Iowa was a few plays away from being 9-3 Last season...seriously

Hey OutToLunchHawk,

You do realize that Ferentz won more games in a decade than any other Iowa coach, right. Even more than the legendary Hayden Fry.

WinOne, technically Ferentz's had more games played due to the 12 game regular season as opposed to the 11 game regular season that Fry had. Can't remember which year that took affect but you do have to consider that. But to me total wins over 10 years is irrelevant, winning percentage is more important. Please identify which ten year span you were comparing and then your point will have merit (IMO anyway).
Nice defense.. it will be interesting to see what excuses you use this year if the hawks tank again.. I'll give you one.. new can we expect an inexperienced QB to lead us..(my answer to that..would be why did we have an inexperienced QB when there were ample opportunities to get playing time last year)

There won't be any defense from me if we win 4 games again this year. Since KF righted the ship 6 wins is the low water mark until last year, and there is no excuse as to why we didn't win at least 6 last year. Poor coaching, poor implementation of the new system, and poor play, is why we only won 4 games, but it shouldn't have been that bad. I think most of the blame should lay squarely on KF head for least year.

I think we need to get to 6 or 7 this year, and 2014 is when we are back pushing the 8-10 win mark.
Nice defense.. it will be interesting to see what excuses you use this year if the hawks tank again.. I'll give you one.. new can we expect an inexperienced QB to lead us..(my answer to that..would be why did we have an inexperienced QB when there were ample opportunities to get playing time last year)

Well, last time I checked, citing legit reasons for a specific outcome wasn't making an if I said, JVB's jock was too tight and that's why he wanted to get rid of the ball so quickly whether it was his guy or the opponent, that would be an excuse. Hmmm...a new QB isn't an excuse either. These guys aren't freshmen. And I would tell you, somehow Brad Banks, Drew Tate, and several other QB's Iowa has had figured out a way to do it in their first year. Meaningless snaps in a losing effort doesn't do dick to prepare a guy in leading his team a year you really think 20 to 30 snaps would have Rudock ready to play this year. It's ridiculous. '

My point has always been that those injuries impacted much more than offensive performance last was a domino effect as it also exposed our defense even more as they needed to be on the field for significant amounts of time and you can't give teams that many opportunities.

I know it may appear to some that I'm trying to give the coaches a pass by blaming the result on injuries, and I know the response is that injuries are part of the game and you need to overcome them. We weren't deep enough in the OL and at RB to overcome if you want to blame the coaching staff or KF for anything. People should be arguing that it's his fault we didn't have greater depth...on the OL and the DL. I have no defense for that...or excuse for you. He should be grilled on that fact. I will tell you though...I think it's a much different picture heading into 2013...we have depth now.
There won't be any defense from me if we win 4 games again this year. Since KF righted the ship 6 wins is the low water mark until last year, and there is no excuse as to why we didn't win at least 6 last year. Poor coaching, poor implementation of the new system, and poor play, is why we only won 4 games, but it shouldn't have been that bad. I think most of the blame should lay squarely on KF head for least year.

I think we need to get to 6 or 7 this year, and 2014 is when we are back pushing the 8-10 win mark.

This is how I feel about last season. Ferentz is responsible, not saying he needs fired right now or doesn't deserve another year to prove it's turning around. But if this 2013-2014 season doesn't look any better than last season, then who is at fault? Ferentz, no one else. Or are we just going to keep making excuses for why this team has rebounded since '10. Recruiting seems to be doing a little better and the coaching changes seem to be an improvement so far (minus GD at OC and PP at DC). GD and PP have a lot to prove this year as well, then again Ferentz hired both of them for their respective jobs.
...<Last year's> ballclub's talent level wasn't as bad as its record. It's just that when you bring in guys like Greg Davis you have to expect a step back while they work out the new system...

Can anyone think of another reason why this season's spring offense has seen a lot of 'fast, no-huddle' playcalling?

So players can learn the offense better. Line up quickly and accurately. No thinking of where to be. I don't expect much of that type of playcalling when the season begins. It's KF, ya know.
WinOne, technically Ferentz's had more games played due to the 12 game regular season as opposed to the 11 game regular season that Fry had. Can't remember which year that took affect but you do have to consider that. But to me total wins over 10 years is irrelevant, winning percentage is more important. Please identify which ten year span you were comparing and then your point will have merit (IMO anyway).

Ok, my point was that the guy has had success in building a program and winning at a level on par with one of the best coaches Iowa has ever had. You are right, he had 10-12 more games or so to do it from 2001 to 2010. But the point was the same.

I know there are people who hate the conservative nature of KF's coaching decisions, especially on offense. Well, I will tell you a few things I like about KF's teams. The are mentally and physically prepared to play. They give incredible effort and never give up and will fight you till till the final gun sounds. I also like the fact that when a Ferentz coached team plays an SEC team, win freaking win them, and we compete with them physically and there is an nasty edge to his teams when competing with the SEC. We don't roll over like many of the Big Ten teams have done over the past 4-5 years. I would say that also for the Oklahoma game we lost two years ago. We competed physically with them.

Contrary to the way some feel on here...there are some serious positives to the way his teams play.
Ok, my point was that the guy has had success in building a program and winning at a level on par with one of the best coaches Iowa has ever had. You are right, he had 10-12 more games or so to do it from 2001 to 2010. But the point was the same.

I know there are people who hate the conservative nature of KF's coaching decisions, especially on offense. Well, I will tell you a few things I like about KF's teams. The are mentally and physically prepared to play. They give incredible effort and never give up and will fight you till till the final gun sounds. I also like the fact that when a Ferentz coached team plays an SEC team, win freaking win them, and we compete with them physically and there is an nasty edge to his teams when competing with the SEC. We don't roll over like many of the Big Ten teams have done over the past 4-5 years. I would say that also for the Oklahoma game we lost two years ago. We competed physically with them.

Contrary to the way some feel on here...there are some serious positives to the way his teams play.

Mentally prepared? Did you really just say that? That is the whole problem with the program.

Do these things show you mentally prepared?

-Having 12 men in the huddle at a TO multiple times

-Delay of game a 2 min drill

-Taking 30 sec and 42 sec between snaps at the end of the Nebraska game

-Losing back to back games to Minnesota(yrs in which they had what 2 wins each yr?)

-Onside kicks- Do I need to explain that to you.

-Not jumping on the blocked FG against UNI

-Having a shootout with Central Michigan and then losing

-Losing repeatedly to ISU

-Sr QB who can not be taught that there is more than just a 3 yard route being run

-Northwestern wildcats

-Back up QBs not ready to see the field in blowouts

I only had a couple of mins but there are many more. You call me outofmymind or outtolunch and then you write mentally prepared? I now understand that you have no idea what is going on.
Hmmm...a new QB isn't an excuse either. These guys aren't freshmen. And I would tell you, somehow Brad Banks, Drew Tate, and several other QB's Iowa has had figured out a way to do it in their first year. Meaningless snaps in a losing effort doesn't do dick to prepare a guy in leading his team a year you really think 20 to 30 snaps would have Rudock ready to play this year. It's ridiculous.

It isn't the same experience as starting a game, but snaps do matter. Lining-up in front of a crowd of 60,000 people for the first time is an adjustment no matter what the score. I'd rather see it happen for the first time during a game that has already been decided than going into a new season where there is more on the line. You can still learn things from getting snaps in a blow-out.
Mentally prepared? Did you really just say that? That is the whole problem with the program.

Do these things show you mentally prepared?

-Having 12 men in the huddle at a TO multiple times

-Delay of game a 2 min drill

-Taking 30 sec and 42 sec between snaps at the end of the Nebraska game

-Losing back to back games to Minnesota(yrs in which they had what 2 wins each yr?)

-Onside kicks- Do I need to explain that to you.

-Not jumping on the blocked FG against UNI

-Having a shootout with Central Michigan and then losing

-Losing repeatedly to ISU

-Sr QB who can not be taught that there is more than just a 3 yard route being run

-Northwestern wildcats

-Back up QBs not ready to see the field in blowouts

I only had a couple of mins but there are many more. You call me outofmymind or outtolunch and then you write mentally prepared? I now understand that you have no idea what is going on.

You mad bro? When I said he has his team mentally and physically prepared to play, I mean the team shows up. Have of what you site are coaching mental lapses...not whether the team is ready to play or not. The point I'm making is that his teams are ready to play and have their heads in the game. You don't go 5 years without losing by more than one score in any of your losses without coming to play every week...that's the point I was making. His teams always show up. Now, over the past few years...we had a few large losses, but even last year...what were there, two significant losses? They were in every game. I don't know that I've ever seen a Kirk Ferentz coached team just pack it in...Minnesota in 2010 after the OSU and NW games is the only one I can think of.

Oh, and the onside kicks, can you explain that to me? How do those work?
It isn't the same experience as starting a game, but snaps do matter. Lining-up in front of a crowd of 60,000 people for the first time is an adjustment no matter what the score. I'd rather see it happen for the first time during a game that has already been decided than going into a new season where there is more on the line. You can still learn things from getting snaps in a blow-out.

I don't know...getting 10-15 snaps in a blow out loss just doesn't strike me as intense as you make it seem. There is nothing on the line so to speak, and although it's in the big stadium, the crowd is dormant and he's working against second team guys on their side. It may be helpful. I think the 1000s of reps in practice with the number 1's is going to be more important in getting the guy ready. Last year, KF thought JVB needed all the work to get in synch with the new offense...and in the Penn State game, he didn't want Rudock running for his life due the injuries. I honestly get what KF was doing in that game. NW, maybe late fourth quarter.
You mad bro? When I said he has his team mentally and physically prepared to play, I mean the team shows up. Have of what you site are coaching mental lapses...not whether the team is ready to play or not. The point I'm making is that his teams are ready to play and have their heads in the game. You don't go 5 years without losing by more than one score in any of your losses without coming to play every week...that's the point I was making. His teams always show up. Now, over the past few years...we had a few large losses, but even last year...what were there, two significant losses? They were in every game. I don't know that I've ever seen a Kirk Ferentz coached team just pack it in...Minnesota in 2010 after the OSU and NW games is the only one I can think of.

Oh, and the onside kicks, can you explain that to me? How do those work?

So kirk has his team mentally prepared but he himself is not? Is kirk not part of the team?
And I would tell you, somehow Brad Banks, Drew Tate, and several other QB's Iowa has had figured out a way to do it in their first year. Meaningless snaps in a losing effort doesn't do dick to prepare a guy in leading his team a year you really think 20 to 30 snaps would have Rudock ready to play this year.
It absolutely makes a difference. It is MUCH different in practice than when the lights are on. Some people react up, some don't. That is what you are looking to see. Your two examples are pretty terrible BTW. Drew Tate played as a true FR. 11 passes and 5 runs. Brad Banks played extensively for a backup in 2001, over 100 plays.

If the backups were so unprepared last year that they couldn't go out in the midst of one of the worst QB seasons in the history of college football, then we are screwed. I don't think that is the case, though. Maybe Mrs. Vandy and Kurt had something going on.
You mad bro? When I said he has his team mentally and physically prepared to play, I mean the team shows up. Have of what you site are coaching mental lapses...not whether the team is ready to play or not. The point I'm making is that his teams are ready to play and have their heads in the game. You don't go 5 years without losing by more than one score in any of your losses without coming to play every week...that's the point I was making. His teams always show up. Now, over the past few years...we had a few large losses, but even last year...what were there, two significant losses? They were in every game. I don't know that I've ever seen a Kirk Ferentz coached team just pack it in...Minnesota in 2010 after the OSU and NW games is the only one I can think of.

Oh, and the onside kicks, can you explain that to me? How do those work?

You've all heard, "this is your brain on drugs."

Well, "this is your brain on kirk ferentz", has a similar effect.

Oh, and the onside kicks, can you explain that to me? How do those work?

For Iowa it is simple. Other team kicks ball, other team recovers ball. Sometimes other team doesn't recover ball but gets a 2nd chance and Iowa still doesn't expect it ant other team recovers second try.
I don't know...getting 10-15 snaps in a blow out loss just doesn't strike me as intense as you make it seem. There is nothing on the line so to speak, and although it's in the big stadium, the crowd is dormant and he's working against second team guys on their side. It may be helpful. I think the 1000s of reps in practice with the number 1's is going to be more important in getting the guy ready. Last year, KF thought JVB needed all the work to get in synch with the new offense...and in the Penn State game, he didn't want Rudock running for his life due the injuries. I honestly get what KF was doing in that game. NW, maybe late fourth quarter.

We are going to have to agree to disagree on this point. Practicing in a controlled environment and wearing a red jersey knowing that nobody is going to touch you is no where near the same as playing live against 2nd stringers who want nothing more than to prove to their coach they are worthy of a starting spot by ripping your head off.
Fact is Commander and Chief Kurt and his staff woefully under achieved and the more it happens the more the recruiting will go south. The more the recruiting goes south the more 4-8 seasons we will's a vicious cycle and if we go 4-8 again we've entered purgatory as far as our football program goes.
So kirk has his team mentally prepared but he himself is not? Is kirk not part of the team?

Last time I checked, he wasn't playing. I'm not going to defend his clock management and some of the decisions (ultra conservative) he's made. Its how he learned the game and it's obviously a big part of how he thinks Iowa has the best chance to win. He comes from the "play great defense, battle for field position, and don't turn the ball over" school of football. It's worked for others too.

It's funny how people pick out bits and pieces of an argument. How do you explain the fact that, prior to last year, we were in every ballgame for something like 4 years...the longest streak at the time of any team. Could it be that his teams can stand up physically to the best of the best over that period. That's part of the coaching equation also and you can't just give all the credit to Doyle. Ferentz hired him, and I'm sure has input into how things get done. Same thing with Norm...if you don't think they don't get it. Norm wouldn't have stayed as long if it wasn't a partnership and if he didn't have respect for his head coach.
Last time I checked, he wasn't playing. I'm not going to defend his clock management and some of the decisions (ultra conservative) he's made. Its how he learned the game and it's obviously a big part of how he thinks Iowa has the best chance to win. He comes from the "play great defense, battle for field position, and don't turn the ball over" school of football. It's worked for others too.

It's funny how people pick out bits and pieces of an argument. How do you explain the fact that, prior to last year, we were in every ballgame for something like 4 years...the longest streak at the time of any team. Could it be that his teams can stand up physically to the best of the best over that period. That's part of the coaching equation also and you can't just give all the credit to Doyle. Ferentz hired him, and I'm sure has input into how things get done. Same thing with Norm...if you don't think they don't get it. Norm wouldn't have stayed as long if it wasn't a partnership and if he didn't have respect for his head coach.

I have said many times that Kirk is paid in full for what Norm did. If you want to throw in Doyle thats fine by me hes good at what he does. Kirk just brought in some good recruiters also. Facts are Kirk is not mentally able to coach on saturdays. Year after year the same mistakes are made by players and coaches. This means coaches and players are not mentally ready to play.

The reason Iowa stays in games is defense and yes kirks conservative game plan. I dont care if its close. That doesnt matter. Close doesnt get you to a bowl game now does it. Close isnt a great memory for anyone other than you.

Kirk does a good job of coaching kids up but is lacking in parts of the game that makes Iowa look silly on saturdays and lose games to inferior teams. Kirk would be a good OL coach and thats it.

You shouldnt keep a coach because he brought in a great defensive coach who is now retired. You shouldnt keep a coach because he keeps games close. He may keep games close with good teams but he does it just as much with bad team.
Last time I checked, he wasn't playing. I'm not going to defend his clock management and some of the decisions (ultra conservative) he's made. Its how he learned the game and it's obviously a big part of how he thinks Iowa has the best chance to win. He comes from the "play great defense, battle for field position, and don't turn the ball over" school of football. It's worked for others too.

It's funny how people pick out bits and pieces of an argument. How do you explain the fact that, prior to last year, we were in every ballgame for something like 4 years...the longest streak at the time of any team. Could it be that his teams can stand up physically to the best of the best over that period. That's part of the coaching equation also and you can't just give all the credit to Doyle. Ferentz hired him, and I'm sure has input into how things get done. Same thing with Norm...if you don't think they don't get it. Norm wouldn't have stayed as long if it wasn't a partnership and if he didn't have respect for his head coach.

I see your point his style kept them in games, but on the other hand, just being competitive but still losing doesn't mean much.