O'Keefe's future if we win out

I know there are probably a lot of O'Keefe haters out there who have been silenced in the recent weeks. Now that the critics are silenced, we can talk about issues that are near and dear to everyone's heart, namely where does Coach O'Keefe end up if we win out. It is undeniable that our offense in the O'Keefe reign has been one of the best in the nation, and as is often the case, good teams want to hire top level coordinators to move up to head coaching positions. See, e.g. Bob Stoops going from Florida (d-coordinator) to Oklahoma.

I think Urban Meyer or Pete Carroll might decide they want a change of pace and that O'Keefe will end up at either Florida or USC as the head coach (Penn State or Florida State are also likely to come knocking). That would really upset and for that reason, I am hoping we don't win out. Of course, if we won out and then Ferentz's name was kicked around in the NFL and he left, I would think Barta would be smart enough to match USC or Florida in terms of comp and there is an outside we keep O'Keefe. What do y'all think about it?

I will feel the same as I've felt all along, KoK has no place calling plays in the Big Ten. Thanks.
Either you are trying to reel in fools with your humor or you are seriously off of your meds.

I wonder which one is true...........

Pssst.........Ever, is that you????
You guys remember the 2009 season when I put this thread up and the defense choked against Northwestern and again in Columbus?
Amazing what a difference time makes. 5 years and 2 days ago, we were debating what would happen to O'Keefe after the 2009 season. Today, we long to bring him back.