No way Paterno survives this if he knew.

“Despite a powerful eyewitness statement about the sexual assault of a child, this incident was not reported to any law enforcement or child protective agency, as required by Pennsylvania law,” said Kelly, the attorney general. “Additionally, there is no indication that anyone from the university ever attempted to learn the identity of the child.”
so, graduate assistant sees Sandusky with youngster in locker room shower late at night in 2002 and he stayed on staff through 2009?

Is that right? All sounds pretty fishy.
Incorrect. Sandusky retired in 1999 but was still around the program doing charity work(the way I understand it).
The word on radio news is this issue has been known for years. I think of Joe Pa as a great teacher and coach but if you tell the AD and then nothing happens you have to tell the police. Coaches, doctors, teachers, nurses, etc are legally responsible to report child abuse. This will be a strange story to hear the details on, and a sad story.
The word on radio news is this issue has been known for years. I think of Joe Pa as a great teacher and coach but if you tell the AD and then nothing happens you have to tell the police. Coaches, doctors, teachers, nurses, etc are legally responsible to report child abuse. This will be a strange story to hear the details on, and a sad story.

You should tell the police first. Why go to the AD first unless something fishy is going on (once again, I don't know what JoePa did but if he just told the AD this is my response to that)?
I can't believe some on here. What more could JoePa have done!?!?!?!? You get a report that a 10 year old is raped in your stadium and in essence they (the university) played the advocate of Sandusky and not the little boy! And NOTHING more is said other than, 'Hey don't bring little kids around here no more.' To me that sounds like, 'If you're going to rape kids, do it at home, not here.' Sick. Sick. Sick. Trying to protect the image of a program/university rather than justice other kids. Sick. Sick. Sick.

If I am told of someone raping a little kid, I'm not just telling my supervisors. There is no place for child molesters in this world, at least not in my book. I would not be concerned with whether the accused is innocent or not. That's the job of the police/DA/Grand Jury/trial jury and/or judge. Let them figure it out. Would you do any less given the same report? THAT'S WHAT JOEPA ET AL (including the grad assistant) COULD HAVE AND SHOULD HAVE DONE.
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Me either. If any one of those guys cared more about that poor kid than they did their football team, justice would have been served a long time ago. I can't imagine seeing that and running away from it. WTH. HELP the child. Don't go cry to your dad and tell a school official. Get the child out of harm's way and go to the police. I'm disgusted with all of them, including JoPa (whom I have always respected). How can all of these aholes fail a kid?
Sorry he's had to know that a BIG part of his staff, has had a problem(for all those years) hell a janitor caught him blowing a kid!!... AD is taking the heat for Joe PA.
Sorry he's had to know that a BIG part of his staff, has had a problem(for all those years) hell a janitor caught him blowing a kid!!... AD is taking the heat for Joe PA.

That's just your opinion based upon a lot of assumption and that's not the way the justice system works or should work in this country.
this all sounds like something that happened at notre dame
but obviously is penn state
yuck, black eye for the B1G
Obviously, it's horrible what happened to the victims, but my heart also goes out to PSU fans right now. I have a few co-workers who are PSU alums and we've talked a lot of smack over the last few years. On Monday, it's going to be very awkward.
Obviously, it's horrible what happened to the victims, but my heart also goes out to PSU fans right now. I have a few co-workers who are PSU alums and we've talked a lot of smack over the last few years. On Monday, it's going to be very awkward.

Yeah, I'm more sympathetic to the victims.

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