No way Paterno survives this if he knew.

Teachers are held accountable by law, even if they don't see the crime, to report suspected child abuse. This is the same law that would , in theory, hold a catholic official or JoePa accountable to report their suspicions, regardless of whether they witness a crime.

If YOU could read you would see I corrected myself shortly after I posted initially you asshat. I would have edited it but the android app doesn't allow that.

Thanks. Now go back to defending Joe for doing all he could. Bless his heart. <sarcasm>
I thought this was a pretty good post from one of the articles.

How are TOTALLY disingenuous ... what Joe - YOU'RE HONESTLY SAYING YOU DIDN'T ASK Mike what he saw in the shower? You have only 3 possible answers to that question: (1) you didn't WANT to know (2) you didn't CARE to know (3) you're a moron. We know you're not a moron, so that eliminates #3 - and 1 and 2 make you look like an enabling fool.
These are the options you could have done:
1. Call Sandusky to your house - and beat his a$$ - this guy was/is a life-long friend. You didn't think to pick up the phone and say, "what the blank is going on here??!!"
2. Call the authorities yourself - when you want something done, you have no qualms about breaking the chain of command. But alleged child rape? Nahhh...
3. Find out who the victim(s) were and make sure THEY were okay
4. Follow up on what you told your "bosses" (Curley and Schulz)
5. Reach out to officials at Second Mile
6. Launch your own investigation to make sure no one else was impacted by this man
7. Called the university president yourself
8. NOT recommended Sandusky for another coaching job (UVA)
LEGALLY, Joe, you are innocent - you "played by the rules" of law and did the bare minimum. Morally, ethically, and humanity-wise, you FAILED AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL. You enabled an 'allegedly' sick beast to continue his nefarious debasement of young, disadvantaged and therefore vulnerable INNOCENT CHILDREN.
When I come back for Homecoming - yes, I am a PSU grad, met my wife there - do I take pictures of my sons standing next to your statue????????
Yes, you did what you were had to do, but did you do what you were SUPPOSED to do? NOT EVEN A CLOSE CALL ... We thought you were different.
I vote for the second one.....can you do a logo now? ;)

No way! The logo would have to be an sick old dude's wiener, and I ain't about to condone that.
Maybe Duffman will whip something up for us. :eek:
anyone catch Sanduskys dirtbag lawyer statement? wow! are we suppose to throw a pity party for a child molester? if u werent outraged before this, read/watch that statement! my blood pressure went thru the roof! send him to prison where he'll get whats coming to him! hell throw the lawyer in the cell too!
I have to say that after doing some research on this and reading the documents, **** Joe Paterno. He did have direct evidence of sexual abuse and should have done much more. The entire program and university needs to pay for what they have done.

This is without a doubt the worst cover up in NCAA history, makes me sick.
A lot of people outside the athletic department are going to lose their jobs over this.

I also think the next coach (which will happen by next season), won't have close ties to the current staff. There is going to be a huge change in the football program.
American people suffer from short term memory loss...all will be forgotten if they can keep this out of the sad as that is. i think everyone is over confident anyone on the ftball staff will be gone. AD and VP will be the university's scapegoats Jbut rightfully so)
we could be looking at a completely different PSU staff next year.

You will be looking at a mostly new(temporary) staff next week. The PSU boards are on fire. This is probably the most serious scandal in college sports has ever seen. Gambling,Tattoos,Cash......nothing comes close.
You will be looking at a mostly new(temporary) staff next week. The PSU boards are on fire. This is probably the most serious scandal in college sports has ever seen. Gambling,Tattoos,Cash......nothing comes close.

I can't think of anything more serious than this in any sport at any level.
so one of the witnesses to sandusky getting rapey was that blazing ginger guy Mike McQueary?? He's now the o-coordinator or something up high, isn't he??
this chain of events is so disgusting and immoral (and possibly criminally insane) that it's mind-bending
This is all very disturbing, even to me. Reading around and looking at the scenarios and the comments its almost like the parties involved are under the impression that a grown man taking a shower with a minor isn't a crime. Am I missing something? Is that not a crime in itself? Or does there have to be physical/sexual contact involved?
I just read the prosecution report or whatever it's called and this is a very messed up situation.

JoePa should absolutely take heat for this. It still blows my mind that someone comes to you with these allegations and you tell your freaking boss and not the police.
Sickening. if true he is going to jail for a long time and he will know what it is like to be they prey of a predator.
WOW if the police really had already investigated him in 98 and Joe Pa and company never informed them....unbelievable...they could have put him away, instead...he lives freely for nearly a decade....if he touched one kid in those 10 years...Joe Pa and the entire Athletic and University administration needs to be removed.

It's sickening....

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