More suspensions on the way

@PCHawk Googled Pimping Aint Easy - Urban dictionary describes "Pimpin aint easy"

....But somebody gotta do it.

Meaning: It is a sho nuff bitch to get up and make this mad paper but it will be worth it on pay day.
Sally M.D. at three am on phone with Suzy: "pimpin' aint easy"
Suzy:"but somebody gotta do it"

Then Sally will generally bitch about her job in one breath and talk about buying that Benz in the next breath.

In this context "pimpin aint easy" is used for call and response. A human interaction that most African Americans enjoy!' ain't easy

everyone here knows exactly what Fry meant, but keep trying to explain it, because it's a great look.
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It may be racist it may not be racist. What we are saying is we don’t know. Fry is saying that they weren’t meant as racist, I don’t know him personally so I can’t say for certain. He said he said similar things about Wegher who is white (I actually throught he was black). But calling everything racist doesn’t do anything to fix the problem that’s for certain.

That's the thing - I aint trying to fix shit. I wasn't offended. I am white. It didn't offend me. I said, it was a racist comment and some of you jokers act like it might not be and that's flipping nuts.
I think if someone truly is "ignorant" enough to not even see how something is racist, they are the purest thinkers of anyone. Think about it. How is it more racist to not even think of race when saying there is no way someone will graduate than it is to instantly assume he meant a black guy is too dumb to graduate college? It seems to me that you have to at least have a little racism in your head to think "black guys are stupid so that's what he meant".

I'm a guy who laughs at race jokes and find stereotypes interesting and I still couldn't jump to assuming Fry meant he wouldn't graduate because he's black over the obvious that he wouldn't graduate because he's already been in trouble twice and still has a lot of time left here.
I can sort of relate to what you are saying. I have a tattoo that apparently can be construed as racist. I didn't even fathom that it was when I got it, because to me it stands for something else. The same way someone might take offense to a tattoo of a cross or something.
I can see where racism can be construed even with lack of intent.
That's why I said, how a person reacts or responds says a lot about a person.
Systematically, from cracking down on getting together at the local watering hole, to crazy arse people targeting crowds, to the internet, people are becoming worse at communicating with each other.
They are pretty much forced to stay home and sit on the internet and "talk". That's not good for communication skills. It's not good for businesses. It's not good for fostering a sense of community.
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Aside from the obvious derailment in the room, I'll explain my opinion.

Jackson has done something to get himself suspended twice in less than 6 months (supposedly it happened in the spring). He hasn't even started his second season of playing yet. Whether anyone thinks he should be on the team or not, those types of guys don't usually last long at Iowa. That's not deniable. They just don't work out. I get the whole "he's just a kid" thing, but he's shown that even though he knows the rules, he either can't (grades) or won't choose to follow them even within a span of a few months.

If you get suspended for a bowl game then turn around like a dumb ass and do it again for the very next game, or you still can't keep your grades up, then it's not looking good for you at a program like this. My guess is that one more and Kirk will say enough is enough, and my other guess is that he does something dumb again. I think it's time to cut bait now so the Hawks aren't trying to scramble to fill his shoes a year or two from now when someone more steady could have been getting those reps. Feel free to agree or disagree if you want.

Not only is this ignorant it is stupid as well.
1) you have no idea what the transgressions were so to say he should be off the team is just you having an opinion based on zero evidence/facts, i.e. ignorant.
2) You are also ignorant of Jackson's academics. The kids is academic all big ten.
3) it is just dumb. he has had no legal issues and if the second thing was serious he would have been suspended for more than one game. It could be simple as not going to a few classes. If they felt bad about him they wouldn't have him as the starting left tackle. All in all, you make yourself look like the dumb ass not Jackson.
cash money hoes - move back to the SEC, won't graduate and pimping aint easy.

I don't know how you guys defend that as not a racist comment about an African American, but it's fun watching you guys try and exposing IMO.
Lol. I was going to ignore this thread but now you're making stuff up just to defame people. I'd take it as a joke but you calling someone a racist when he's not isn't a joke.

You're making up quotes too. According to you I said "Move 'back' to the SEC" as if I was somehow telling him to go "back' to the south or some other ignorant shit.

1) Alaric Jackson is from Detroit.
2) He's never been in the SEC.
3) I never said that. Quote me if I did.

I made a joke about the SEC being scandalous, it had nothing to do with racism, the South, or any other "racist" stuff. You're the ignorant one here, and now you're starting to embarrass yourself. You tried to do the SJW pile on and because you got triggered you're trying to say I'm David Duke. I know you don't like insults, but you're an illiterate fucking tool. :) I'd cry libel but your accusations are so fucking ludicrous that it's just an embarrassment on your part. What's next, are you going to start telling people my posts are evidence that I'm a pedophile? Anti-Semite, maybe?

I like how you use the word "exposing." You're like Alex Jones and Shaun King all rolled into one.

Okay, now that that's out of my system I'll really be done replying. Pinky swear. Call me "racist" all you want. I'll get a chuckle out of the responses.
Haha, every case is different (but way to reference one, I can do that); DJ Pettway didn't get kicked off the team following robbery and fake credit card use:

You also never see articles like this with Iowa:

Or this:

LOLWUT? Old Dodge Chargers are nice cars? Have you ever been around a college? The kids all drive nice cars nowadays - they're using student loan funds to buy luxury items like nice cars, pizza, beer and avocado toast. They just have more access to debt financing than we did and their grandparents aren't Depression era kids who have warned them of the dangers of debt for frivolous purposes. One notable exception was Robert Gallery, who drove like an '83 Olds IIRC.
Okay, now that that's out of my system I'll really be done replying. Pinky swear. Call me "racist" all you want. I'll get a chuckle out of the responses.
Sounds good, my turn!!

LOLWUT? Old Dodge Chargers are nice cars? Have you ever been around a college? The kids all drive nice cars nowadays - they're using student loan funds to buy luxury items like nice cars, pizza, beer and avocado toast. They just have more access to debt financing than we did and their grandparents aren't Depression era kids who have warned them of the dangers of debt for frivolous purposes. One notable exception was Robert Gallery, who drove like an '83 Olds IIRC.

I'm sure it's a mere coincidence that 20 some Alabama football players had citations all involving new or 3-4 year old Dodge Chargers. You also glossed over Nick Saban not kicking players off the team and Pat White and others being offered a Corvette (allegedly) to go to Alabama. Like I said, nobody runs a cleaner ship over a 20 year span.
@PCHawk Googled Pimping Aint Easy - Urban dictionary describes "Pimpin aint easy"

....But somebody gotta do it.

Meaning: It is a sho nuff bitch to get up and make this mad paper but it will be worth it on pay day.
Sally M.D. at three am on phone with Suzy: "pimpin' aint easy"
Suzy:"but somebody gotta do it"

Then Sally will generally bitch about her job in one breath and talk about buying that Benz in the next breath.

In this context "pimpin aint easy" is used for call and response. A human interaction that most African Americans enjoy!' ain't easy

everyone here knows exactly what Fry meant, but keep trying to explain it, because it's a great look.

I feel like black people may have made that up. And if they did, how is mentioning it racist? Also the urban dictionary needs to update quite a bit to stay with the times. White people steal black people's cool ideas all the time so what was meant to be a black thing one day might not be soley for blacks the next.
Thank you.

I think if someone truly is "ignorant" enough to not even see how something is racist, they are the purest thinkers of anyone. Think about it. How is it more racist to not even think of race when saying there is no way someone will graduate than it is to instantly assume he meant a black guy is too dumb to graduate college? It seems to me that you have to at least have a little racism in your head to think "black guys are stupid so that's what he meant".

I'm a guy who laughs at race jokes and find stereotypes interesting and I still couldn't jump to assuming Fry meant he wouldn't graduate because he's black over the obvious that he wouldn't graduate because he's already been in trouble twice and still has a lot of time left here.

I've been trying to tell everyone Fryowa was just ignorant. To not have any context or awareness in this day and age about racial tensions, is just flat out ignorant. And to make generalizations about players is wrong and stupid.

So Fryowa...I'm ok with you just being ignorant...but as PCHawk a good way.
LOLWUT? Old Dodge Chargers are nice cars? Have you ever been around a college? The kids all drive nice cars nowadays - they're using student loan funds to buy luxury items like nice cars, pizza, beer and avocado toast. They just have more access to debt financing than we did and their grandparents aren't Depression era kids who have warned them of the dangers of debt for frivolous purposes. One notable exception was Robert Gallery, who drove like an '83 Olds IIRC.
3-4 year old chargers are in the $20k-30k price range. When I was in college it was hard enough to put gas in my car and I ate a lot of ramen noodles. You're saying these kids used student loans to spend ~$25k on a car? I have a real hard time believing that they would even qualify for $25k with a full athletic scholarship. Sounds like they need some off the field coaching if they are doing that...
I've been trying to tell everyone Fryowa was just ignorant. To not have any context or awareness in this day and age about racial tensions, is just flat out ignorant. And to make generalizations about players is wrong and stupid.

So Fryowa...I'm ok with you just being ignorant...but as PCHawk a good way.
It would be a better world if everyone was too ignorant to know that black people are too stupid to graduate college. I figured way too many football players have graduated for that to still be a thing. Thanks for filling me in.
Lol. I was going to ignore this thread but now you're making stuff up just to defame people. I'd take it as a joke but you calling someone a racist when he's not isn't a joke.

You're making up quotes too. According to you I said "Move 'back' to the SEC" as if I was somehow telling him to go "back' to the south or some other ignorant shit.

1) Alaric Jackson is from Detroit.
2) He's never been in the SEC.
3) I never said that. Quote me if I did.

I made a joke about the SEC being scandalous, it had nothing to do with racism, the South, or any other "racist" stuff. You're the ignorant one here, and now you're starting to embarrass yourself. You tried to do the SJW pile on and because you got triggered you're trying to say I'm David Duke. I know you don't like insults, but you're an illiterate fucking tool. :) I'd cry libel but your accusations are so fucking ludicrous that it's just an embarrassment on your part. What's next, are you going to start telling people my posts are evidence that I'm a pedophile? Anti-Semite, maybe?

I like how you use the word "exposing." You're like Alex Jones and Shaun King all rolled into one.

Okay, now that that's out of my system I'll really be done replying. Pinky swear. Call me "racist" all you want. I'll get a chuckle out of the responses.

I'll respond to your insults all day racist. I'm not hiding why are you? Why will you no longer be responding? Have you done something wrong? I didn't libel or defame you in one bit and if you feel I have, feel free to seek consultation. You will get laughed at. You got yourself into this, it's been fun watching you try and get out.

Until then I will just send you some anti hate links to read up on as you are obviously not a well adjusted citizen of our country.
Sorry if I've said this on here before but the world is less racist than it was 100 years ago and it's way less racist than it was 300 years ago. We are clearly moving in the right direction. The way it's going tho is we are on the path of a huge overcorrection. If it keeps up like this, in 100 years white people will be oppressed and in 300 years white people will be slaves. People just need to use common sense and treat others like they want to be treated (that goes for all races) and quite trying so hard to overcorrect to make up for our ansisters mistakes.
Hawkeyenation where you stick up for something that is the right thing to do and get blasted with hate and insults.
Hawkeyenation where you stick up for something that is the right thing to do and get blasted with hate and insults.

I hope you don't think I'm blasting you. I just don't really see eye to eye with your opinion. I don't necessarily think you're 100% wrong. Just a little extreme towards one side. I will say tho, if someone is going to be on the extreme end of this topic, at least you're on the right end. Way better than extreme the other way. I'll also say if I ever say something on here that someone twists as racist, I probably won't have a good reaction either.
Sorry if I've said this on here before but the world is less racist than it was 100 years ago and it's way less racist than it was 300 years ago. We are clearly moving in the right direction. The way it's going tho is we are on the path of a huge overcorrection. If it keeps up like this, in 100 years white people will be oppressed and in 300 years white people will be slaves. People just need to use common sense and treat others like they want to be treated (that goes for all races) and quite trying so hard to overcorrect to make up for our ansisters mistakes.

You should quit when you are behind.

You can be the Bud Knight...Dilly Dilly PC
3-4 year old chargers are in the $20k-30k price range. When I was in college it was hard enough to put gas in my car and I ate a lot of ramen noodles. You're saying these kids used student loans to spend ~$25k on a car? I have a real hard time believing that they would even qualify for $25k with a full athletic scholarship. Sounds like they need some off the field coaching if they are doing that...

You ought to see what the kids are driving around Iowa City, in particular the Asians. Go drive around in the Old Capitol Mall Clinton St ramp someday and take a look. Porshes, Beemers, Maseratis, Audis, Jaguars, etc.. I ain't a kidding or exaggerating. I've even seen a Bentley or two. All young Asian college students.
You should quit when you are behind.

You can be the Bud Knight...Dilly Dilly PC

So which part of my post do you disagree with? Do you think we aren't headed down a path where whites are discriminated against or do you think it's good we are headed down that path?