Minnesota PG Tyrell Terry Strengthening Bond with Hawkeyes

Especially when he committed to the Hawks in August without a scholarship. He may have just stopped talking about his offers (since that's how we find out about them when coaches aren't allowed to discuss unsigned recruits). He may also have scared off other offers when that happened because they decided it wasn't worth their time. For instance, there's an article about him taking an official to Michigan in June which may have developed into an offer if he was still available. All of this just to infer that a number of guys who have watched and coached a lot of basketball think that he is a good enough player that he would contribute to their team.

Once a player commits in basketball other schools stop recruiting them unless tampering is involved. It's not like football recruiting. That's why Joe only had a couple offers but if he would have waited until August right before his senior year he would have had blue blood offers.
I'd want some qualifiers before I'd call him a liar. One could reasonable say that there are "people all over Iowa are bashing Iowa players". And they could point to a couple of websites with 10 to 20 examples of said people. That sample size isn't large enough to support that kind of statement. There are a handful of Kentucky basketball message boards to look at. How many threads wanting CJ, do you suppose we would find?

Edit: Just went to the Kentucky Basketball message board and the Kentucky Basketball Recruiting message boards on Rivals and there is no mention of CJ Fredrick on the first 2 pages of either board. One Iowa fan started a thread asking for information about him and it got zero responses. That seems odd, if people all over Kentucky are asking why he wasn't offered by Calipari.

I assume the vast majority of Kentucky basketball fans don't pay any attention to Kentucky high school basketball. The Kentucky "fans" I've met are all bandwagoners. Do you think Ashley Judd knows anything about high school basketball?
I assume the vast majority of Kentucky basketball fans don't pay any attention to Kentucky high school basketball. The Kentucky "fans" I've met are all bandwagoners. Do you think Ashley Judd knows anything about high school basketball?
Ashley Judd isn't your typical College Basketball fan. She does seem pretty serious about it, however. You never know.
Ashley Judd isn't your typical College Basketball fan. She does seem pretty serious about it, however. You never know.

oh shes fanatical about kentucky basketball, no doubt about it. I just think, as a fan, that when most of your players don't come from in-state, you don't really care what the high school kids in your state are doing. Probably similar to Iowa State fans. They rarely get in-state talent so they probably don't follow Iowa high school basketball as much as we do.
"Ashley Judd, wouldn't bang, hard pass, my wifes hotter" - most HN dudes I imagine.
I bang enough married women as it is. Usually when their men are out all night trying to live out some rock and roll fantasy. Ashley will have to wait her turn. ;)
You shouldn't admit to such things.

We're messing - I play music as a side hustle but I also have like a career, wife, etc. Music is a total fantasy for me. As in, I'm not gonna make it, that window passed me 20 years ago. Nor am I trying to make it. It's a side gig that I can bank in, that I enjoy doing and get to have awesome experiences doing (hanging with Tucker Beathard, Charles Kelley, Cody Jinks etc). So, it's kind of a cool fantasy but I'd still take banging Ashley Judd instead.

I just watched the best guard in the NCAA play for UMBC (Jairus Lyles). He was the 197th ranked recruit in 2013. CJ's ranking means nothing and neither does Kentucky high school basketball. Granted the state of Kentucky high school ball does render subsequent state awards rather meaningless. Greatness can come from anywhere at any time. We won't know anything about CJ until he has had time at Iowa to prove or develop his worth. There is no reason to write the kid off, but there is no reason to break out the trumpeters either. I think "luke warm" is about the best way to describe how we should feel about CJ and is likely how we should feel about the aggregate Iowa recruit.

Some get you real excited like a Woodbury, Cook or Wieskamp. Others are just a regular recruit. Some will suprise and some will disappoint. Either way they are hawks and they have my support until they die or discredit the university.
We're messing - I play music as a side hustle but I also have like a career, wife, etc. Music is a total fantasy for me. As in, I'm not gonna make it, that window passed me 20 years ago. Nor am I trying to make it. It's a side gig that I can bank in, that I enjoy doing and get to have awesome experiences doing (hanging with Tucker Beathard, Charles Kelley, Cody Jinks etc). So, it's kind of a cool fantasy but I'd still take banging Ashley Judd instead.

The window of trading potential fame and fortune away for a one night stand with Ashley Judd also passed by 20 years ago. Just saying.
I just watched the best guard in the NCAA play for UMBC (Jairus Lyles). He was the 197th ranked recruit in 2013. CJ's ranking means nothing and neither does Kentucky high school basketball. Granted the state of Kentucky high school ball does render subsequent state awards rather meaningless. Greatness can come from anywhere at any time. We won't know anything about CJ until he has had time at Iowa to prove or develop his worth. There is no reason to write the kid off, but there is no reason to break out the trumpeters either. I think "luke warm" is about the best way to describe how we should feel about CJ and is likely how we should feel about the aggregate Iowa recruit.

Some get you real excited like a Woodbury, Cook or Wieskamp. Others are just a regular recruit. Some will suprise and some will disappoint. Either way they are hawks and they have my support until they die or discredit the university.

Recruiting rankings are very important actually. Of course there are some hits and misses that go along with them but they are a proven trusted source in evaluating talent.
The window of trading potential fame and fortune away for a one night stand with Ashley Judd also passed by 20 years ago. Just saying.

Adam, I am obviously an extremely attractive man and Ashley is 10 years my elder, all that said, yes, you are correct.
Recruiting rankings are very important actually. Of course there are some hits and misses that go along with them but they are a proven trusted source in evaluating talent.

Except for when they aren't. Lol. It's a fine measuring stick, but it means jack shit to future returns. It is like investing in stocks. The bona fide stocks with with a track record of steady returns are adherently less risk adverse, but that doesnt mean they are the top gainers per quarter.

Simple point, CJ's ranking doesn't ink some unchangeable destiny of guaranteed mediocrity. That can only be known as time reveals the truth.

I already have and will again concede your point though that there is no reason to set a super high expectation for the kid because there is little evidence to indicate that he is any more special than your average high school shooter.

I think people would agree with you more if most of your posts weren't worded in a way that makes you sound like you are calling anyone other than the 1%'s trash.
Except for when they aren't. Lol. It's a fine measuring stick, but it means jack shit to future returns. It is like investing in stocks. The bona fide stocks with with a track record of steady returns are adherently less risk adverse, but that doesnt mean they are the top gainers per quarter.

Simple point, CJ's ranking doesn't ink some unchangeable destiny of guaranteed mediocrity. That can only be known as time reveals the truth.

I already have and will again concede your point though that there is no reason to set a super high expectation for the kid because there is little evidence to indicate that he is any more special than your average high school shooter.

I think people would agree with you more if most of your posts weren't worded in a way that makes you sound like you are calling anyone other than the 1%'s trash.

I wasn't trying to come off as a prick so I apologize if I worded it that way. I strongly disagree that Joe or CJ's recruiting rankings don't matter though. That's all I was trying to get at.
I wasn't trying to come off as a prick so I apologize if I worded it that way. I strongly disagree that Joe or CJ's recruiting rankings don't matter though. That's all I was trying to get at.

I'm aware, and yes they matter in a sense of prognostication. They are a reliable source for setting ones expectations for an 18 year olds success level for 1 year of NCAA basketball. They get less accurate as time goes by. If 4 years after a classes rankings were finalized you were to go re rank the class based on performance the rankings would never be the same.

Following that logic you are correct to conclude that CJ will not be an immediate impact, but the current data does little to suggest future growth one way or another. My point is that not every player has to be a ready made NBA lottery pick out of high school. That doesn't mean they can't become great players. It is not fair to you or CJ to determine at this point that he won't amount to anything. It is however fair to say we will have to wait and see if there is development. Without it he probably won't be anything more than average. That is fair and that is what the data suggests.