O'Keefe's future if we win out

you're crazy my good sir. Yea we win...but he makes some stupid calls. I do like Ken and he's gotten alot better this year and last (back to his 2002 days) but he's not going to be a head coach of powerhouse team.
The wierd thing is KoK may actually be a genius and no one here would know it. KF is pretty heavy handed in determining what type of offense we run and he has proved how conservative he is time and time again. It's hard to argue with the success he has as not only has it worked at Iowa its almost universal in the NFL. We win games by running the ball, stopping the run, and causing more turnovers than we give up.

That being said the thought of KOK going to Florida is pretty laughable.

Exactly. Seriously, look at the adjustments Ken has made year in and year out. In 2004, we had no tailbacks and Ken managed to lead us to a 7-1 year in the B10. This year, everyone is stacking the line and our top RB is out, yet Ken has managed to cover up the weaknesses and calls the right plays at the right time. Did anyone see the second half of the Wisconsin game? Once Ken gets to open it up because we are backed into a corner, good things happen. Good ADs know that and Ken's days at Iowa are numbered, especially if we win out.
Those games were only close because of Norm's defense. Norm gets all the love, but it is Ken who is winning ball games for us.
Ok, stop already. You have to be joking. I don't mind KOK one bit. To say he is winning ball games for us is a bit ridiculous. Ask anyone, even Stevie Wonder, he'll tell you that he has seen Iowa's D win every game for us. Period. KOK does what he has to. Norm does what it takes.
Those games were only close because of Norm's defense. Norm gets all the love, but it is Ken who is winning ball games for us.

I know that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but do you really believe this? Year in and year out, despite how frustrating it is to watch at times against spread teams, Norm's defenses have been top-notch, both in scoring and in yardage. We're winning this year because Norm's defense has been ball-hawking like madmen, putting the offense in good positions to score.
I was gonna leave this alone until his last statement. I have not been a fan of KO since the beginning. As long as Kirk is here and we have Norm leading his typical defense KO is insulated and yes Kirk is very loyal to the people that have been loyal too him.

Too many times in the past KO has been seen by his players as slow too react and slow too change his game plan. ( yes I have friends that have played for him). I have been a Hawkeye fan for a long time and am now finding more time to follow them as close as I used too.

To be honest I'm somewhat suprised he is still here. I love Kirk as our head coach and have always thought that. Just wished we had a better OC.
Ok, stop already. You have to be joking. I don't mind KOK one bit. To say he is winning ball games for us is a bit ridiculous. Ask anyone, even Stevie Wonder, he'll tell you that he has seen Iowa's D win every game for us. Period. KOK does what he has to. Norm does what it takes.

Okay, I'm sorry but when you score 17 points against an FCS team, you should win the game by 17 points. If the defense didn't give up 16 points we win that game going away, don't fall out of the rankings and are sitting 4th or so right now in the rankings. The defense's atrocious performance in the UNI game that led to our 1 point victory will be talked about for several more weeks and may very well keep us out of the national title game. Let me guess, you're gonna blame O'Keefe for that game in 2004 where Arizona State hung 44 points on us too, right?
I know that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but do you really believe this? Year in and year out, despite how frustrating it is to watch at times against spread teams, Norm's defenses have been top-notch, both in scoring and in yardage. We're winning this year because Norm's defense has been ball-hawking like madmen, putting the offense in good positions to score.

Wrong, we're winning because Ken has controlled the clock with his offense, keeping the defense off the field. It was a miracle we beat Michigan after the way Denard Robinson sliced through the defense like butter. Gee Norm, do you think their backup QB might run the ball almost every play? Better not load up the box. We won because Ken got key first downs to keep the defense from getting exposed at the end like they always do against spread teams. See, for instance, Northwestern 2005. Norm's defense made Brett Basanez look like Joe Montana.
Okay, I'm sorry but when you score 17 points against an FCS team, you should win the game by 17 points. If the defense didn't give up 16 points we win that game going away, don't fall out of the rankings and are sitting 4th or so right now in the rankings. The defense's atrocious performance in the UNI game that led to our 1 point victory will be talked about for several more weeks and may very well keep us out of the national title game. Let me guess, you're gonna blame O'Keefe for that game in 2004 where Arizona State hung 44 points on us too, right?
Well let me ask you this... how many points did KOK put up in that AZ game? 7... doesn't exactly make him a offensive genius...
Wrong, we're winning because Ken has controlled the clock with his offense, keeping the defense off the field. It was a miracle we beat Michigan after the way Denard Robinson sliced through the defense like butter. Gee Norm, do you think their backup QB might run the ball almost every play? Better not load up the box. We won because Ken got key first downs to keep the defense from getting exposed at the end like they always do against spread teams. See, for instance, Northwestern 2005. Norm's defense made Brett Basanez look like Joe Montana.

Did you forget the part of that Michigan game where our defense forced 4 turnovers and special teams grabbed another? Or that the defense allowed only 21 points in that game?
Okeefe4prez is a fraud!

He's trying to be funny, he doesn't do a very good job of it but at least he is trying.
Well let me ask you this... how many points did KOK put up in that AZ game? 7... doesn't exactly make him a offensive genius...

Oh yeah, that's a fair comparison. Ken should have been able to score at will with a sophomore QB starting his FIRST EVER ROAD GAME. Yep, Drew Tate's been gone for 3 years and you jackals still blame him for everything. Nope, it couldn't be the defense's fault. Babineaux, Roth, Greenway, Hodge, Considine, Allen, Johnson - yep sure, we had all those veterans on defense but it was Drew Tate's and Ken O'Keefe's fault we lost. Sure, pal.
Oh yeah, that's a fair comparison. Ken should have been able to score at will with a sophomore QB starting his FIRST EVER ROAD GAME. Yep, Drew Tate's been gone for 3 years and you jackals still blame him for everything. Nope, it couldn't be the defense's fault. Babineaux, Roth, Greenway, Hodge, Considine, Allen, Johnson - yep sure, we had all those veterans on defense but it was Drew Tate's and Ken O'Keefe's fault we lost. Sure, pal.
I am done trying to reason with you. I would like to offer a thank you for helping me with my post total though!