Josh Koeppels take on those that boo

The fans paid to go watch the players play and the coaches coach. They put forth a terrible effort and some fans let them know what they thought of it. Big freaking deal.

Of course I'm jealous. Who wouldn't want to play D1 football?

I was in Afghanistan when I was Vandenberg's age. That puts things into perspective pal. Listening to Duff cry about other fan's booing a worthless performance is comical.

Yes it does, and thank you for your service. I wouldn't boo you, either.
The fans paid to go watch the players play and the coaches coach. They put forth a terrible effort and some fans let them know what they thought of it. Big freaking deal.

Of course I'm jealous. Who wouldn't want to play D1 football?

I was in Afghanistan when I was Vandenberg's age. That puts things into perspective pal. Listening to Duff cry about other fan's booing a worthless performance is comical.

1) Anyone who pays for a ticket to watch coaches coach deserves to be kicked in the sack.

2) Neither the coaches nor the players lacked effort. Effort had no reason to do with the loss. They got thier ***** kicked. Anyone who has played sports understands that.

3) I'm not crying about anything. I don't care if people boo. I'm not asking people to stop booing. I'm calling out those people for what they are, emotionally immature **** heels who don't understand who don't understand what being a fan means.

4) I wonder what your take was is on those who booed soldiers as they came back from Vietnam. Military salaries were paid through taxation on thier hard earned income after all. Those soldier put forth a terrible effort in Vietnam and some fans let them know what they thought of it. Big freaking deal.
Hey Duffman if you don't think there are times where effort and preparedness or lack thereof are fictitious!? You are an idiot dude EXAMPLE: Alabama v LSU last year's championship game. You don't think Les Miles was unprepared for that game?! If we got beat 38-14 by Bama I would agree with you but this is a just above mediocre talented PSU team. Your analogy with War Vets is so stupid it doesn't deserve answering.
Hey Duffman if you don't think there are times where effort and preparedness or lack thereof are fictitious!? You are an idiot dude EXAMPLE: Alabama v LSU last year's championship game. You don't think Les Miles was unprepared for that game?! If we got beat 38-14 by Bama I would agree with you but this is a just above mediocre talented PSU team. Your analogy with War Vets is so stupid it doesn't deserve answering.

Laughable. I don't think LSU was able to handle Alabama. It didn't have anything to do with lack of effort. Without knowing a single thing about Les Miles I'd be willing to bet my totally choice boat that he probably put in 80+ hours a week for several weeks leading up to that game. I'd be willing to bet my totally chocie boat that KF puts in 80+ hours a week starting in Aug and ending when the season ends. I haven't heard a single person connected with the team question the effort any of our players put out. Effort and results are two different things. Sometimes effort and preparedness are two different things. Sometimes you can be prepared and still get your *** kicked on the field. Again anyone who has competed athleticially understands that.
seepig is just mad at you because he doesn't have a totally choice boat, Duff
1) Anyone who pays for a ticket to watch coaches coach deserves to be kicked in the sack.

2) Neither the coaches nor the players lacked effort. Effort had no reason to do with the loss. They got thier ***** kicked. Anyone who has played sports understands that.

3) I'm not crying about anything. I don't care if people boo. I'm not asking people to stop booing. I'm calling out those people for what they are, emotionally immature **** heels who don't understand who don't understand what being a fan means.

4) I wonder what your take was is on those who booed soldiers as they came back from Vietnam. Military salaries were paid through taxation on thier hard earned income after all. Those soldier put forth a terrible effort in Vietnam and some fans let them know what they thought of it. Big freaking deal.

I understand people booing athletes, but this comment right here is below the belt. My father was over there and on numerous occasions almost didn't get out of there. That whole "terrible effort in Vietnam" quote is uncalled for.
People are different. Who is anybody to cast judgement on another. People Boo, cheer, get butt hurt etc. Be whatever kind of fan it takes to tolerate the pain and joys that come from being a real Hawkeye fan. Which WILL include ups and downs. Go Hawks!! Respect.
1) Anyone who pays for a ticket to watch coaches coach deserves to be kicked in the sack.

2) Neither the coaches nor the players lacked effort. Effort had no reason to do with the loss. They got thier ***** kicked. Anyone who has played sports understands that.

3) I'm not crying about anything. I don't care if people boo. I'm not asking people to stop booing. I'm calling out those people for what they are, emotionally immature **** heels who don't understand who don't understand what being a fan means.

4) I wonder what your take was is on those who booed soldiers as they came back from Vietnam. Military salaries were paid through taxation on thier hard earned income after all. Those soldier put forth a terrible effort in Vietnam and some fans let them know what they thought of it. Big freaking deal.

Slow your roll on this one, Mr. "anyone who has competed athletically understands that".
I understand people booing athletes, but this comment right here is below the belt. My father was over there and on numerous occasions almost didn't get out of there. That whole "terrible effort in Vietnam" quote is uncalled for.

I never claimed it was called for.
I don't recall anyone calling Ferrets a baby-killer, so I really don't get the Vietnam comparison.
1) Anyone who pays for a ticket to watch coaches coach deserves to be kicked in the sack.

2) Neither the coaches nor the players lacked effort. Effort had no reason to do with the loss. They got thier ***** kicked. Anyone who has played sports understands that.

3) I'm not crying about anything. I don't care if people boo. I'm not asking people to stop booing. I'm calling out those people for what they are, emotionally immature **** heels who don't understand who don't understand what being a fan means.

4) I wonder what your take was is on those who booed soldiers as they came back from Vietnam. Military salaries were paid through taxation on thier hard earned income after all. Those soldier put forth a terrible effort in Vietnam and some fans let them know what they thought of it. Big freaking deal.

Wow. You're a ******* idiot and should be banned for this. Get some perspective dude.
This whole thread is laughable. Too many people taking the booing to seriously. Get over it. Im sure the team has, and if they have not, then its going to be a rough day tomorrow.
1) Anyone who pays for a ticket to watch coaches coach deserves to be kicked in the sack.

2) Neither the coaches nor the players lacked effort. Effort had no reason to do with the loss. They got thier ***** kicked. Anyone who has played sports understands that.

3) I'm not crying about anything. I don't care if people boo. I'm not asking people to stop booing. I'm calling out those people for what they are, emotionally immature **** heels who don't understand who don't understand what being a fan means.

4) I wonder what your take was is on those who booed soldiers as they came back from Vietnam. Military salaries were paid through taxation on thier hard earned income after all. Those soldier put forth a terrible effort in Vietnam and some fans let them know what they thought of it. Big freaking deal.

I don't feel like I even need to say anything else to you Duff. Your last comment just explained very clearly to everyone on here exactly the kind of trashbag we're dealing with. Wow. I've read plenty of your posts, but I didn't think even you would stoop that low. Comparing a football game to a war where thousands of Americans lost their lives is a bit of a stretch don't ya think?

FYI... I wasn't alive when soldiers got back from Vietnam. Doesn't mean I can't have an opinion on it, but it does make it a bit difficult to relate.
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I don't feel like I even need to say anything else to you Duff. Your last comment just explained very clearly to everyone on here exactly the kind of trashbag we're dealing with. Wow. I've read plenty of your posts, but I didn't think even you would stoop that low. Comparing a football game to a war where thousands of Americans lost their lives is a bit of a stretch don't ya think?

FYI... I wasn't alive when soldiers got back from Vietnam. Doesn't mean I can't have an opinion on it, but it does make it a bit difficult to relate.

Im not comparing football games to war. Im pointing out how redonkulous it is to say spending money on something makes it OK to act any way you want while voicing your opinion on the quality of performance. Spending money on tickets doesnt absolve you from having to act civilized at a football game, anymore than spending money on movie tickets absolves you from acting civilized in a movie theater, anymore than spending tax money on military support absolves you from acting civilized toward those in the millitary.
It's always an epic win when folks show up with faux butthurt about Vietnam in a football thread.
Excellent work, Duff. :cool:
Im not comparing football games to war. Im pointing out how redonkulous it is to say spending money on something makes it OK to act any way you want while voicing your opinion on the quality of performance. Spending money on tickets doesnt absolve you from having to act civilized at a football game, anymore than spending money on movie tickets absolves you from acting civilized in a movie theater, anymore than spending tax money on military support absolves you from acting civilized toward those in the millitary.

It doesn't matter what your intentions were. You did directly compare fans booing at a football game to citizens booing soldiers who just got home from war. That much is pretty clear. The idea that you would even draw that comparison speaks volumes about your true character. The fact that you are trying to lecture anyone on civility is quite comical.
Some of you need to watch "Platoon" again, I think. Or as I liek to call it, "PlatBOOn".

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