No way Paterno survives this if he knew.

this story just makes me sick. again, hesitant to place blame prematurely, but i'd bet that there were people who knew (maybe not the extent) that something fishy was going on.

i just read the CNN article, and the Pres at PSU called the perjury charges "groundless". oh, so lying to a grand jury about what you did and what you knew isn't perjury? wow dude, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
All involved are done if more incident happened after it was first discovered. Sickening. Just sickening.
Joe Paterno is looking really bad in this. Here's a fact we know from the grand jury report - per a formal investigation in 1998 by the State College Police department and previous to the last two seasons of Jerry Sandusky's career at PSU Joe Paterno knew that his long time defensive coordinator was a sexual pervert that liked to take showers with little boys. No formal charges were filed in the 1998 investigation but “….Detective Schreffler advised Sandusky not to shower with any child again"
Joe Paterno is looking really bad in this. Here's a fact we know from the grand jury report - per a formal investigation in 1998 by the State College Police department and previous to the last two seasons of Jerry Sandusky's career at PSU Joe Paterno knew that his long time defensive coordinator was a sexual pervert that liked to take showers with little boys. No formal charges were filed in the 1998 investigation but “….Detective Schreffler advised Sandusky not to shower with any child again"

that went down and they still let him be around kids?!?!

wow, i'm guessing we're just hearing the tip of the iceberg. going to guess that people will start coming forward now that the word is out.
Joe Paterno is looking really bad in this. Here's a fact we know from the grand jury report - per a formal investigation in 1998 by the State College Police department and previous to the last two seasons of Jerry Sandusky's career at PSU Joe Paterno knew that his long time defensive coordinator was a sexual pervert that liked to take showers with little boys. No formal charges were filed in the 1998 investigation but “….Detective Schreffler advised Sandusky not to shower with any child again"

Is that illegal? I would imagine it would be or should be.
No matter where you were raised
you'll be reared in State College
Is that illegal? I would imagine it would be or should be.

Per the grand jury report the county DA at the time, Ray Gricar, decided there would be no criminal charges. I'm sure you can assume the fact the sexual deviant in question being the PSU football defensive coordinator was a huge factor in the investigation being closed and swept under the rug - what a sick f8cking society we live in.
A pedophile with his own boys about convenient.

Anyone who knew about this and didn't do everything they could to stop it, should be fired immediately and maybe even prosecuted for obstructing justice. You just don't sweep something like this under the rug or try to pretend that it will go away if you do nothing.
any victims AFTER the grad asst reported what he saw should be bringing the highest law suit against Penn State...sickening the cover up that could have prevented further children from their innocence being STOLEN by a sick,sick man.
Those of you saying "joe did the right thing" quite obviously don't have children of your own. And if you can't wrap your brain around his abject failings here, them you're a rationalizing simpleton. Even if you read the grand jury report in a light most favorable to them, Joe and the red head assistant ( the GA) should be gone today.
Anyone that willingly or through their own inaction allowed the child molester around kids or the program after the allegations is toast.

JoePa included.
Those of you saying "joe did the right thing" quite obviously don't have children of your own. And if you can't wrap your brain around his abject failings here, them you're a rationalizing simpleton. Even if you read the grand jury report in a light most favorable to them, Joe and the red head assistant ( the GA) should be gone today.

I would agree, this is messed up and he absolutely didn't do the ENTIRE right thing. After that first report (if he didn't know already.... BIG if), there should have been a huge investigation and house cleaning. Leads me to think there was something more going on, just an opinion based off of what I read.
I guess you're right. No big deal..really? How could you even sleep at night if you knew this was happening under your roof by a former close employee?[/QUOT

Thats the thing did he KNOW, as in saw him or knew for a near certainly it was true or did he just hear the accusations. Big difference, as if he knew for sure then I would agree he needed to do more. But, I assume he just got wind of accusations and reported it the AD, that was all he needed to do.

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