Looks like the clowns are closing in on beating TCU

Do you think your namesake, TORK Hook, would ever post something like this??
Shame on you.

I definitely think he'd have more respect for them than many on here.

And there's a huge difference between wishing Iowa could be in that upper echelon, and recognizing that the Hawks are closer to ISU than they are to that elite group. It's plain as day that's true. One great year (which took every great bounce/break to make happen) does not make a program elite. We've been largely mediocre for 8 years.
Are you giving back your win over that Minnesota HS team? Marquis Gray has been much more important to them than Pachall is for TCU.

I don't think I can agree with this. Looked at the stats and Pachall has been great. If anything they are equal. I might even give the edge to Pachall.
I definitely think he'd have more respect for them than many on here.

And there's a huge difference between wishing Iowa could be in that upper echelon, and recognizing that the Hawks are closer to ISU than they are to that elite group. It's plain as day that's true. One great year (which took every great bounce/break to make happen) does not make a program elite. We've been largely mediocre for 8 years.
Since when did you become a columnist instead of a beat writer?:);) Or in the new "journalism" is there even a difference?:confused:
I definitely think he'd have more respect for them than many on here.

And there's a huge difference between wishing Iowa could be in that upper echelon, and recognizing that the Hawks are closer to ISU than they are to that elite group. It's plain as day that's true. One great year (which took every great bounce/break to make happen) does not make a program elite. We've been largely mediocre for 8 years.

I'm not clear on what compelled you to point this out in a thread in which isu is being bashed?
You are adorable. Smootchy to you.

I love it that calling me a girl name is your best comeback. It's so third grade!

you'd know third grade, you poof
Dressing up as your hero Sandusky for Halloween again this year?
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I'm not clear on what compelled you to point this out in a thread in which isu is being bashed?

I point it out because the gap isn't nearly as wide as many here would like to believe. It's not 2004 anymore, and Rhoads is definitely making strides in Ames. They've got three more games I'd call winnable (Baylor, Kansas, and OK State), and if they've got a miracle upset in them, Oklahoma would be my guess (Never been sold on Landry Jones at all).

Meanwhile, Iowa has been on an overall downward trend for 8 years, and things don't appear too good for the next couple years, either.
I had to edit my poast, because I knew you'd run to Miller and cry that I hurt your little tarded feelings by calling you a *********
I'm touched that you edited on my behalf . Let's see the unedited version. I bet it was hilarious!!
And BTW, I don't need to run to Miller. You tie your own autoerotic asphyxiating noose all on your own, Vinny.
Still a good win for ISU, but TCU was/is criminally overrated. ISU should have been favored in this game by about 7, in my estimation.

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