Josh Koeppels take on those that boo

I think blaming ones alcoholism for the act of booing in the stands is a cop out and really doesn't make those booing look any better

I wonder if 2StarStan could enforce a no booing rule inside le stadium? What do you think, Duff?
again you have every right to be childish disrespectful and act like a 5 year old. no 1 is taking that away from you.

I never once said that I was booing. But i have no issue with someone who spent there hard earned money to watch the game react to what they saw with boos.

Also, i agree with Travisam. Cant have it one way and not the other. Grown men jumping up and down and chest bumping other grown men for what and 18-22 year did on a football field is also childish.
Why is there such a lack of respect for our team and coaches? Duff's right on this one. People that get the respect issue, weren't booing. People that booed try to justify it. But the handful of people around me at the game that were booing were so consumed by the bad plays & the playcalling that they didn't once cheer for a good play (however few & far between those were). Were there other types of booers at the game? Just asking.

The respect issue is a great angle. There are ways to disagree, but insulting people and calling them names because you think it's funny; is that respectful? From a long-time reader, bring me more of the insightful and thoughtful analysis and opinions like homer used to and Gamefilm does. Thanks.
In my opinion the hawkeye players should call the kid from Lincoln's mommy and get their lawyers info. They should then bring suit against hawkeyenation for bullying and public humiliation. They can use BTN's camera footage to single out the worst booing offenders and make them examples.
These innocent 18-22 year old kids should not be boo'd. If anything the Mom's should be waiting by the tunnel to give them a juice box and a graham cracker as they leave for halftime, and they should be given a participation trophy after the game, to ensure no one goes home with their feelings hurt, even if they are underperforming.
These innocent 18-22 year old kids should not be boo'd. If anything the Mom's should be waiting by the tunnel to give them a juice box and a graham cracker as they leave for halftime, and they should be given a participation trophy after the game, to ensure no one goes home with their feelings hurt, even if they are underperforming.

Don't forget the orange slices.
Take all those poor kids out for Shakey's Pizza after the game, to show them love and support!!
I think the insinuation that the childish behavior starts with booing is amusing. As others have said, what do you consider crazy cheering? Do you get on the referees? Because they recieve much less in compensation than the players and they have other jobs.

Here, you can use this picture on your sign for next week.

This aint about rights, this is about respect. If you respect the effort these players put in to represent this school and state on the field then you dont boo. If you boo you arent a fan, dont respect the team, and are a child emotionally. I mean that in all seriousness. Booing a college sports team is the equivilent of a five year old throwing a hissy fit in the grocery checkout lane cause he didnt get that candy bar and **** aint going the way he wants it. Grow the **** up.

LOL this is just plain funny. If Iowa puts a product on the field that is as ****** as what we saw on Saturday, they deserve to get their *** boo'd right off the field. They can use that booing as motivation next time they're working out.
Looks like you're the one throwing a hissy fit.

The boos were not because of effort, it was because the product on the field was not up to standard.

Why is there such a need to protect the players on this site? These are grown men playing a game of football. If the fan who spent his/her hard earned money wants to boo the product on the field, then he/she has every right too.

You'll have to forgive Fluff....he has a shrine-like bedroom full of participation ribbons that he wangs to.
"I can boo" sounds like "I am woman, hear me roar!" Not to disrespect any female participants, the little guy just wants to be heard.

Thanks for taking a stand Josh.
LOL this is just plain funny. If Iowa puts a product on the field that is as ****** as what we saw on Saturday, they deserve to get their *** boo'd right off the field. They can use that booing as motivation next time they're working out.

Spoken like a peice of gutter trash.
You'll have to forgive Fluff....he has a shrine-like bedroom full of participation ribbons that he wangs to.

Scorpy knows better, I aint the participation ribbon type. I never said we should all stand and applaud them as they left the field for trying real hard. I never said that people shod have sat through the game and not left early.

For trying to come at me hard all the time you sure do come off limp.
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