More suspensions on the way

There is a nugget of truth in every stereotype, otherwise it wouldn't be a stereotype. This is nothing new, you pointed this out in the Kaepernick/National Anthem thread. Whether I agree with this or not it doesn't matter.

I thought Fry was just trying to be hip and funny and it landed flat. Now looking at it, I have no idea if race played a factor in this or not.

I want to know where the stereotype that black people are good at basketball comes from. I mean, where is the proof of that?
It makes you a racist because you don't like it. I am sure Eminem is the exception. :) I am joking everyone, just joking around.
Reminds me of my favorite Charles Barkley line about 12 years ago or so - "You know it's a strange world we're living in when the best golfer is black and the best rapper is white..."
Lol :D

Go F both of yourselves. I said the exact same thing about Wegher. Exact same thing.

Look, guys...I'll apologize when it's deserved. I do it all the time.

But when some cunty little social justice warrior comes around trying to shame me for what he/she (on their own) decided my intent was, I'm not going to roll over on my back and show you my neck out of deference. I know you'd like me to, but I'm sorry. It isn't happening. All I can say is you should probably use your free time to find a job and stop whining about sound waves from people's mouths and light waves from a computer screen. Neither will hurt you and you're not victims.

You guys are the weak little types who'd pay money to go watch a comedian and have the ignorance (or just plain stupidity, I don't know) to get offended and blog about how shocked and damaged you are, and how somebody needs to apologize because they hurt you somehow.

Oh...I'm sorry, I wouldn't have questioned the premise of your post if I had known you were an internet tough guy. Those guys are scary...and you need to be they don't hurt you bad. Nice rebuttal, but I still prefer f*&%ing other people more than myself. Honestly, I get comedy...and I appreciate edgy humor...never had a problem with any of it. If you don't see the "potential" racism in your's pretty easy for me to just write it off as's pretty evident by your response that that is what it is. The fact that you know the type of player...would send them south...and they can do their "money, hoes, pimping" thing, whatever this line may be insinuating. But, you go a step further..."we all know he will never graduate" explain that one to me do you know that and don't group me in that generalization. If you say it doesn't come from a racist place...ok...just understand what you wrote could be construed that way very easily.

I don't know Alaric Jackson, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he's a good person and that he has aspirations beyond football. I trust that the coaching staff is trying to get this kid to excel in life, school, and football.
Honestly, I get comedy...and I appreciate edgy humor...never had a problem with any of it.
I’m finding that pretty goddamn hard to believe.

If you say it doesn't come from a racist place...ok...just understand what you wrote could be construed that way very easily.
You’re missing the point and I don’t think you understand how this works. You don’t get to just decide for me what my intent is. Feel free to be offended but to think I have some sort of responsibility to make sure you’re not butt or to “understand what wrote,” not happening.

I don't know Alaric Jackson, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he's a good person and that he has aspirations beyond football.
My post was merely pointing out what I exlpianed in my post a few minutes ago. He seems to have some issues staying out of trouble and the fact that those types of kids don’t last at Iowa. You can’t argue that. He’s got 2 strikes, a long ways to go, and history isn’t on his side with Ferentz. Think whatever you want.

I trust that the coaching staff is trying to get this kid to excel in life, school, and football.
Whendid I ever say anything about the staff not helping him or that their not trying to straighten him out? I missed where I said that.
I’m finding that pretty goddamn hard to believe.

You’re missing the point and I don’t think you understand how this works. You don’t get to just decide for me what my intent is. Feel free to be offended but to think I have some sort of responsibility to make sure you’re not butt or to “understand what wrote,” not happening.

My post was merely pointing out what I exlpianed in my post a few minutes ago. He seems to have some issues staying out of trouble and the fact that those types of kids don’t last at Iowa. You can’t argue that. He’s got 2 strikes, a long ways to go, and history isn’t on his side with Ferentz. Think whatever you want.

Whendid I ever say anything about the staff not helping him or that their not trying to straighten him out? I missed where I said that.

Maybe he is Bennie Sapp. He didn't realize he had to be a grown up until he had to leave.
No need to bag on the SEC. Sure, there are programs lacking institutional control, such as Auburn and LSU (and Ol' Miss when Freeze was there), but by and large SEC programs are on the up and up. You don't see Alabama getting implicated in covering up sex scandals like PSU or MSU (note how their problems are all post-Nick) or covering up for wife beaters like Urban Meyer did at OSU.
Wut???? You got no clue.
Desmond king got suspended for a half for being late

Not sure if you are being satirical here, but this seems to be a massive overreaction. I mean freaking Desmond king missed part of a game for being late to a meeting. This suspension for Jackson could be as simple as missing a workout or arguing with a coach.
Desmond King may have had other issues that he never got caught for, while living in Iowa City.
I just hope that our starting offensive line screwing the pooch is not the cause of our starting QB to get hurt in our first game because of lack of protection. Gracias dummies!
I’m finding that pretty goddamn hard to believe.

You’re missing the point and I don’t think you understand how this works. You don’t get to just decide for me what my intent is. Feel free to be offended but to think I have some sort of responsibility to make sure you’re not butt or to “understand what wrote,” not happening.

My post was merely pointing out what I exlpianed in my post a few minutes ago. He seems to have some issues staying out of trouble and the fact that those types of kids don’t last at Iowa. You can’t argue that. He’s got 2 strikes, a long ways to go, and history isn’t on his side with Ferentz. Think whatever you want.

Whendid I ever say anything about the staff not helping him or that their not trying to straighten him out? I missed where I said that.

Like I said...I'll just write it off to ignorance. I don't think you know how it works. Saying something racist is still racist. Your intent may not be how you feel, but the comments themselves are racist. I gave you the benefit of the doubt by acknowledging your ignorance and that you didn't mean it that way. #BeBest
Newbie here, with an unbiased and unapologetic perspective.

To the two or three guys mentioning that IowaFry was providing "racist" suggestions: You tools must have your head buried in the fucking sand.

While I do not agree with IowaFry's original post in that Jackson needs to "get packing", I congratulate you two for turning a football-related discussion into a 6-page pissing match about race.

Fucktards will be fucktards.
I’m finding that pretty goddamn hard to believe.

You’re missing the point and I don’t think you understand how this works. You don’t get to just decide for me what my intent is. Feel free to be offended but to think I have some sort of responsibility to make sure you’re not butt or to “understand what wrote,” not happening.

My post was merely pointing out what I exlpianed in my post a few minutes ago. He seems to have some issues staying out of trouble and the fact that those types of kids don’t last at Iowa. You can’t argue that. He’s got 2 strikes, a long ways to go, and history isn’t on his side with Ferentz. Think whatever you want.

Whendid I ever say anything about the staff not helping him or that their not trying to straighten him out? I missed where I said that.

You are sure talented at multi replying.

We may not get to dictate intent but you can't dictate how its heard. Insulting may keep women away but not some of here.

Had a black person tell me something I hadnt thought about. Among whites its getting more and more OK to call md's, PhD's and so on by their first name. He explained why it's very important in some black communities to yse the title as a show of respect for how far civil rights have come. You can be a dick and no that and just discount it as being soft or you can show respect out of courtesy.

The comments made though are on a much bigger plain likely spoken by someone from a 99% white county in nw Iowa.
Nick has to have close to 20 years between his stint at MSU (pre-scandal), LSU and 'Bama. The guy has too many rings for one hand and you don't even need a solitary finger to count scandals that he has been involved with.
Well we all used to think JoePa was squeaky clean too.
WTF is going on? If we're going to be mediocre because we insist on running a clean program then we need to at least run a fucking clean program, otherwise we're just mediocre for no reason. Its like cheating and still losing.

If you think ANY division 1 football team is completely clean, I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.
I was disappointed by the racism exhibited in the earlier post. I also would note that Alaric Jackson is a very large young man. If you are man enough, make the statements to him directly, then ask him if it is racist. My giess he will stuff you into a empty can of beans and play kick the can with you. Comments about "players can go do the cash-money-hoes thing" are racist. Don't are if you said it about Wegher either. Racists never realize they are racist. If you can say it online, say it to the mans face. And Hayden Frye would be embarassed you used his name. Hayden was one of the first coaches to recruit African American players in the south. Shame on you. And shame on your language on a public forum.
The comments made though are on a much bigger plain likely spoken by someone from a 99% white county in nw Iowa.
Little racism there. No?

Doesn’t matter, really.

The smarter you try to make yourself out, the dumber you come off. Your uneducated psychoanalysis schtick is really making you sound less and less intelligent, and more and more wind baggy.

I’m not really sure what effect your trying to have here, but if it involves me it probably won’t pan out. Don’t know how else to reply to your incoherent stuff. I’m bored with it now and I’ll let you ramble on by yourself.
I was disappointed by the racism exhibited in the earlier post. I also would note that Alaric Jackson is a very large young man. If you are man enough, make the statements to him directly, then ask him if it is racist. My giess he will stuff you into a empty can of beans and play kick the can with you. Comments about "players can go do the cash-money-hoes thing" are racist. Don't are if you said it about Wegher either. Racists never realize they are racist. If you can say it online, say it to the mans face. And Hayden Frye would be embarassed you used his name. Hayden was one of the first coaches to recruit African American players in the south. Shame on you. And shame on your language on a public forum.

Please stop being a stupid mother fucker.

Preciate ya.

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