Jake Kelly Considers Iowa Return

What I don't understand is why he would only have one half semester left to play? He hasn't used a redshirt yet. Wouldn't this be the equivalent of Tony Freeman's situation? Or is there some special caveat because he was allowed to play this year without sitting out the 1 year?

The way I'm looking at it, it seems that he could sit out next year and have 1 full year left for his senior year. Am I wrong?
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I like the thinking of duffman. Can Jake come back, rehab, not be on scholly take 2010-2011 season off and then get a scholly for 2011-2012 season? I don't like him coming off an injury playing only a half season, a full season would have more impact on the program.
What I don't understand is why he would only have one half semester left to play? He hasn't used a redshirt yet. Wouldn't this be the equivalent of Tony Freeman's situation? Or is there some special caveat because he was allowed to play this year without sitting out the 1 year?

The way I'm looking at it, it seems that he could sit out next year and have 1 full year left for his senior year. Am I wrong?

You are right.
What I would LOVE to see would be him sit out ALL of next year. Could you imagine the potential possiblity of having him playing a full year with Gatens as a senior, Cully, Cougs, May as juniors and our solid recruiting class being sophs?

That would be a great squad.
Although Jake coming back would not immediately right the ship, it would be a big push in getting the ship turned around. Essentially, we're talking about Jake playing for the whole Big Ten season next year. We're talking about someone who knows the system, can shoot, can drive, can play D, and he'd only make the other players on the court (and in practice) better.
I don't think he dissed the team in leaving and I think Lick would be nuts if he didn't welcome him back with open arms.
Or maybe the NCAA will just let him play next year from Day 1. I mean cmon, they let Tyler Smith and Jake Kelly leave Iowa without sitting out a year, they owe us one!!! :)
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Good Lord. Jake Kelly would make a TON of difference on this team, right now.

It's a cryin shame, really
I'd love to see Jake back with the Hawkeyes. He's one of the few guys in the Lick era who could create his own shot.

Good Lord. Jake Kelly would make a TON of difference on this team, right now.

It's a cryin shame, really

He would? Iowa honestly needs a difference maker. Although I like Jake's game he IS NOT a difference maker. Use the scholarship to get someone who can win Iowa some games (Juco PG). Good Lord people...he shot 36% from the floor and average 9ppg this year at INDIANA STATE.
If we had Jake Kelly this year, just imagine the ones of games we could win in the Big 10!

Sorry, but from the sounds of this, Jake seems to have some serious emotional issues that he needs to work through. I don't blame him. Suffering the loss of his mother, the move, and the injury would make even the most emotionally stable person crumble a bit.

The only issue I would see is if the team would want him back. I know athletes are pretty hesitant to accept someone who has left them before.
Or maybe the NCAA will just let him play next year from Day 1. I mean cmon, they let Tyler Smith and Jake Kelly leave Iowa without sitting out a year, they owe us one!!! :)

Hey, speaking of Tyler Smith, he's suddenly available, too! I wonder if he'd consider a....naw, prolly not....
If we had Jake Kelly this year, just imagine the ones of games we could win in the Big 10!

Sorry, but from the sounds of this, Jake seems to have some serious emotional issues that he needs to work through. I don't blame him. Suffering the loss of his mother, the move, and the injury would make even the most emotionally stable person crumble a bit.

The only issue I would see is if the team would want him back. I know athletes are pretty hesitant to accept someone who has left them before.

I agree. If Jake officially approaches the coaches and says Hey I want to come back. I'd tell him straight up that the team will vote on it.
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I have some "inside info" from a friends who "knows some people who know some people who robbed some people" and found out about this last weekend; The reason is Jake misses Iowa City, his friends, being with his girlfriend and while the issues with him and Lick seem to be resolved, He did in part leave beacuse of Todd
Why are so many getting so excited about possibly getting Kelly back?!! I don't understand it! Yes the team needs MAJOR help but to think that Jake Kelly would somehow give this team a boost big enough to make the NIT or something is plain stupid!!

He would maybe be around for ONE HALF of a season coming off a SEASON-ENDING injury!!! He most likely wouldn't be what he was. People need to relax and stop expecting so much because you may set yourself up for major disappointment.

Let's not forget Kelly COMMITTED to Iowa and stated he wouldn't leave after his tragic circumstances but after 2nd thoughts he then wanted to be closer to family but now realizes he misses Iowa. As much as I loved the kid when he played FOR Iowa, I just don't think it would be beneficial for either party. Don't do a Kiffin.

If Lick accepts Kelly back then why doesn't he reach out to Tyler Smith as well??!! I'm sorry but I'd much rather see this scholarship go to a possible recruit that would contribute 3-4 years of his commitment rather than a player who could contribute 15 games on a bum knee. Iowa basketball needs much more help than what Kelly could do for 15 games. But I guess Lick will do whatever he feels will save his job.
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Could this be potentially the "best" basketball news to the Iowa program in the last 3 years?......potentially?
Getting a guy back from a serious knee injury for 1 semester...well...I think the results will be underwhelming. That being said, I bet he's welcomed back with open arms and agree with it.
Could this be potentially the "best" basketball news to the Iowa program in the last 3 years?......potentially?

Yes...without a doubt.

Having Kelly back and the fiasco that Tyler Smith has created for himself may be just what the doctor ordered for Iowa. Kids have been leaving Iowa left and right for the past 10 years. Most without any success and a few have just fell off the face of the earth. Maybe, just maybe, this will stem the tide of transfers for long enough to allow Lick to put his best product on the floor.
Getting a guy back from a serious knee injury for 1 semester...well...I think the results will be underwhelming. That being said, I bet he's welcomed back with open arms and agree with it.

I think I have to agree with this. I'm OK with letting Kelly come back, but I wouldn't expect him to do alot in that one semester following the injury. Remember how Cole looked for the first half of last season after he came back? Very tentative. Just try and keep your expectations from getting too out of hand with this.
Jon, I remember reading that the Indiana State staff thought Jake might be able to meet the 30% requirement needed for a medical redshirt because their games in the preseason NIT only counted as one event. That would give him two years remaining, I think.