O'Keefe's future if we win out

I can't believe some of you are taking the OP seriously. His post is dripping of sarcasm.

That said, I am happy with KOK at Iowa. And I doubt he leaves any time soon.
I'm OK with KOK. He'd like to throw it a bit more, so he has said on occasion. But KF has the final say in gameplans.
I'm not a O'Keefe hater at all... However, I have questioned several of our play calls thats for sure. Who hasn't? Can you imagine if O'Keefe did get hired at a fairly large school. Wow and I thought the fans treated the AD of Auburn bad on the hire of Chizik haha.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8dxvwG5BVY&feature=related"]YouTube - Auburn AD Jay Jacobs returns to airport Saturday[/ame]
If we win out I boldly predict KoK will be back next year as our OC.

Heck if we lose out KoK will be back next year as our OC.

If we only manage 1 yard of total offense for the rest of the year KoK will be back as our OC :)

The continuity of the staff is part of the success. If guys like Norm were 45 and interested in a HC position he would have been long gone.

I do worry about Norm's toes if we do win the big 10 this year. Didn't he say the last time he lost a toe we won the big 10? He's got 8 left and some hawk fans might get some ideas!
Is this the first ridiculous thread in this board's history?

The first of many I'm sure, but we've seen history made.
I can't believe some of you are taking the OP seriously. His post is dripping of sarcasm.

That said, I am happy with KOK at Iowa. And I doubt he leaves any time soon.

Ding... Ding... Ding....

Surely most of you from the Scout.com site remember okeefe4prez was doing these tongue in cheek posts there as well.
okeefe4prez - Thank you for the laugh....it was a great way to start my day. Looking forward to more of the same in the future
ya know, i hope they do come asking for him. VERY VERY VERY unlikely. VERY. But I feel that the hawkeyes would benefit from it. What's the weakpoint of our team? I think you can answer that for yourself...
The points scored in the ASU game from 04 were on a punt return by Wallner Belleus.....Okeefe got shut out. Bad day for all hawks....

KOK is decent, for sure, but i seriously doubt people are knocking down his door for HC openings. I could be wrong but, i dont think he has a really strong recruiting history and that is something that is pretty important in addition to x's and o's. Not to mention, i think he should be pretty comfortable with his current situation...a less loyal HC than KF might have axed him after 07 just due to public outrage. I think KOK shows that same kind of loyalty.
KOK is a bad OC. He is Kirk's right hand man, so we put up with him. The same way that we put up with Jake because he was Kirk's guy for the job. We can only wish that he would get offered a head coach spot and jump on it (is there a school so desperate?). Then maybe our defense would not have to consistently bail us out.

The D should hold a FCS team to Zero? With that logic it is fair to say that the offense should score more than 17 versus a FCS team right?

Four passing plays from the six versus Michigan this year? KOK damn near cost us that one, and there should be no debate that his awful calls cost us the Michigan State game last year...which is scary with East Lansing coming up Saturday.