North Endzone Construction

I think they might be behind schedule. It's 8:30pm and guys are working under the lights...

I go by there every day, I was amazed by their initial progress. But they have a long way to go in three weeks. I don't think the scoreboard is going up this year. All of the concrete work under the bleachers still needs to be done.
The scoreboard is probably "easy" compared to the rest of the project. Just need a crane large enough to lift that bad boy up there and secure it. It's basically a 120 foot TV and all the electronics and integration are tested at the factory before shipment. Hopefully it comes with some quality speakers. ;)
Looks like they are doing team photos in the south end zone right now. Watching on the video stream. Wonder if that will be left on for the practice tomorrow (for those not going).
It's coming together...more trim and finish going up. Also, in looking at tickets on it looks like there will be a few rows of seats added in those big open spaces between the tunnels. There are tickets shown for those areas.

Not a lot different than sitting up high or low on the sides and having to go.

Yeah, but if you are in the current club seats, you've got an elevator to take you up and there is a fair amount of bathroom capacity in the club. If they are hitting people for $1900 donations for those tickets and don't have the amenities ready, those folks deserve a substantial refund of their contribution.
It's coming together...more trim and finish going up. Also, in looking at tickets on it looks like there will be a few rows of seats added in those big open spaces between the tunnels. There are tickets shown for those areas.

I just bought tickets today for the Maryland game in 131 row 12. Should give a good taste of how much louder it is than last year.
Yeah, but if you are in the current club seats, you've got an elevator to take you up and there is a fair amount of bathroom capacity in the club. If they are hitting people for $1900 donations for those tickets and don't have the amenities ready, those folks deserve a substantial refund of their contribution.

I don't think the people that shell that out and gonna growl at Barta. It's been well telegraphed for many months. Don't think they can claim they didn't know for one season, I would bet Barta will have a little something something extra for handouts for them.
I just bought tickets today for the Maryland game in 131 row 12. Should give a good taste of how much louder it is than last year.
Don't expect a huge increase in peak volume levels - if any - as the stadium remodel is going to change things mostly in the time domain. What you can expect is a longer reverberation time (and a general degradation of vocal intelligibility) due to the increase in "slap" echoes. This was clearly audible Saturday during the kids day practice. The "I-O-W-A" chant is going to be awesome with a more audible slap echo. I i i i... O o o... W w w... A a a... if you know what i mean :)

I think the total reverb time goes up a half second plus. This is going to raise the sustained level over a longer period of time because the sound won't die out as quickly. There also is a tendency to "crank up the mains" when it becomes harder to hear due to acoustical problems so maybe the limiters on the P.A. will get adjusted upwards when they retune the system to account for the new acoustic signature of the stadium.
Don't expect a huge increase in peak volume levels - if any - as the stadium remodel is going to change things mostly in the time domain. What you can expect is a longer reverberation time (and a general degradation of vocal intelligibility) due to the increase in "slap" echoes. This was clearly audible Saturday during the kids day practice. The "I-O-W-A" chant is going to be awesome with a more audible slap echo. I i i i... O o o... W w w... A a a... if you know what i mean :)

I think the total reverb time goes up a half second plus. This is going to raise the sustained level over a longer period of time because the sound won't die out as quickly. There also is a tendency to "crank up the mains" when it becomes harder to hear due to acoustical problems so maybe the limiters on the P.A. will get adjusted upwards when they retune the system to account for the new acoustic signature of the stadium.

We'll see. Putting clothed bodies in all those seats will change the acoustics significantly over raw concrete. 1,000 fewer people in that end zone may make it a wash...volume wise. (especially when many of the seats are high level donors vs crazy general public folks). I think the visual effect may be as much a part of it as the acoustic.
Long time no see goobers. It’s been a while for me. Anyway, when I first heard about the north end zone project I was a little worried they might screw up my Kinnick experience. I liked it just the way it was. Everyone had the same type of ticket, some closer up, some farther back, but no club seats or patios or any crap like that. I have to say, seeing what they’ve done so far....really really like it. It’s quite imposing, very modern looking. I think it’s a big time improvement. The only concern I have now is that, although it looks awesome, it’s very steep and I bet ha it’s not going to be comfortable. Regardless, Hawk at midfield, water tower, multiple level end zone, lots of good improvements. Go hawks

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