Well-Known Member
Some were in the same room. He was a master. Youve never been in a hurry and dropped kids of or left to take a call? Ever? Ever been around somrbody completely disarming and let your guard down? Ever?
I will answer in 2 fold.
1st: My daughter is grade school age so I can't speak for raising a college aged daughter. That said, No nobody disarms me. I believe that every person on earth is capable of pure evil. I treat them as such.
2nd: It is not my opinion that the parents should of been in these exam rooms. I'm saying there should be multiple medical staff. Not just Larry, and not even Larry and 1 other staffer. There needs to be 3 people. It is proven that a trinity is much harder to corrupt or intimidate. People find courage when others share the same burden. While 1 person may not have the fortitude to stand against the evil alone they are often empowered by having others to lean on. It is my opinion that this should be the minimum standard for examining boys and girls throughout college age.