No way Paterno survives this if he knew.

If Joe Pa knew and did nothing or very little, then he will go down hard and well deserved. I have lost all respect for the PSU program.
I feel odd even discussing this on a football board, this is very serious stuff that has nothing to do with football besides the suspect's job. The legal system needs to work it out and that includes the vast amount of money PSU will be paying out in a few years.
Seriously. Does he go down hard or just retire after a season in which he reached a milestone that no current coach will likely reach.
I think the timing of this coming out is very odd. JoPa just breaks the all-time D1 wins record and NOW this comes out. Hmmmmmm...
The grad assistant is somewhat culpable but nothing like JoePa. A grad assistant is in a very subordinate and vulnerable position. Caoch Paterno on the other hand is arguably the most influential person in the state of Pennsylvania, the highest paid public employee, and the head of one of the highest profile sports organization in the country. If he knew this was being covered up, then he is part of the problem not part of the solution.

I hope it comes out that JoePa had numerous meetings with the DA and college President pleading for action. It doesn't appear to be the case.
Seriously. Does he go down hard or just retire after a season in which he reached a milestone that no current coach will likely reach.
I thought this would be his last year. He doesn't really have any major milestones left to accomplish and their program needs a head coach. It light of all of these allegations,it would be best if he hung it up and got out now.
The grad assistant is somewhat culpable but nothing like JoePa. A grad assistant is in a very subordinate and vulnerable position. Caoch Paterno on the other hand is arguably the most influential person in the state of Pennsylvania, the highest paid public employee, and the head of one of the highest profile sports organization in the country. If he knew this was being covered up, then he is part of the problem not part of the solution.

I hope it comes out that JoePa had numerous meetings with the DA and college President pleading for action. It doesn't appear to be the case.

I dont know what Joe Pa knew or didnt know. Based on the allegations, he never witnessed a crime, therefore he is not legally responsible to report it (assuming he did not report it)
I dont know. I would think the PA law says you report the crime to the police, not your employer.
Possibly, but the your post earlier doesn't make sense either. If JoePa knew, then that's what he should have it to the police.
To be fair to the GA, he is in a subordinate position. This was a criminal matter that had direct implications of his employment. It is reasonable to think he did the right thing by going to Head Coach Joe Paterno and let him know what he witnessed. Coach Paterno on the other hand, apparently thought he would tell the AD and the campus police and think that was good enough?
i dont think anyone here can say for certain how they would react if they walked in a situation like that. its like the worst possible situation in life. its a little unfair to rip on mcqueary in my opinion.
I dont know what Joe Pa knew or didnt know. Based on the allegations, he never witnessed a crime, therefore he is not legally responsible to report it (assuming he did not report it)

We know that an eyewitness reported to him that Sandusky was banging a boy in the butt in the PSU shower. We know that Sandusky was no longer allowed to bring boys to the PSU football facilities. And we know, from the attorney generals report, that NO ONE from PSU reported the incident to the proper authorities.
The grad asst. saw it, he would be the one who would face criminal charges.

But isn't that part of the reason the AD is facing charges? He didn't see it either but failed to report it.

I am not going to defend the grad assistant, but Paterno's role is a lot more disturbing to me. He is the one with the power in the situation.

Obviously the GA saw something disturbing enough to cause him and his father to visit Paterno at his home. I'd think the GA probably figured if Paterno didn't want the allegations to come to light, Paterno could use his power to throw him under the bus. It'd be the lowest man on the totem pole taking on a legend and the face of an entire university. That's a tall order for a GA. It'd be like an intern taking on a CEO of a Fortune 500 company...maybe even worse given Paterno's stature.

Paterno took one step in the right direction by notifying his boss, but isn't he obligated by law to report it? The whole thing is rotten. It speaks to a situation in which people in power (AD and Paterno) knew Sandusky was likely committing these crimes but chose to ignore it.

The fact that Paterno is the most powerful of all in the situation, and likely had the closest relationship with the accused, is extremely troubling.

Lots of abuses of power here, at least potentially, that resulted in ruined lives for many.

Based on the facts we have right now, it is difficult to look at Paterno as a legend.

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