Josh Koeppels take on those that boo

Scorpy knows better, I aint the participation ribbon type. I never said we should all stand and applaud them as they left the field for trying real hard. I never said that people shod have sat through the game and not left early.

For trying to come at me hard all the time you sure do come off limp.

Did your wife tell you that last night?

Why u mad bro?
Think of how many positives come with being a Division 1 college football player:

1. Full-ride academic scholarship
2. Free room and board
3. Free food
4. Tons of help with their homework
5. Top athletic training in the world, including access to the best training apparel
6. Opportunities to travel all over the country and stay in nice hotels
7. Access to premium training facilities
8. An opportunity to work their way to the next level
9. The love and adoration of thousands of fans
10. Celebrity status in Iowa City
11. Access to premium women… blondes, brunettes, redheads, midgets, fat girls, and whatever else that may tickle their fancy

And to think some of you are making a big deal about some fans booing the team because they put forth a garbage effort and got embarrassed on national television… give me a break. Cry me a river Duff. I was in the military at the age of 17 and had a drill sergeant breathing down my neck. These “kids” as you’re insinuating, are blessed with the god given talent that allows them to play big time college football. They get a lot of things handed to them because of that. There are a thousand more positives in their situation than negatives. If they can’t handle a little booing because their performance sucks then they can hand in their scholarship and go live in their parent’s basement. It’s not a matter of respect. It’s called tough love. Booing is a fanatics way of telling the team the fans aren’t happy with the lackluster display that was put in front of them.
As someone said before, fans are fanatics. That’s where the word “fan” comes from. Fans pay a lot of money and devote a lot of time to watch their team play. If it wasn’t for these fans then the coaches and players wouldn’t be in the situation they are in. If anyone’s feelings are hurt then they need to grow a pair. Funny thing is I doubt the players care one bit that they were booed because they know they deserved it. Vandenberg might have just said that because according to Duff he "had to say that". That's a cop-out. It's more likely that he said it because that's what he truly thinks. They played like absolute dog crap. They deserved it. Plain and simple.
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When we start throwing batteries and lighters and flares on to the field and killing rival fans outside of Kinnick then I will say enough is enough.

The Koeppel family does not include an "s" in the spelling of their name.
I'd pay to see you call Josh Koeppels "butthurt" to his face.

I don't understand this. Are college football players, former ones at that, jacked up roid-freaks who at the mere notion of criticism of their opinion spontaneously combust and cause bodily harm to the criticizer with the force of an F-150?

I get the internet anonymity bit...but even if someone did say this to his face, unless he's yoked up on testosterone and at that moment trying to suppress a fit of rage, I fail to see how a normal adult could react in such a way to be spoken about with such message board lore.

Carry on.
Think of how many positives come with being a Division 1 college football player:

1. Full-ride academic scholarship
2. Free room and board
3. Free food
4. Tons of help with their homework
5. Top athletic training in the world, including access to the best training apparel
6. Opportunities to travel all over the country and stay in nice hotels
7. Access to premium training facilities
8. An opportunity to work their way to the next level
9. The love and adoration of thousands of fans
10. Celebrity status in Iowa City
11. Access to premium women… blondes, brunettes, redheads, midgets, fat girls, and whatever else that may tickle their fancy

And to think some of you are making a big deal about some fans booing the team because they put forth a garbage effort and got embarrassed on national television… give me a break. Cry me a river Duff. I was in the military at the age of 17 and had a drill sergeant breathing down my neck. These “kids” as you’re insinuating, are blessed with the god given talent that allows them to play big time college football. They get a lot of things handed to them because of that. There are a thousand more positives in their situation than negatives. If they can’t handle a little booing because their performance sucks then they can hand in their scholarship and go live in their parent’s basement. It’s not a matter of respect. It’s called tough love. Booing is a fanatics way of telling the team the fans aren’t happy with the lackluster display that was put in front of them.
As someone said before, fans are fanatics. That’s where the word “fan” comes from. Fans pay a lot of money and devote a lot of time to watch their team play. If it wasn’t for these fans then the coaches and players wouldn’t be in the situation they are in. If anyone’s feelings are hurt then they need to grow a pair. Funny thing is I doubt the players care one bit that they were booed because they know they deserved it. Vandenberg might have just said that because according to Duff he "had to say that". That's a cop-out. It's more likely that he said it because that's what he truly thinks. They played like absolute dog crap. They deserved it. Plain and simple.

Thanks you for your service and comments.
I don't understand this. Are college football players, former ones at that, jacked up roid-freaks who at the mere notion of criticism of their opinion spontaneously combust and cause bodily harm to the criticizer with the force of an F-150?

I get the internet anonymity bit...but even if someone did say this to his face, unless he's yoked up on testosterone and at that moment trying to suppress a fit of rage, I fail to see how a normal adult could react in such a way to be spoken about with such message board lore.

Carry on.

I can tell that you've never met deanvogs's meathead nephew.
I don't understand this. Are college football players, former ones at that, jacked up roid-freaks who at the mere notion of criticism of their opinion spontaneously combust and cause bodily harm to the criticizer with the force of an F-150?

I get the internet anonymity bit...but even if someone did say this to his face, unless he's yoked up on testosterone and at that moment trying to suppress a fit of rage, I fail to see how a normal adult could react in such a way to be spoken about with such message board lore.

Carry on.

He is trying to point out that you wouldn't say these types of things to someone's face, forget the fact how big he is. Lots of idiots on here spew tons of garbage, things they would never say to another person face to face.
I can tell that you've never met deanvogs's meathead nephew.

Let it go already.....I forgive you for calling my sister a slut.

Just like my above post, I'm guessing you wouldn't call my sister a slut to her face, to my face, or to her sons face.....not because of what she, I, or he would do to you, but rather I'm assuming your aren't this big of asshat in person. I could be wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure I'm not.
He is trying to point out that you wouldn't say these types of things to someone's face, forget the fact how big he is. Lots of idiots on here spew tons of garbage, things they would never say to another person face to face.

That part I got...I'm not THAT dense! :D

I was going to go way deeper into what I meant than was actually necessary, so I'll just drop it. Long story short, there are ways to impart exactly what Cliche was saying to a former player like Koeppel in person without it devolving into a beatdown of epic proportions. Koeppel isn't just some big lug waiting to catch a whiff of someone disagreeing with him so that he can pound him into ground beef...but the tact of the conversation would be different between real life and a message board.

I don't understand this. Are college football players, former ones at that, jacked up roid-freaks who at the mere notion of criticism of their opinion spontaneously combust and cause bodily harm to the criticizer with the force of an F-150?

I get the internet anonymity bit...but even if someone did say this to his face, unless he's yoked up on testosterone and at that moment trying to suppress a fit of rage, I fail to see how a normal adult could react in such a way to be spoken about with such message board lore.

Carry on.

I don't think Koeppel would do anything violent. I'd certainly love to see him dress down the person and expose their ignorance while coming from experience as someone who has been between the lines.
Do you cheer loudly when something good happens, or do you control your emotions better than that? Isn't screaming TOUCHDOWN and jumping up and down like a psycho really like a 5 year old who just found out he gets to go to Disneyland? Booing is the equivalent of cheering. Fan stands for FANATIC. People pay money to be FANATICS. Either in tickets, gear, whatever else that helps pay for these "kids'" education. Would it be different if instead of yelling "BOOOOO!" people yelled "I AM VERY DISPLEASED WITH THE PERFORMANCE YOU ARE DISPLAYING ON THE FIELD! HEAR MY FRUSTRATION!!!!"? Your stance on this is absolutely ridiculous.

Let's go ahead and get out in the open just how ignorant you and your ilk are on this. Fan does indeed stand for Fanatic. Here is the definition of fanatic....

Fanatic: marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion
Fanatic: 1. a person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal

Two different sources on the matter. I fail to see how anyone who boos their own team fits into this category. By the very definition of the word those who boo their own teams are NOT fans.

What you ignorantly refer to as being a fan is nothing more than boorish behavior by alcoholics or by folks who are emotionally immature/children.
I don't think Koeppel would do anything violent. I'd certainly love to see him dress down the person and expose their ignorance while coming from experience as someone who has been between the lines.

I don't either, but I think the insinuation is that if you did say something like that to his face, you'd get wrecked. Maybe I've read that wrong...

But I digress.
I don't understand this. Are college football players, former ones at that, jacked up roid-freaks who at the mere notion of criticism of their opinion spontaneously combust and cause bodily harm to the criticizer with the force of an F-150?

No. You misread my intent. See Duff post above.
To summarize-booing is bad. Boo-Urns ing is ok. Throwing towels weak. Throwing batteries up to and including D size interesting but motorcycle and automotive batteries are excessive.
Let it go already.....I forgive you for calling my sister a slut.

Just like my above post, I'm guessing you wouldn't call my sister a slut to her face, to my face, or to her sons face.....not because of what she, I, or he would do to you, but rather I'm assuming your aren't this big of asshat in person. I could be wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure I'm not.

What about Bristol Palin? Do you think I'd say anything to her (surgically modified) face?

Cosmetic surgery that is not breast enhancement is an abomination and should not be tolerated by a righteous society.

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