Little brother

The press conference was blown way out of proportion. I have no opinion one way or the other on Rhoads and what he said at this press conference. He does come off with some ill-thought and immature statements sometimes but you got to give him credit for speaking his mind and not sounding like a pre-recorded robotic sound bite that constantly comes from CKF. To me more than anything what he said goes to represent the sad and dirty state of recruiting that goes on in this country and how ridiculous these young athletes are jacked up on pedestals.
Premier program in the state? When i read this i lol'd and say to myself you have to be f'n joking!
I realize maybe you are serious cuz of how tremedously dumb of most of your fan base is. Not all.
Trickles down from the "top" with the biggest dbag in all of college sports.
Go back to your own boards
Roads will be out of a job in 2 years. Getting all worked up over 1 recruit coming into your program says alot. There has to be a lot of dysfunction going on with that program.
The primary reporter who covers the Cyclones for the DSM Register has a few thoughts on Rhoad's comments on Lazard at the press conference.

Register reporters’ thoughts on Paul Rhoads calling out Iowa | Hawk Central

This from a reporter that usually flowers ISU with praise at all junctures. Interesting to hear about ISU's "new policy" regarding Lazard being unavailable to the press.

Whoa, I clicked on that and thought our boy Tork landed at the Register. #disappointed
The press conference was blown way out of proportion. I have no opinion one way or the other on Rhoads and what he said at this press conference. He does come off with some ill-thought and immature statements sometimes but you got to give him credit for speaking his mind and not sounding like a pre-recorded robotic sound bite that constantly comes from CKF. To me more than anything what he said goes to represent the sad and dirty state of recruiting that goes on in this country and how ridiculous these young athletes are jacked up on pedestals.

It wouldn't have been as big a deal had Paul not said to Campos just last year, that he would continue to recruit him even after he had committed to Mizzou...and Campos said Paul did that, hard.

Then he rolls out the pre-planned speech re: Lazard's commitment, integrity, etc, and how he stayed true to his word for 14 months....then went all Clones against the world.

His act is tired...except to some ISU fans for whom he is their champion.
It wouldn't have been as big a deal had Paul not said to Campos just last year, that he would continue to recruit him even after he had committed to Mizzou...and Campos said Paul did that, hard.

Then he rolls out the pre-planned speech re: Lazard's commitment, integrity, etc, and how he stayed true to his word for 14 months....then went all Clones against the world.

His act is tired...except to some ISU fans for whom he is their champion.

to outsiders yes. we see the "formula" he uses after every minor (even slightly perceived) victory. the problem is almost all of the ISU fans i know simply love the guy. it really is weird to me.
It wouldn't have been as big a deal had Paul not said to Campos just last year, that he would continue to recruit him even after he had committed to Mizzou...and Campos said Paul did that, hard.

Then he rolls out the pre-planned speech re: Lazard's commitment, integrity, etc, and how he stayed true to his word for 14 months....then went all Clones against the world.

His act is tired...except to some ISU fans for whom he is their champion.

You know better than this JD. Only a few CF posters are tired of the Rhoads act. As a matter of fact the media, and Hawk fans are butthurt over nothing at all, and are jelly of ISU, Rhoads, Lazard, and the SEZ project.
I took Paul's comments as simply a shot at the media and not at us or ND. Telling the media, that despite you guys wanting him to go here or here, he's going here instead.

Very petty.

The local Media has been very very fair to him too. Not a smart move on his part.
The local Media has been very very fair to him too. Not a smart move on his part.

the only part you are wrong on is the 'fair' part. the media in central iowa generally eats from he and folly's hand. never a negative word. so why bite the hand that feeds ya? really dumb move - and the 'withholding him from the media' his freshman year - the more i think how he said this, the more of a child snags seems to be.
the only part you are wrong on is the 'fair' part. the media in central iowa generally eats from he and folly's hand. never a negative word. so why bite the hand that feeds ya? really dumb move - and the 'withholding him from the media' his freshman year - the more i think how he said this, the more of a child snags seems to be.

Yup, exactly. This is the same media that plays all of his classic rah rah speeches etc. He definitely bit the hand that feeds him, said that to a friend earlier today.
He would crumble under the press and scrutiny Ferentz gets if he gets this worked up about asking Lazard questions.
Let's be real, ISU will be lucky to repeat 3-9. But that won't matter because he recruited a legacy from 25 minutes away.
Let's be real, ISU will be lucky to repeat 3-9. But that won't matter because he recruited a legacy from 25 minutes away.

Illinois went to the Rose Bowl when they brought in Arrelious Benn. They went from 2-10 to the Rose Bowl just because of one guy. Deep down inside, you know ISU is poised to do the same.
Finally figured out who Pawl reminds me of...

The complete and total butthurt over at CF is reaching epic proportions. They just don't understand what the big deal is when your head coach has a temper tantrum at a press conference and calls out other schools and the media.

The Lil Brother culture is alive and well in the athletic dept. From tweeting out that Jan. 1 bowl games aren't what they used to be (extreme butthurt about Iowa making one). To now a coach going all nanananananananananana we got a recruit, Iowa, ND, and the media can all go F themselves at a press conference.

This is the reason that most people want to be Hawk fans, and only those who go to ISU are fans of the Cyclones. They look at that and think do I really want to be little brother, and to have an attitude this rediculous????? Or do I want to be the big dog where getting a jan 1 bowl game, or a 4* recruit ain't no big thing, been there, done that.

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