Josh Koeppels take on those that boo

You could tell the boos that were directed at players during times, those bugged me.
There were boos directed at the coaches (you could tell those too), some were warranted.
Not gonna lie, I was shocked to see how much emotion was still in the stands in the 4th quarter because I had thrown in the towel long before that.

Agreed. Seeing the 30,000ish still cheering quite loudly in the 4th had to be encouraging for the players.
They heard the boos, and seemed to respond, and likely heard the strong support still in the 4th, well after it was over.
I feel like booing is part of sport and these young men should be able to take it.
If after a fumble where no one hit him and then a pass directly to a guy in the wrong jersey, the QB happens to throw a bounce pass on a 4 yard out pattern that the cheerleaders could have thrown, I will probably boo. And it will more toward the fact that our coaches can't or won't put someone else in as it is booing the guy throwing it.

I feel sorry for people who get so hurt over some random person they don't know that boo them. I wonder how they will succeed in life when they get a job and not everyone is fawning over them telling them how damn special they are.
This aint about rights, this is about respect. If you respect the effort these players put in to represent this school and state on the field then you dont boo. If you boo you arent a fan, dont respect the team, and are a child emotionally. I mean that in all seriousness. Booing a college sports team is the equivilent of a five year old throwing a hissy fit in the grocery checkout lane cause he didnt get that candy bar and **** aint going the way he wants it. Grow the **** up.
Duff, do you feel differently about a pro team? If so, why?

Frankly, I think the line between pro sports and our "amateur" (BCS level) programs is blurry at best.
This aint about rights, this is about respect. If you respect the effort these players put in to represent this school and state on the field then you dont boo. If you boo you arent a fan, dont respect the team, and are a child emotionally. I mean that in all seriousness. Booing a college sports team is the equivilent of a five year old throwing a hissy fit in the grocery checkout lane cause he didnt get that candy bar and **** aint going the way he wants it. Grow the **** up.

don't you have mashed potatoes to wang?

give them all participation ribbons.
Yes I do. Professional teams get paid, players and coaches. I realize college plsyer receive financial benefits, but it aont the same as being a pro. That said I personally dont boo at eiyher because as I said booing is nothing more than a five year old throwing a fit. I have more respect for myself, and am not unable to control my emotions.
There were a lot of stupid drunk people at that game. Being stupid drunk may affect one's judgement.
This aint about rights, this is about respect. If you respect the effort these players put in to represent this school and state on the field then you dont boo. If you boo you arent a fan, dont respect the team, and are a child emotionally. I mean that in all seriousness. Booing a college sports team is the equivilent of a five year old throwing a hissy fit in the grocery checkout lane cause he didnt get that candy bar and **** aint going the way he wants it. Grow the **** up.

Looks like you're the one throwing a hissy fit.

The boos were not because of effort, it was because the product on the field was not up to standard.

Why is there such a need to protect the players on this site? These are grown men playing a game of football. If the fan who spent his/her hard earned money wants to boo the product on the field, then he/she has every right too.
Again its not about that, Its about respect.

I don't respect james hindenberg; he has done nothing to earn my respect.
I used to respect kurt ferrets, but I don't any moar.

I'll say it again: I did not boo Saturday, and I have never booed inside teh Kinnick. But I understand why some do, and I don't think it's inappropriate.
Do you cheer loudly when something good happens, or do you control your emotions better than that? Isn't screaming TOUCHDOWN and jumping up and down like a psycho really like a 5 year old who just found out he gets to go to Disneyland? Booing is the equivalent of cheering. Fan stands for FANATIC. People pay money to be FANATICS. Either in tickets, gear, whatever else that helps pay for these "kids'" education. Would it be different if instead of yelling "BOOOOO!" people yelled "I AM VERY DISPLEASED WITH THE PERFORMANCE YOU ARE DISPLAYING ON THE FIELD! HEAR MY FRUSTRATION!!!!"? Your stance on this is absolutely ridiculous.
Looks like you're the one throwing a hissy fit.

The boos were not because of effort, it was because the product on the field was not up to standard.

Why is there such a need to protect the players on this site? These are grown men playing a game of football. If the fan who spent his/her hard earned money wants to boo the product on the field, then he/she has every right too.

again you have every right to be childish disrespectful and act like a 5 year old. no 1 is taking that away from you.
This aint about rights, this is about respect. If you respect the effort these players put in to represent this school and state on the field then you dont boo. If you boo you arent a fan, dont respect the team, and are a child emotionally. I mean that in all seriousness. Booing a college sports team is the equivilent of a five year old throwing a hissy fit in the grocery checkout lane cause he didnt get that candy bar and **** aint going the way he wants it. Grow the **** up.

I'm not a boo-er. But when you combine:

* Alcohol
* Night game
* Failure to reach expectations
* The fact the candy bar cost $500 (might be conservative)
* Varying degrees of what is considered acceptable behavior

there is bound to be some kickback. Not saying it's right, but it's just the way it is.
There were a lot of stupid drunk people at that game. Being stupid drunk may affect one's judgement.

I think blaming ones alcoholism for the act of booing in the stands is a cop out and really doesn't make those booing look any better

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