Little brother

You do understand that you are the exception, right? Most Clones are cheering this on, and blaming the media for "overreacting".....kind of like you complaining about JD's reaction.

I actually give Bryce and even our old visitor Stewo a little credit. At least they are able to look at things objectively. Most of the lunatics on CyFan are figuring out ways to justify it. Lots are just assuming more had to have gone on behind the scenes than simply last minute recruiting in order to get Paul this worked up. Which is ridiculous. Rhoads probably gets emotional when he takes a satisfying dump.
I actually give Bryce and even our old visitor Stewo a little credit. At least they are able to look at things objectively. Most of the lunatics on CyFan are figuring out ways to justify it. Lots are just assuming more had to have gone on behind the scenes than simply last minute recruiting in order to get Paul this worked up. Which is ridiculous. Rhoads probably gets emotional when he takes a satisfying dump.

The only thing more ridiculous than his behavior is the response of some hawk fans, miller included.

I like Bryce, he is a good quality poster, objective, etc. Yet he is doing exactly what his fellow Clones are, but to a more rational level. It took 1.2 sec. for 99% of clones to shift the focus to something other than Paul' embarrassing press conference, and then for them to focus on X, Y, and Z that was WORSE THAN WHAT PAUL DID!!! It took Bryce a bit longer, but he did eventually get there with the JD focus.
This isn't in the same ballpark as Fran. Rhoads in game reactions can be comparable,as both are heat of the moment, but this was thought out and planned. It says a lot about clone fans that this and a couple locker room videos is all they need.
Pretty cocky for someone who has never been better than .500 in league play and hasn't had a winning season since 2009. He oozes butthurt on epic levels.

Over .500 in conference play is the gold standard at ISU. If you do it twice in, say, 14 years, they'll erect a statue in your honor.

I'll never understand the ISU fan. I just won't. Somehow, in their small little minds, facts are irrelevant. It's what you feel that's's the emotion that says even though you beat us by 14 points and dominated the line of scrimmage, we had more punt return yards than you, so in effect, you were lucky to win. Then the old adage, 'next time we are going to kick your ***' because we have some stud recruits coming in...and the circle jerk goes on and on.

The facts: ISU is 50-73 over the last ten years and have four LOSING seasons in a row under Pauw. The difference between the Iowa fan base and the ISU fan base, at Iowa, that isn't going to happen. If KF would have gone 4-8 again in 2013...well, he'd be gone. Landing Lazard isn't going to change the fact that you can't win the line of scrimmage against good teams...unless he doubles as an offensive tackle also. Getting this excited over a legacy 4 star recruit is ridiculous...and honestly Lazard must have a freaking screw loose...don't please your dad, for christ sake, go play somewhere where you can develop skills and play in some big games that prepare you for the next level.
You do understand that you are the exception, right? Most Clones are cheering this on, and blaming the media for "overreacting".....kind of like you complaining about JD's reaction.

I don't have a problem with people calling him out on it. But to put it up as one of the biggest central iowa sports stories in history is absolutely ridiculous.

A lot of clones are cheering it on because it's Iowa State and Paul and they will cheer anything on associated with either one. If Iowa was doing it they'd make fun of it. It's called a rivalry and being a fan. I compare it to UI auctioning off the chair that Fran slammed. You guys loved it, Iowa State fans made fun of it, and it would be exactly the same if the roles were reversed.

Speaking of hypocrisy... Just one last question. If Rhoads would have left it at bagging on Notre Dame would you care? I have a hard time believing the folks here would care about the injustice of it all if he never would have mentioned Iowa State.
I don't have a problem with people calling him out on it. But to put it up as one of the biggest central iowa sports stories in history is absolutely ridiculous.

A lot of clones are cheering it on because it's Iowa State and Paul and they will cheer anything on associated with either one. If Iowa was doing it they'd make fun of it. It's called a rivalry and being a fan. I compare it to UI auctioning off the chair that Fran slammed. You guys loved it, Iowa State fans made fun of it, and it would be exactly the same if the roles were reversed.

Speaking of hypocrisy... Just one last question. If Rhoads would have left it at bagging on Notre Dame would you care? I have a hard time believing the folks here would care about the injustice of it all if he never would have mentioned Iowa State.

He wasn't bagging on the schools as much as the fact that they were still recruiting him, which he also does. Not only is he not a good coach, he is a hypocrite too. But then again, your AD writes about transfers ruining college sports, then hires the transfer king so maybe hypocrite is a selling point in Ames.

Remember one thing clone fan. Last year was "the most talented team" that Rhoads has had in Ames and you got dominated at home by an above average FCS school.
I don't have a problem with people calling him out on it. But to put it up as one of the biggest central iowa sports stories in history is absolutely ridiculous.

A lot of clones are cheering it on because it's Iowa State and Paul and they will cheer anything on associated with either one. If Iowa was doing it they'd make fun of it. It's called a rivalry and being a fan. I compare it to UI auctioning off the chair that Fran slammed. You guys loved it, Iowa State fans made fun of it, and it would be exactly the same if the roles were reversed.

Speaking of hypocrisy... Just one last question. If Rhoads would have left it at bagging on Notre Dame would you care? I have a hard time believing the folks here would care about the injustice of it all if he never would have mentioned Iowa State.
The part you don't grasp is that his rant, as silly as it was, had nothing to do with Iowa. It was about drawing attention to himself and not actually earning it. The lockerroom speeches, the recruiting comments, the going on radio and saying he is proud of everything. It is a sales pitch with no product.

Hw is ISUs version of Harold Hill. As the naive small town fools you guys deserve a Tony.
I don't have a problem with people calling him out on it. But to put it up as one of the biggest central iowa sports stories in history is absolutely ridiculous.

A lot of clones are cheering it on because it's Iowa State and Paul and they will cheer anything on associated with either one. If Iowa was doing it they'd make fun of it. It's called a rivalry and being a fan. I compare it to UI auctioning off the chair that Fran slammed. You guys loved it, Iowa State fans made fun of it, and it would be exactly the same if the roles were reversed.

Speaking of hypocrisy... Just one last question. If Rhoads would have left it at bagging on Notre Dame would you care? I have a hard time believing the folks here would care about the injustice of it all if he never would have mentioned Iowa State.

I think what Rhoads said about ND is a small time mentality, I mean who says that about a recruit??? Rhoads is out recruiting committed kids, everyone is doing it, and Rhoads knows it, so it just makes him sound like a baby and a hypocrite.
I don't think clone fans are any more embarrassed by it than what Fran does. I am personally a little embarrassed that he felt like that was needed or when malchow wrote the New Year's Day bowl blog. They don't do that crap with basketball and I don't get it here.

Once again:
Fran’s on-court behavior = CPR on-field behavior
Fran’s off-court behavior >>>> CPR’s off-field behavior
Fran’s team >>>>>>>> CPR’s team
Would ISU fans still be supporting Paul if it came out that what he said was a lie? I suspect they would, but it might test a few of them.

As many Iowa fans who are familiar with how Iowa recruits suspected. It sounds as though Iowa never even called Lazard in the week leading up to signing day, let alone six times. No, I don't have a link.

I would assume Iowa won't make that public, but I really wish they would. Their "grassy knoll fan base" will believe absolutely anything that is spoon fed to them. CPR is full of more crap than a hog confinement.
Well, if Rhoads doesn't like the Register covering Lazard's recruiting he'll be really upset if they start covering the sale of Lazard autographed items on ebay...
Allen Lazard | eBay

Wow. On many levels, wow. First, are there really people creepy enough to pay for these signatures? Second, how did a representative of the seller get in the presence of Mr. Lazard with that ISU stuff? Third, is it possible dude got a little coin for throwing his John Hancock on those? Fourth, has ISU's compliance department vetted this? Fifth, does ISU have a compliance department? Sixth, if ISU does have a compliance department, how did Troy Davis get into Iowa State and how does Hoiberg get all these transfers in? Seventh, did this video land Lazard in Ames?

Wow. On many levels, wow. First, are there really people creepy enough to pay for these signatures? Second, how did a representative of the seller get in the presence of Mr. Lazard with that ISU stuff? Third, is it possible dude got a little coin for throwing his John Hancock on those? Fourth, has ISU's compliance department vetted this? Fifth, does ISU have a compliance department? Sixth, if ISU does have a compliance department, how did Troy Davis get into Iowa State and how does Hoiberg get all these transfers in? Seventh, did this video land Lazard in Ames?


Why have I never seen this before? It is great ammo to have in the arsenal.
Is anyone going to the Cyclone Fanatic recruiting party? Wednesday at 7:30 at the Keg Stand? They promise some "special guests", drink specials, and highlight tape?
Is anyone going to the Cyclone Fanatic recruiting party? Wednesday at 7:30 at the Keg Stand? They promise some "special guests", drink specials, and highlight tape?

Maybe two to three times per year, something craws at the back of my mind making me wish I lived in Neck Moines. Christmas, my grandma's birfday, T-giving, buddy's wife having a baby, you know stuff liek that. I honestly have to say, though, this party at the KegStand makes me wish I lived there just so I could go check this thing out and see with my own two eyes the collection of troglodytes that has amassed the internet's largest pile of derp.
1. That video is great.

2. Is Paul Rhoads going to be wrestling Hacksaw Jim Duggan at this Cyclone Fanatic event? Yes they actually had a wrestling event there a year or two ago... 3XW Live at the Keg Stand!
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