Nunge Rumor

I would be surprised if any of the current bigs redshirts. The concept of RS you are referring to is long gone. Kids these days want to play now and redshirting is seen as losing leverage. The majority of the time you see it now is injury or academic concerns.

Great example is Dailey who refused to RS per Fran’s request the year before. Dailey now can move on from this program if he chooses. You RS and you are stuck unless you qualify for grad transfer.
I call it the "gimme gimme gimmie" generation. Why wait for a home cooked meal at 5:30 prepared by a mother who's worked her ass of all day when you can whip up a plate of pizza rolls in the microwave in three minutes. You don't have to wait for the six o clock news or the morning paper to find that baseball score when you can follow it live on the internet. And you certainly don't want to wait your turn behind someone who's been with the program three or four years because everyone has told you from the age of eleven that you're going to be the next coming of Kevin Durant.

You couldn't be more right about redshirting not being in the DNA of today's players, but it still comes down to simple math. 13 players, 200 minutes. Only five can start. Only eight or maybe nine can get significant minutes. Yet they all think they deserve them. Now.

Bo Ryan may have been one of the last to sell kids on the idea of seeing the big picture. Frank Kaminsky, Zac Showalter, and Ethan Happ all sat the year. And all benefitted from it. But how many Bo Ryans are left out there?

Your right about something else, too. Kids are transferring at increased rates. That's what they're saving their redshirt for. You wonder what a coach has to promise a player in the recruiting process these days. And why some coaches get sick of recruiting.
I would advise that everyone be mindful of words used as to not offend any of Iowa Basketball players that are reading and tracking comments in this thread. :cool:
LOL, these dying forums are the social media outlets of old men. They are outdated and of no interest to kids more into Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. Not to mention other platforms you and I have never heard of.
LOL, these dying forums are the social media outlets of old men. They are outdated and of no interest to kids more into Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. Not to mention other platforms you and I have never heard of.

I'm sure the players are curious to what people say about them. I can see why a player might want to transfer after reading all the crap people have to say about them. It occurred to me that a lot of the crap is from iowa state, UNI, or some other conference schools fans. It is a good reminder for the players, and even the people on this forum that everyone should try to live a life that's best for them and not for a bunch of idiots that don't really care for them anyway. I hope the best for the players whether they stay or transfer. When I get up in the morning, I look up to God and hope the best for myself.
I would advise that everyone be mindful of words used as to not offend any of Iowa Basketball players that are reading and tracking comments in this thread. :cool:
Poor play will almost never bother me to the point it does some people. I realize these guys are playing against Division 1 competition. Sense of entitlement does. Not helping on defense because Joe Blow wouldn't help me when I needed it? Making a face every time you are whistled for a foul? Giving up on a play and watching Josh Reaves jump through the roof? Going to Twitter after the game because you can't wait to see all the wonderful comments? Those are all signs of sense of entitlement. They are on scholarship last time I checked. That's a privilege and a big responsibility.

Some think the ship is listing so bad that it will take more than off-season to fix it. I don't. I hope everyone who contributed to 14-19 or whatever it was has already taken a good long look at themselves and can bounce back and start showing toughness on the court and poise under pressure like I think they can. Barta has certainly given the coaching staff enough rope to do their part.
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I do find it ironic that a bunch of adult men are arguing on an archaic platform online about kids needing to stay off twitter and toughen up and ignore the noise - meanwhile I have a guy harassing me over the way I worded ONE sentence I wrote a week ago out of thousands of sentences. We live in a weird place.
I do find it ironic that a bunch of adult men are arguing on an archaic platform online about kids needing to stay off twitter and toughen up and ignore the noise - meanwhile I have a guy harassing me over the way I worded ONE sentence I wrote a week ago out of thousands of sentences. We live in a weird place.
When is your band going to be in eastern Iowa/Southwest Wisconsin? Summer's coming.
At least one big man should have redshirted this year. And if all hands on deck return at least one should redshirt next year. The question, of course, is who. You don't want to make a player sit a year and find himself still lost in the shuffle when he returns.

The best use of a natural (non medical or transfer) redshirt I ever saw is still clearly Brad Lohaus. He sat the 1984-85 season when Stokes and Michael Payne were seniors and had two years eligibility left. He still struggled in his fourth year (Raveling's last) and had pretty much been passed up by (younger) Al Lorenzen and Ed Horton. Tom Davis then came in and saved his career, not to mention provided him a ten year NBA career. Les Jepsen was also a good use of a redshirt, but that wasn't unusual for a true freshman, especially then. For Lohaus to do that in mid career while healthy took foresight-and guts.

Part of the Lohaus situation is probably attributable to coaching change from Lute Olson to George Raveling, as well. But, you're right, it was brilliant on the part of Raveling/staff and Lohaus.
When is your band going to be in eastern Iowa/Southwest Wisconsin? Summer's coming.

We haven't really ventured that direction under this current project but that's gonna change. We are releasing an album this summer and plan on hitting IC, Davenport (Daytrotter Studios), possibly Dubuque and definitely Chicago. We are original Country/Blues/Rock - know of any joints up that way we need to get to? I've played Boxcars in Clinton solo a few times.
LOL, these dying forums are the social media outlets of old men. They are outdated and of no interest to kids more into Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. Not to mention other platforms you and I have never heard of.
We need a diversion from sipping lemonade and playing petenque (bocci ball)
Wouldn't surprise me at all if he left. The coaching staff spent an entire year jerking him around between the 2, 3, and 4 spots....
He may turn out to be a Matt Bullard/J R Koch/Jarrod Uthoff type player but this year he was a true freshman. He could easily have been jerked between Riley Till and Charlie Rose with the defense he played.