ISU football selling points

Uh oh....there goes Wally's job

Wally is in select company of a group of coordinators whose job is 10x harder during the week than it is on Saturday. Poor guy has to have chess matches with Mangino and try to stop Lazard. He's probably stoked to play teams like Baylor and Oklahoma.
Wally is in select company of a group of coordinators whose job is 10x harder during the week than it is on Saturday. Poor guy has to have chess matches with Mangino and try to stop Lazard. He's probably stoked to play teams like Baylor and Oklahoma.

really need that "like" button back
The Lizard, the Wizard, and the Mangina. Unstoppable if they join forces. It's like a my Rushmore of football greatness.
But, Wally is a wizard.

Wally and Mangenius will make things happen this year. Most of the posters on here are too big of idiots to understand how O'Keefe's ball control offense made our defense look better than it really was. Mess was the opposite of that at ISU last year. The guy constantly left the defense out there to hang. Mangenius isn't going to do that. He's going to have that offense devouring clock.
Money is the great equalizer. ISU has not been able to keep up for 30-40 years. With the new TV contracts ISU has more money than ever. In my view Pollard is using it very wisely. He is also slowly but surely converting Des Moines area to ISU fans from Iowa formerly.

What tv contracts, I don't know of anything but the Longhorn Network which they are not currently receiving money.
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I think most Iowa State fans are pretty realistic that this season will likely be rough and not a bowl year.

In my experience at Iowa State people really love the tailgating and don't take the games all that seriously. There is a little wrigleyville feel if you ask me. That may not be a legit reason to many around here but Iowa State hasn't had the success to justify the numbers other than it's just a fun environment.

I would say that some fans realistic but there's several at cyfan predicting 5-7 wins, leaning towards 6-7 and a few prognosticators saying 9 wins.
I can't wait to see Morrissey matched up against Scherff in a little over a month. You know damn well Scherff saw those comments. He's got to be licking his chops waiting for that game. Morrissey isn't even close to the best player Scherff has matched up against. He will own him. He will plant him into Kinnick's field. I have zero doubts about that.

Totally lost all respect for Morrissey after those comments. If you can't be someone then do what you can to bash them... I guess that's his credence.

Or lack thereof.
What is Pollard selling? Coming off a 3-9 season which included the most lopsided defeat in school history agisnt Baylor, almost everyone coming back from that embarassing yr, expecting maybe at most 4 wins, I just dont get it. Hes selling a turd but making it looks shiny and new, but in the end its still a turd.

Pollard was on the murph and andy show yesterday and he mentioned that many fans dont want to miss the "next big moment", or "a first at ISU". They wanna see another Ok.St. moment

The only thing I can figure is that the ISU fans know Iowa State isn't a **football school** and they're OK with that. They like watching the games anyway, and appreciate the fact that they play all the teams in the conference, the good ones and the not-as-good ones, and they don't expect to win hardly any at all.. but it's fun. They wait to shine a bit more come basketball season, but they enjoy the heck out of football season.

In a way, I envy them as I look at our schedule and see we don't play Penn St. we don't play Michigan St, nor Michigan nor Ohio St..... mostly facing a not-very-topnotch bunch of teams in facing just a part of our conference. I hate this. Yes, I think we will have more wins because we don't have to play the mentioned four.. they're always a challenge and never can count on winning against them. The schedule we have just leaves me feeling empty and longing for the real BIG TEN season.

So I can sort of understand the Clone fans finding football fun, even in the losing to some very good exciting teams. I'm sorry to admit it, but quite a few of the teams on our schedule this year are not all that exciting. I've talked with too many Hawks who are also finding our schedule this year pretty (yawn) boring. :-(
Wally and Mangenius will make things happen this year. Most of the posters on here are too big of idiots to understand how O'Keefe's ball control offense made our defense look better than it really was. Mess was the opposite of that at ISU last year. The guy constantly left the defense out there to hang. Mangenius isn't going to do that. He's going to have that offense devouring clock.

And how will they devour clock when they are throwing 80 yard td 's to the Lizard?
The only thing I can figure is that the ISU fans know Iowa State isn't a **football school** and they're OK with that. They like watching the games anyway, and appreciate the fact that they play all the teams in the conference, the good ones and the not-as-good ones, and they don't expect to win hardly any at all.. but it's fun. They wait to shine a bit more come basketball season, but they enjoy the heck out of football season.

In a way, I envy them as I look at our schedule and see we don't play Penn St. we don't play Michigan St, nor Michigan nor Ohio St..... mostly facing a not-very-topnotch bunch of teams in facing just a part of our conference. I hate this. Yes, I think we will have more wins because we don't have to play the mentioned four.. they're always a challenge and never can count on winning against them. The schedule we have just leaves me feeling empty and longing for the real BIG TEN season.

So I can sort of understand the Clone fans finding football fun, even in the losing to some very good exciting teams. I'm sorry to admit it, but quite a few of the teams on our schedule this year are not all that exciting. I've talked with too many Hawks who are also finding our schedule this year pretty (yawn) boring. :-(

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And how will they devour clock when they are throwing 80 yard td 's to the Lizard?

They will throw two of those early to loosen up the defense. Once the defense rotates 2 CBs, a dedicated safety and safety help up top to stopping Lazard, you'll see ISU's o-line just dominate and there will be many open passing lanes due to the attention Lazard will get. When opposing teams look at that scoreboard and see 14-0 with 3 minutes gone, they'll have to adjust to try to keep it close. Iowa State's punter is gonna be a real lonely guy this year.
They will throw two of those early to loosen up the defense. Once the defense rotates 2 CBs, a dedicated safety and safety help up top to stopping Lazard, you'll see ISU's o-line just dominate and there will be many open passing lanes due to the attention Lazard will get. When opposing teams look at that scoreboard and see 14-0 with 3 minutes gone, they'll have to adjust to try to keep it close. Iowa State's punter is gonna be a real lonely guy this year.

This guy will get a lot of practice this year...Can you say school record in # of punts? :D

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