo lol...

1) Arnold's Park, The Emporium, three top notch golf courses, Bridges Bay, scuba diving charters and instruction, Iowa's best multi-species fishing on 5 different lakes (among others), awesome family beaches at Emerson, Marble Beach, Mini Wakan, Isthmus, Gull Point, Pikes Point and others, tons of interactive art museums for kids, kids summer theater programs, PWC rentals, boat rentals, paragliding, free concerts every Saturday night, free fireworks over the water every Saturday night (that put most towns to shame), awesome bar/bar band scene within walking distance of every hotel if that's what you're after, numerous fishing guide services for any species/season, camping literally every couple miles, Emerson and Miller's Bays turn into party coves on weekends...yeah, there's nothing up there.

2) Talk to me about water quality and fish consumption advisories (that's what they're called)...you seem to know a whole lot more than a guy who's on the water/ice there year round and has been since I was a wee little one. West Okoboji is the only one called a blue water lake; it got that description in the 1800s because due to it being the deepest lake in Iowa at 134', it appears "more blue." Spirit, East O, Upper/Lower Gar are all glacial style shallow lakes and they don't have the same appearance.

The water quality is amazing up there and consistently ranks among the highest in the state. This past winter the bluegill harvest was the best one on record and I caught several over 11". Walleyes are flying out of the water this spring. It's also amazing for swimming...you can go there right now and see the bottom clearly in 15' of water at the north end, Emerson, Pikes Point, anywhere you want to swim..you pick.

Last but not least is the dumbest of your dumb stuff...

There has never in the history of the Iowa DNR been a fish consumption advisory at the Iowa Great Lakes. Never. Even when you were a kid. Just for kicks I texted Mike Hawkins (head DNR biologist who manages the entire lake system and hatchery at IGL...google him, he's a cool guy) and he confirmed it. There's never even been one in Dickinson County before. Just to help you out next time you want to spew bullshit, there's a page on the DNR website that maintains all current fish consumption advisories located here. You'll notice that there isn't an FCA in effect anywhere close to western Iowa. In fact, here's what the DNR has to say about eating fish that come out of our waters in this state:

And here's their fact sheet on Iowa fisheries.

Sorry for the long post but the level of dumbassness in this post deserved a response.
Do you live in the area or just travel frequently? My grandparents live up there and some of my favorite childhood memories are from my time there.
How about Manfred Mann's "Stranded In Iowa"?

When Bob Seger wrote about a "long lonesome highway east of Omaha" in "Turn The Page" it doesn't take Rand McNally to figure out what state he's in.
I'm sitting in the living room of a cottage on the coast in Maine, looking at the ocean and feeling depressed that we leave for home in the morning! It's been a great 2 weeks!
I'm sitting in the living room of a cottage on the coast in Maine, looking at the ocean and feeling depressed that we leave for home in the morning! It's been a great 2 weeks!
Do you live in Georgia? If so, let the musical styling of Zac Brown comfort you on your return:

I'm just gonna drive up by the lake
And put my ass in a lawn chair, toes in the clay
Not a worry in the world, a PBR on the way
Life is good today, life is good today
You gotta know your audience better if your gonna drop lie bombs like that. Jesus, dude.

Time to shut this one down, @InGoodCo lol...

1) Arnold's Park, The Emporium, three top notch golf courses, Bridges Bay, scuba diving charters and instruction, Iowa's best multi-species fishing on 5 different lakes (among others), awesome family beaches at Emerson, Marble Beach, Mini Wakan, Isthmus, Gull Point, Pikes Point and others, tons of interactive art museums for kids, kids summer theater programs, PWC rentals, boat rentals, paragliding, free concerts every Saturday night, free fireworks over the water every Saturday night (that put most towns to shame), awesome bar/bar band scene within walking distance of every hotel if that's what you're after, numerous fishing guide services for any species/season, camping literally every couple miles, Emerson and Miller's Bays turn into party coves on weekends...yeah, there's nothing up there.

2) Talk to me about water quality and fish consumption advisories (that's what they're called)...you seem to know a whole lot more than a guy who's on the water/ice there year round and has been since I was a wee little one. West Okoboji is the only one called a blue water lake; it got that description in the 1800s because due to it being the deepest lake in Iowa at 134', it appears "more blue." Spirit, East O, Upper/Lower Gar are all glacial style shallow lakes and they don't have the same appearance.

The water quality is amazing up there and consistently ranks among the highest in the state. This past winter the bluegill harvest was the best one on record and I caught several over 11". Walleyes are flying out of the water this spring. It's also amazing for swimming...you can go there right now and see the bottom clearly in 15' of water at the north end, Emerson, Pikes Point, anywhere you want to swim..you pick.

Last but not least is the dumbest of your dumb stuff...

There has never in the history of the Iowa DNR been a fish consumption advisory at the Iowa Great Lakes. Never. Even when you were a kid. Just for kicks I texted Mike Hawkins (head DNR biologist who manages the entire lake system and hatchery at IGL...google him, he's a cool guy) and he confirmed it. There's never even been one in Dickinson County before. Just to help you out next time you want to spew bullshit, there's a page on the DNR website that maintains all current fish consumption advisories located here. You'll notice that there isn't an FCA in effect anywhere close to western Iowa. In fact, here's what the DNR has to say about eating fish that come out of our waters in this state:

And here's their fact sheet on Iowa fisheries.

Sorry for the long post but the level of dumbassery in this post deserved a response.
Well idk how old you are but I can remember the place over 45 years ago.
Scuba diving? Lmao. You can't see more than 3 ft in front of your self. Trust me I know.
There is always sewage or swimming advisory every single year (can't prove, but it's been more years than not).
There absolutely has been advisory on fish consumption. Maybe not DNR (I would assume so). But I know someone who sat on the board there and switched professions because of pay and I had a guy work for me years ago because the DNR was paying a whopping $9 HR.
The weeds and invasive species alone signal a huge problem.
Or are you going to sit there and tell me the water is just as clear as when you were a kid? There isn't more weeds? There aren't more invasive species?
Sorry buddy I have fond memories of the place to, but it's been trashed.
As for the emporium? Lol.
I seen some kid with daddy's boat and all his friends there last time I was there.
I was sitting with my 7 year old (at the time)
This cool kid with daddy's boat had a little blonde with him. Wearing a white skirt.
With shit all over the back of it. Real shit.
They were so fucked up they barely made it back down to the dock.

You seriously need to get out more if you think they have an awesome art scene.

As for music?? Well let's see, people like to drink and smoke when listening to and or playing music. Not all, but the majority.
"Come on vacation, leave on probation".
Or do you think that brand new jail and court house is filled to the max and people are ran through as fast as possible to make room every single holiday weekend, because it's not true?


Just a quick search.
I hate to tell you this, but have you seen the movie Jaws? So you trust the government?
Good luck with that.
I know for a fact, because I lived a stones throw from the water there for a number of years.
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Do you live in Georgia? If so, let the musical styling of Zac Brown comfort you on your return:

I'm just gonna drive up by the lake
And put my ass in a lawn chair, toes in the clay
Not a worry in the world, a PBR on the way
Life is good today, life is good today
Going to St Pete Beach, Treasure Island FL. area on Saturday for 2 weeks. Been going to the same beach front condo for over 20 years. I know the beach bar bartenders and they know me.
Also - 80 degrees in Manitou and 28 degrees at the top - dress accordingly...but CO weather is the absolute best IMO

I agree but I am biased.

Cannot emphasize ‘dress accordingly’ here in Colorado enough. Weather can and will change in a moment’s notice, usually when you are on a serious hike or mountain bike ride at 9K+. Always carry some cheap waterproof gear and an extra layer or two in the pack.
Wifey wants to take a week and just day trip to different spots around Iowa that we've always said we wanna visit. I'm lukewarm on the idea, but guess who will probably win. :D
We did this last year. Took a Mississippi river tour. It was fun. living most of my life in central Iowa it was a fun couple days.
Colorado. Arkansas river valley. Salida, Co. Yes the kids are going.

Last big family vacation for awhile.

Salida is great. Been there a few times. The Arkansas River should have plenty of water. I live in CO now, and have seen some of the pictures this week of the swollen rapids in parts of Colorado due to the massive snow runoff.
Salida is great. Been there a few times. The Arkansas River should have plenty of water. I live in CO now, and have seen some of the pictures this week of the swollen rapids in parts of Colorado due to the massive snow runoff.

I thought you moved to Colorado and then moved back to Madison. How long have you been in Colorado?
Wifey wants to take a week and just day trip to different spots around Iowa that we've always said we wanna visit. I'm lukewarm on the idea, but guess who will probably win. :D
I've been thinking about this and thought I'd share a 7-day "Iowa" trip i did.

I did the perimeter of Iowa in seven days and had a blast...about 4 years ago. At the time, I did it on a motorcycle. I hit all the furthermost "cities" of the four corners on my trip. Seems hokey but was interesting.

I live in Durant...close to Davenport. So we started there...we took the Great River Road to Keokuk. From there, Highway 2 west to Hamburg. Up I-29 to Granite, east on Hwy 9 to New Albin, then back to Davenport.

All four corners...saw lots of places I hadn't seen before (Loess Hills for example), and took in the beautiful Iowa summertime countryside.

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