It's surprising to hear you say that nearly 100% of deaths are unvaccinated because i see all sorts of stuff that says that's nowhere near accurate.
Thanks. I tend to listen to active daily data at work (large medical center with daily covid epi reports, as well as LA county data, and Covid Act Now data --(consortium of Harvard, Georgetown, and IT companies).
In my large academic hospital (we employ 32,000 people, so it's not a tiny place), I receive daily reports of covid positive staff, covid positive patients, ICU cases, death rates, etc. So, in my area (not to discount other reports... the vast majority of deaths are in the unvaccinated at this point.
This is a little bit older data, but takes us to the end of last year. It's not perfect data but it represents information from 25 participating health departments (courtesy of CDC). It' honestly a very large difference. Of course, to others' points, comorbidities play a large role, but that has been at least mildly misrepresented on this (very conservative) forum. Folks here say that the only thing that matters is lifestyle and age. While that's true to a point, vaccinations still matter, whether some here choose to see that or not.
Thank you all for the conversation. I'm headed into a big week of work so if I don't reply it's because I'm actually working