O'Keefe's future if we win out

Ohqueefer has been trolling a long time.

I know KOK wouldn't have thrown the ball 36 straight times in the 2nd half when only down 3 points and your RB was averaging over 8 yards a carry.
I know KOK wouldn't have thrown the ball 36 straight times in the 2nd half when only down 3 points and your RB was averaging over 8 yards a carry.

I am not sure if anyone has thought about this possibility when commenting on throwing 30+ in a row but what better way to force a QB change than to force a guy to sink or swim?

Davis has wanted CJ from day 1 to run his offense and has advocated for him with little comments in his rare interviews. KF has wanted Jake from day 1 to run his offense and has so much many times. There has been an odd meshing and conflict going on between the KF and Davis in terms of offensive style and control. Like KOK, Davis finds himself taking a majority of the blame despite not having full control to make personnel decisions and with KF hanging out in the offensive meeting room.

By throwing 36 in a row it did put the pressure on Jake to lead the team to victory or defeat. If victory, fine it is a win but defeat once again ushers in the doubt of can Jake really be a difference maker instead of risk averse game manager. After MD the door is now open again for CJ. So is that a win for what Davis wants to do?

The other interesting aspect is every single play call runs through KF's headset. He has complete veto power so was there a game of chicken going on between Davis and KF with the pass only play calling and a sink or swim with Jake?
After Iowa wins out I believe that Coach Davis will be retained unless the wins are all clearly attributed to special teams and defense. Such as a lot of 17-14 type wins with the defense or special teams scoring a TD. If that is the case then Iowa might offer the job to coach O'Keefe. Other than that I believe that he stays in the NFL.
Given that tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of the revised HawkeyeNation going live, I wanted to bump my first ever post that I put up the day the site launched.

As we saw, Mr. O'Keefe did wind up in the NFL and despite the negativity surrounding Mr. O'Keefe's tenure, we have seen that changing the OC has not been the panacea all of the Ostriches thought it would be.

- Chad
Given that tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of the revised HawkeyeNation going live, I wanted to bump my first ever post that I put up the day the site launched.

As we saw, Mr. O'Keefe
So your timing's a little off ( why not wait another day? ).

Is that some kind of nod to "Mr O'Keefe"?
Given that tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of the revised HawkeyeNation going live, I wanted to bump my first ever post that I put up the day the site launched.

As we saw, Mr. O'Keefe did wind up in the NFL and despite the negativity surrounding Mr. O'Keefe's tenure, we have seen that changing the OC has not been the panacea all of the Ostriches thought it would be.

- Chad
Unbelievably dumb post. You don’t stay with someone for fear the next guy might not be better. That’s simply a losing mentality and is an indictment on the hiring party. Yet another mark on the ferentz era