Iowa Media Rolls Over

Fran didn't suspend Dolph. Sure Fran might not like Dolph, but this is from Barta, so Barta should have to answer for it, NOT Fran.

What I don't understand is how a guy that was found guilty in a court of law of firing someone and ruining their lives for prejudicial reasons, yet he still has a job......BUUUUUUUTTTTTTT the guy who says something insensitive (and only if you take it way out of context and put meaning to it that was never there) gets suspended from his job.

Exactly, although I think Fran certainly had a hand in this.

How Barta still has that job is a complete mystery to me. Unreal, Iowa needed to send him packing the day the verdict was reached.
What would Fran say? He don't care. Literally he pretty much doesn't like Dolph and when you have nothing nice to say... Did I hear right that since the Dailey incident Dolph hasn't done any interviews with Fran? If that's true and they've been keeping them apart anyway why keep the dog and pony show going? Dolph is terrible at calling games. He should have retired 5 yrs ago from it. This is a crappy way for him to go for sure but would I be sad if we've seen the last of Dolph? Heck no. Been a long time coming.
There was an announcement from Iowa Sports Information in the media room when Fran sat down for his postgame press conference that he would not be answering questions about Dolphin’s suspension and the university was deferring to its statement released earlier in the day. It was the same answer I got earlier in the day when I asked if Barta would be answering questions.
There was an announcement from Iowa Sports Information in the media room when Fran sat down for his postgame press conference that he would not be answering questions about Dolphin’s suspension and the university was deferring to its statement released earlier in the day. It was the same answer I got earlier in the day when I asked if Barta would be answering questions.

Does the UofI think this is just going to go away with a statement? I mean Gary Barta has proved himself an idiot many times over, but is he really that stupid to think that this is just gonna go away without answering any questions on it?

I've never been one of those guys who cries that the media doesn't ask hard questions, but I will say that Barta needs his feet held to the fire over this one. This is just dripping with hypocrisy as he lost a court case that deemed him as to having broken the law and taken away someones civil rights. I would hit Barta hard with this the first chance and every chance I got.
Does the UofI think this is just going to go away with a statement? I mean Gary Barta has proved himself an idiot many times over, but is he really that stupid to think that this is just gonna go away without answering any questions on it?

I've never been one of those guys who cries that the media doesn't ask hard questions, but I will say that Barta needs his feet held to the fire over this one. This is just dripping with hypocrisy as he lost a court case that deemed him as to having broken the law and taken away someones civil rights. I would hit Barta hard with this the first chance and every chance I got.

There's a chance there could be some litigation here, which may keep UI from talking about it. I don't KNOW that to be the case, but have heard it's possible.

Listen, I agree and said as much on the radio last night. Barta not answering at least the questions he could apart from potential legal ramifications was a bad, bad look. He showed up in his seat right before tipoff and watched the end of the game from the just outside the tunnel by security.

He's going to have to answer questions at some point. He should have been the one answering them last night, not Fran or his players, unlike the Dailey situation, when Fran and the players did answer questions.
There's a chance there could be some litigation here, which may keep UI from talking about it. I don't KNOW that to be the case, but have heard it's possible.

Listen, I agree and said as much on the radio last night. Barta not answering at least the questions he could apart from potential legal ramifications was a bad, bad look. He showed up in his seat right before tipoff and watched the end of the game from the just outside the tunnel by security.

He's going to have to answer questions at some point. He should have been the one answering them last night, not Fran or his players, unlike the Dailey situation, when Fran and the players did answer questions.

Yep, this is all Barta.

How many more black eyes is Barta's ineptitude going to be allowed to give the UofI? He is a walking, talking, bumbling idiot. He hides behind a statement at this point? How fing pathetic is that. If you make a decision, then stand behind it and defend it. If you know going into it that you stance is indefensible, and that you need to hide from it, then that should tell you something about your decision.
Anyone that follows Iowa Basketball knows Fran wants Dolph gone. That's why they should ask him. I mean JFC! Barta's the one that told us these two guys hate each other. Nobody knew any of this shit prior to the 6.5 million dollar man dangling that worm in front of us.
Fran got very testy with Dolph during the Woodbury eye poking incidents. This shit was well known four, five years ago. It's just that Dolph and Fran and two professionals trying to do their jobs as professionally as they can.

Few coaches like facing media, doing the shows, call in shows, etc. That takes precious family time away from them when they don't have much of it to start with during the season. That why the AD's have to practically shoe horn it into their contracts and why a sponsor has to compensate them (very well) for their time. Otherwise they wouldn't do it.

As for the sensitive area of this, it's tough on the media when their job is to ask tough questions. I took a fascinating class in college called Legal and Ethical Issues that deals with just what the class title suggests when it comes to the media trying to do their jobs.
You're right. Lets just hand out a sheet with answers to predetermined questions the university came up with and they can write their articles off that. Why even have press conference.

You're right. Try this... next time you don't like something at your job, go tell your boss to get screwed! You'll probably lose your job, but by golly you got your point across! These guys gotta eat, you know!
Yep, this is all Barta.

How many more black eyes is Barta's ineptitude going to be allowed to give the UofI? He is a walking, talking, bumbling idiot. He hides behind a statement at this point? How fing pathetic is that. If you make a decision, then stand behind it and defend it. If you know going into it that you stance is indefensible, and that you need to hide from it, then that should tell you something about your decision.

He's not even hiding behind the statement since he didn't even have the spine to attach his name to it. He's literally just silent on the whole thing
There was an announcement from Iowa Sports Information in the media room when Fran sat down for his postgame press conference that he would not be answering questions about Dolphin’s suspension and the university was deferring to its statement released earlier in the day. It was the same answer I got earlier in the day when I asked if Barta would be answering questions.
That's when every single one of you guys ask him questions about Dolph's suspension. Get Fran to say that y'all should be asking Barta those questions. :)

Seriously though, why is Gary Barta still employed with the University of Iowa?
Here's how that would go down:

1) media member asks the question
2) Fran stares blankly and doesn't respond
3) U of I head of media says "next question"
4) next media person asks question
5) first media member gets his press passed revoked

Congrats, you accomplished nothing AND lost your job

but that would also begin to provide a backdrop and pressure to build for heat on barta/iowa to provide details. i get the feeling this dolphin/barta thing runs much deeper than is being report. there IS a story there. but if the media isn't going to ask, then the story gets buried. that is the problem. i've heard that MD wasn't even aware of what dolphin said. what IS the story, here? and, while i like fran as a coach, you must ask questions of fran because of the earlier incident this season with what dolph said about daily.

should be banned for this meme? i don't think so. but....
Well, it’s not like they haven’t asked the hard questions to Fran in the past. They likely were told that Fran wouldn’t be addressing it so if you like covering Iowa athletics, ya don’t ask. I’m not saying I agree with it.
Then you are making the point several of us are trying to say. A real journalist will put their profession first and challenge the u of i. As would their employer. But we know the answer to these questions. We deserve our own reputation given to us from the outside
Death, taxes and the media doesn;t
Then you are making the point several of us are trying to say. A real journalist will put their profession first and challenge the u of i. As would their employer. But we know the answer to these questions. We deserve our own reputation given to us from the outside

You're entitled to your opinion even if it's dead wrong. That's the last I'll say on this tired topic that pops up like clockwork during these times.

Death, taxes and the media doesn't do its job. Please.
Then you are making the point several of us are trying to say. A real journalist will put their profession first and challenge the u of i. As would their employer. But we know the answer to these questions. We deserve our own reputation given to us from the outside

So what are YOU doing to challenge the u of I? Why are you expecting sports writers to get the answers you want? How many phone calls have you made to the Athletic Department? How many emails have you sent them? When was the last protest you staged outside bartas office to demand the answers you seek?
Death, taxes and the media doesn;t

You're entitled to your opinion even if it's dead wrong. That's the last I'll say on this tired topic that pops up like clockwork during these times.

Death, taxes and the media doesn't do its job. Please.

rob, i get the media's job is to report the news. not make it. and you've proven time and again to have held yourself to that standard.

the point i make is that when an entity/group demands silence from the media on a given topic, THAT in and of itself is news and should be questioned by reporters.

I found this article that indicates Fran has actually commented on this issue and that means both Fran and Barta are fair game to be asked questions. this is now a national story.

For those my age and older, the vision I have of King Kong is the unstoppable beast that climbed to the top of the Empire State building, actually saving whats her names life, but being misunderstood. King Kong was an all powerful hero.
So what are YOU doing to challenge the u of I? Why are you expecting sports writers to get the answers you want? How many phone calls have you made to the Athletic Department? How many emails have you sent them? When was the last protest you staged outside bartas office to demand the answers you seek?

it's a national story.
but that would also begin to provide a backdrop and pressure to build for heat on barta/iowa to provide details. i get the feeling this dolphin/barta thing runs much deeper than is being report. there IS a story there. but if the media isn't going to ask, then the story gets buried. that is the problem. i've heard that MD wasn't even aware of what dolphin said. what IS the story, here? and, while i like fran as a coach, you must ask questions of fran because of the earlier incident this season with what dolph said about daily.

They are already getting the heat nationally and it's a major embarrassment they're gonna have to address at some point. It's on the AP wire. It's all over social media. Hell it's on the front page of Fox news' sports section.

Barta will have to respond.

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