ISU #4 in Preseason Polls?

Everyone is wired differently, and I think you hit the nail on the head with this one. I think Freddie is pretty close to what you posted. Then you have other guys like Coach K who understand that ultimately having total control like a college coach means you sink or swim based on what YOU do, and how YOU perform. That means you have to embrace recruiting though, as that is nearly as important has X's and O's. It seems to me as a pro coach you have to rely on the front office just too much for some to want to make that plunge.


When I dig a little bit further than that I think it comes down to having a desire to mold young men. Great college coaches who have stayed at their schools the longest make no secret that their favorite part of the job is taking a boy and turning him into a man (Izzo, Coach K, etc.). That's ultimately what keeps them in the college game. They enjoy being a role model. They enjoy being a father figure.

I'm not saying Hoiberg doesn't appreciate that aspect of coaching because I'm sure every coach finds it rewarding. However, it seems to me like he just has a burning desire to coach basketball in it's purest form. He's more of a basketball guy than he is a teacher/father figure. He's so focused on basketball that the petty annoyances that come with being a college coach probably get to him. Being on the road recruiting nonstop begging teenagers to come play at Iowa State, trying to please parents, keep kids out of trouble, and then on top of that the pressure that Cyclone fans have put on him to succeed has honestly got to be pretty overwhelming. Iowa State and the city of Ames mean a lot to him. Every time he fails them I'm sure he takes it more personal than most would. Where as if he went to the NBA and failed he would just be in another long line of coaches who did the same thing. At ISU it would go down in the history books. Right now he's an idol in Ames, but he has set the stakes pretty damn high for himself. So much so that I think the expectations their fans have created are unattainable. If things fall back to average then what does his legacy become in Ames? If he ultimately loses his job in Ames then what? He has a chance to get out now or after next season and maintain his idol image and fulfill a boyhood dream of coaching at the most elite level. I'd be surprised if he doesn't jump at it.

It looks like there is a strong rumor that Hoiberg is going to the Bulls. Maybe he wanted to make as much money for his family as he could. When you have to heart surgeries it probably makes you look at life differently, especially when you have a wife and kids. I suppose he has kids.
Fran still doing things the right way?

Go back to the clown board and watch it implode. Our program is in pretty good shape. The clowns were going to be worthless in 2 they will be even worse. It is going to be laughable to see if your basketball program fall to the same level as your football team.

Rumor has it ISU wants to go after Hornacek....The Suns fans would celebrate. Grab the popcorn.

When I dig a little bit further than that I think it comes down to having a desire to mold young men. Great college coaches who have stayed at their schools the longest make no secret that their favorite part of the job is taking a boy and turning him into a man (Izzo, Coach K, etc.). That's ultimately what keeps them in the college game. They enjoy being a role model. They enjoy being a father figure.

I'm not saying Hoiberg doesn't appreciate that aspect of coaching because I'm sure every coach finds it rewarding. However, it seems to me like he just has a burning desire to coach basketball in it's purest form. He's more of a basketball guy than he is a teacher/father figure. He's so focused on basketball that the petty annoyances that come with being a college coach probably get to him. Being on the road recruiting nonstop begging teenagers to come play at Iowa State, trying to please parents, keep kids out of trouble, and then on top of that the pressure that Cyclone fans have put on him to succeed has honestly got to be pretty overwhelming. Iowa State and the city of Ames mean a lot to him. Every time he fails them I'm sure he takes it more personal than most would. Where as if he went to the NBA and failed he would just be in another long line of coaches who did the same thing. At ISU it would go down in the history books. Right now he's an idol in Ames, but he has set the stakes pretty damn high for himself. So much so that I think the expectations their fans have created are unattainable. If things fall back to average then what does his legacy become in Ames? If he ultimately loses his job in Ames then what? He has a chance to get out now or after next season and maintain his idol image and fulfill a boyhood dream of coaching at the most elite level. I'd be surprised if he doesn't jump at it.

Hoiberg has said in the past that coaching in the NBA is one of his dreams. It would be the perfect time to go. His youngest child will have graduated so they no longer have any education ties in Lames. He leaves the next coach with a team for one year to build up their program. If he leaves after next year the Clown's will have nobody left to build a program from. It will be just like the Lickliter years.
Hoiberg has said in the past that coaching in the NBA is one of his dreams. It would be the perfect time to go. His youngest child will have graduated so they no longer have any education ties in Lames. He leaves the next coach with a team for one year to build up their program. If he leaves after next year the Clown's will have nobody left to build a program from. It will be just like the Lickliter years.

Huh? It's his eldest child that is graduating.
Huh? It's his eldest child that is graduating.

It doesn't matter if his youngest, eldest, daughter, or son is graduating....the Hoiberg's will be moving soon. If you want, I'll lay another $20 down that Fred is a coach in the NBA in the next 14 months.
It doesn't matter if his youngest, eldest, daughter, or son is graduating....the Hoiberg's will be moving soon. If you want, I'll lay another $20 down that Fred is a coach in the NBA in the next 14 months.

Unfortunately, I am worried that you are correct. The last few days have not been good. That being said, I can't resist an opportunity to try to take your money, Dean, so I accept. It will make it that much sweeter if he decides to stay. ;)
Hoiberg has said in the past that coaching in the NBA is one of his dreams. It would be the perfect time to go. His youngest child will have graduated so they no longer have any education ties in Lames. He leaves the next coach with a team for one year to build up their program. If he leaves after next year the Clown's will have nobody left to build a program from. It will be just like the Lickliter years.

About as wrong as you can be on this but go on.....
This is from about 2 hours ago. It's not really anything new. But there is little to no doubt the Bulls are going to come after Fred. And I have also heard the Hornacek to Iowa State rumors.

If the Bulls do as expected and jettison the former Spurs assistant coach, the leading candidate to replace him could be in college coaching.

Iowa State coach Fred Hoiberg is judged to be the Bulls’ overwhelming choice.

Highly respected and connected Yahoo Sports NBA insider Adrian Wojnarowski told CBS Chicago said that Hoiberg is the “only choice” the Bulls have on their list.

“The job will be Fred Hoiberg’s if he wants it,” Wojnarowski said. “There’s not going to be any competition for him. Now, it’s conceivable that Fred Hoiberg decides to stay at Iowa State, but if they make a change and Tom Thibodeau is out, Fred Hoiberg is really the only candidate for this job from the Bulls perspective. But that doesn’t guarantee that he’s going to do it. I know he’s already had to give it thought because it’s real.

“He knows what’s coming. Everybody does.”
I'm not gonna lie. God I hope Hoiberg goes to the Bulls. ISU fans have been obnoxious the past couple years. I have a lot of respect for Hoiberg. I like the guy. He's a damn good coach, and as long as he's in Ames their basketball program will be successful. I don't think he'll ever make them a "blue blood" like some of their idiotic fans believe, but they'll be pretty damn good year in and year out and I simply don't want to have to continue listening to their fans insane expectations.

Cyclone fans remind me of a good friend I had growing up. In high school he was a big kid who struggled with the ladies. Super nice kid though and a lot of fun to hang out with. Then after high school he got addicted to blow and lost a bunch of weight (like 100 lbs). He instantly started to have more success with chicks after the weight loss and it went straight to his head. He'd always talk about himself and how often he was getting laid. It was like he felt like he needed to overcompensate for those years he was chubby in high school and didn't get any attention from girls. He ultimately lost most of his friends and last I knew he was serving a 6 month prison sentence.

Cyclone fans have let success get to their heads and they overcompensate for their ****** football program because of the success Hoiberg has brought them in basketball. I'd prefer they handled success like adults, but instead they pound their chest and act like my coke addicted former friend. I'd love to see a reality check.
I'm not gonna lie. God I hope Hoiberg goes to the Bulls. ISU fans have been obnoxious the past couple years. I have a lot of respect for Hoiberg. I like the guy. He's a damn good coach, and as long as he's in Ames their basketball program will be successful. I don't think he'll ever make them a "blue blood" like some of their idiotic fans believe, but they'll be pretty damn good year in and year out and I simply don't want to have to continue listening to their fans insane expectations.

Cyclone fans remind me of a good friend I had growing up. In high school he was a big kid who struggled with the ladies. Super nice kid though and a lot of fun to hang out with. Then after high school he got addicted to blow and lost a bunch of weight (like 100 lbs). He instantly started to have more success with chicks after the weight loss and it went straight to his head. He'd always talk about himself and how often he was getting laid. It was like he felt like he needed to overcompensate for those years he was chubby in high school and didn't get any attention from girls. He ultimately lost most of his friends and last I knew he was serving a 6 month prison sentence.

Cyclone fans have let success get to their heads and they overcompensate for their ****** football program because of the success Hoiberg has brought them in basketball. I'd prefer they handled success like adults, but instead they pound their chest and act like my coke addicted former friend. I'd love to see a reality check.

Coke addicts = Clown fans....I love the analogy!
Coke addicts = Clown fans....I love the analogy!

You know the more I think about it the more it makes sense. For anyone who has ever been around blow they would understand it. Coke heads are always talking about how they are going to conquer the world. They always have great ideas that are gonna make them millions. You just wait! We're gonna do this, and this, and this, and then we're gonna live on our own island in the Caribbean!

5 years later they are in jail or on their Grandma's couch trying to find something they can sell to get their next fix.

If Hoiberg leaves, I have a feeling it won't take long for Cyclone fans to sober up and realize they are still just Iowa State.
I have no inside information...just a hunch. If Hoiberg wants the job it's his. If Hoiberg wants to stay at Iowa State long term the Bulls will look elsewhere. But if Hoiberg wants to coach next year's seniors and tells the Bulls he will be ready after next season then I have a feeling the Bulls won't make a change until a year from now.

It's not as if the guy they have now can't coach. They have the luxury of waiting a year if they want Hoiberg that bad and they know he's coming in a year. This is what I predict will happen.
I have no inside information...just a hunch. If Hoiberg wants the job it's his. If Hoiberg wants to stay at Iowa State long term the Bulls will look elsewhere. But if Hoiberg wants to coach next year's seniors and tells the Bulls he will be ready after next season then I have a feeling the Bulls won't make a change until a year from now.

It's not as if the guy they have now can't coach. They have the luxury of waiting a year if they want Hoiberg that bad and they know he's coming in a year. This is what I predict will happen.

That's a pretty good way to look at it. Boy if he leaves them next year he's gonna leave them with a pretty empty cupboard in terms of talent and they'll be looking for a coach. If he leaves now at least they can recruit coaches based upon the talent they currently have on the roster which is pretty damn good. They'll be spinning their wheels if he leaves after next season.
Boy if he leaves them next year he's gonna leave them with a pretty empty cupboard in terms of talent and they'll be looking for a coach. If he leaves now at least they can recruit coaches based upon the talent they currently have on the roster which is pretty damn good. They'll be spinning their wheels if he leaves after next season.

I agree. If he leaves now does he feel like he's abandoning the seniors? If he doesn't leave now does he feel like he's doing Iowa State a disservice...empty cupboard? I've always liked Hoiberg going all the way back to his playing days. He has a lot to think about.
I agree. If he leaves now does he feel like he's abandoning the seniors? If he doesn't leave now does he feel like he's doing Iowa State a disservice...empty cupboard? I've always liked Hoiberg going all the way back to his playing days. He has a lot to think about.

I think the silence speaks volumes. He's either leaving or he's still very unsure about his decision. One of those two. Because if he knew he was going to stay then he would have come out and said something by now. Lots of Cyclone fans are saying "He won't say anything until there is an actual job offer to discuss. He has too much respect for Thibs". That's complete BS. He doesn't have to mention a specific job in order to calm down the fan base. All he has to say is "I know there are a lot of rumors out there about me right now, and although I am humbled by all of the attention I felt like it was necessary for me to put an end to these rumors and make it clear that I am staying in Ames and will be coaching the Cyclones next season".

He hasn't said a word. It's obvious Cyclone Nation is collectively holding its breath right now. He wouldn't be suffocating them this long unless he's leaving or at least putting some serious thought into it.

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