No way Paterno survives this if he knew.

what a terrible situation. i'm going to wait till more info comes out before i make comments on JoePa. i hope to God that he didn't just tell the AD if he knew what was going on.
Obviously, it's horrible what happened to the victims, but my heart also goes out to PSU fans right now. I have a few co-workers who are PSU alums and we've talked a lot of smack over the last few years. On Monday, it's going to be very awkward.

ah, whatever dude...
Obviously, it's horrible what happened to the victims, but my heart also goes out to PSU fans right now. I have a few co-workers who are PSU alums and we've talked a lot of smack over the last few years. On Monday, it's going to be very awkward.

You serious?
Seriously, I'd like to know what issue you have with what I said.

I'm going to assume you just didn't write what you meant to say correctly but you made it seem like you were more sympathetic towards Penn St. fans then the victims of the crimes.
What is sad, cnn is reporting there were more victims after the 2002. PSU could have stopped that from happening if they would have just picked up a phone.
This isnt about PSU fans you dense toolshed. This is about kids being molested.
I guess you didn't read my first sentence then. I said that what happened to the kids was horrible. However, unlike a simpleton like you, my brain can handle more than one thought or feeling on a subject. I feel the utmost sympathy for the victims, but I also feel a little bad for PSU folks. No big deal.
I guess you didn't read my first sentence then. I said that what happened to the kids was horrible. However, unlike a simpleton like you, my brain can handle more than one thought or feeling on a subject. I feel the utmost sympathy for the victims, but I also feel a little bad for PSU folks. No big deal.

that's actually not the way you said it, so back off the simpleton talk.
Ok I apologize to Doublewide. I was responding to the "dense toolshed" remark, but two wrongs don't make a right.

Ok I will apologize as well then. My comments were in poor taste. Both teams won today, but I am just blown away by this story.
Whoa ... lot's going on here. This coach has a definite fixation with young boys. Wow ... When this is all said and done this could lead to Paterno's departure (in one form or another). This is some serious stuff and sounds like a lotta people did a lotta nothing...

Its appalling.
What is sad, cnn is reporting there were more victims after the 2002. PSU could have stopped that from happening if they would have just picked up a phone.

And it's being widely reported that NO ONE from PSU bothered to make that call. If true, JoePa's career will end in shame.

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