Iowa Done Recruiting Florida????

"Johnson said that as a staff, the Iowa coaches would rather spend the time and resources recruiting players who live in a closer proximity to the Iowa campus, most of them being no more than six to eight hours away from their homes. That means less emphasis on Florida."

Let's see.................where do almost all of the good players in D-1A come from? The southern states like Florda, Texas and others. All of which are more than 8 hours away from Iowa City.

Nothing like saying, "the heck with it" on going after the real good players. The argument is, "well, we'd never get them anyway". With that type of attitude, Hodge and the other good players that went through Iowa from Florida would never have gotten to Iowa.

So, who you gonna focus on? 6-8 hours away.......let's see................Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit?, Milwaukee, St. Louis. I'm sure there are other big metro areas that are no more than 8 hours away, just can't think of them now. Overall, I think this is dumb move. Very dumb!! And, yes, I do understand they're plan, just think it's foolish.

"Johnson said that as a staff, the Iowa coaches would rather spend the time and resources recruiting players who live in a closer proximity to the Iowa campus, most of them being no more than six to eight hours away from their homes. That means less emphasis on Florida."

Let's see.................where do almost all of the good players in D-1A come from? The southern states like Florda, Texas and others. All of which are more than 8 hours away from Iowa City.

Nothing like saying, "the heck with it" on going after the real good players. The argument is, "well, we'd never get them anyway". With that type of attitude, Hodge and the other good players that went through Iowa from Florida would never have gotten to Iowa.

So, who you gonna focus on? 6-8 hours away.......let's see................Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit?, Milwaukee, St. Louis. I'm sure there are other big metro areas that are no more than 8 hours away, just can't think of them now. Overall, I think this is dumb move. Very dumb!! And, yes, I do understand they're plan, just think it's foolish.



FreedComanche many of these were actually a factor at Iowa? The answer is ONE - Moeaki

Bonecrusher - transfer
Bain - transfer
Richardson - hurt
JC - transfer
Doering - underperformed
Larson - hurt
Davis - underperformed
Wegher - baby drama/transfer

When we do land 4/5 star talent we can't even hit on the right ones.

This post has nothing to do with the thread. The post I was responding to assumed Iowa signed just as many 4 and 5 star recruits from Florida as they had from the midwest. Try and keep up.

Nobody was arguing about how the 4 and 5 star talent panned out.
At this point you can only just point and laugh at Iowa's head coach and staff. Its that sad

Yep, I am beginning to think it's just a matter of time now. To say ---- it on recruiting the most talent rich part of the nation in favor of no more than 8 hours away is absolutley..............well, sad.

I think KF wants to win but I do believe he wants to win his way, not because of ego but because he truly believes it is best way to win.

Seriously, people can complain about his demeanor, his style of play or call him stubborn but anyone who questions his will to win is just plain wrong.

If he truly believes it is the best way to win and we are not winning playing that way, where does that leave us?? Change or SOS?? So far, it has been SOS.

One positive is that we will always be able to say we saw our team punt from the other teams' 33 yard line. No fans, anywhere, will ever be able to say that. I would bet a lot of money on that one.
To recruit kids from Florida you actually have to battle other BCS level programs. The hell with that, Iowa would rather fight with Bowling Green for kids because they know they can get them. Hey UNI might have a kid or 2 to pluck closer to signing day as well.
I am glad that they are staying out of Florida cause those alligators and rattlers could get our recruiters there. This is a huge step in recruiter safety.
If he truly believes it is the best way to win and we are not winning playing that way, where does that leave us?? Change or SOS?? So far, it has been SOS.

One positive is that we will always be able to say we saw our team punt from the other teams' 33 yard line. No fans, anywhere, will ever be able to say that. I would bet a lot of money on that one.

LOL..........and folks give me static when I say ferentz is delusional.

You do the above and pull the plug on going after the part of the country where most of the best players come from. Nah, he's not delusional.

Lots of over reacting in this thread by people who give themselves way too much credit for their "knowledge" of the Iowa program, and college football in general.
Lots of over reacting in this thread by people who give themselves way too much credit for their "knowledge" of the Iowa program, and college football in general.

Way to point the whiny, cry baby finger when you get sad at what's posted. You sure you and ferentz aren't related?

i'm curious what people think brian ferentz brings to the table as a recruiter...someone said in a post needs to be young, energetic and willing to travel and be on airplanes. brian is young, he's energetic and after playing in the NFL, i'm sure he's used to being on airplanes quite frequently. seems like he could be a hell of a recruiter and his NFL ties don't hurt.

no i'm not saying brian ferentz is the savior for the program. yes i realize his last name is ferentz and many are mad that he was hired. just wanting people's honest opinions on what they think he can do recruiting
i'm curious what people think brian ferentz brings to the table as a recruiter...someone said in a post needs to be young, energetic and willing to travel and be on airplanes. brian is young, he's energetic and after playing in the NFL, i'm sure he's used to being on airplanes quite frequently. seems like he could be a hell of a recruiter and his NFL ties don't hurt.

no i'm not saying brian ferentz is the savior for the program. yes i realize his last name is ferentz and many are mad that he was hired. just wanting people's honest opinions on what they think he can do recruiting

Doesn't matter at this point. The program is too far gone with an absolute fool at the helm.

Doesn't matter at this point. The program is too far gone with an absolute fool at the helm.


then why be upset we are pulling out of florida? if it doesn't matter, why care?

also, this thread had posts about AC slater and another post had "belding". i nominate this best thread ever on HN
then why be upset we are pulling out of florida? if it doesn't matter, why care?

also, this thread had posts about AC slater and another post had "belding". i nominate this best thread ever on HN

I know, man. I know. I think I've come to the conclusion that it's impossible to be optimistic as long as he's still here. Just sucks cause I want to be optimistic.


I can think of a few that were four stars - Ed Miles, Kalvin Bailey and Jeff Brinson, Fabian Dodd. David Walker although via transfer from Auburn was also a top Florida HS player.

Jeff Brinson - Yahoo! Sports Jeff Brinson Profile

According to Scout and Rivals Jeff Brinson was only a 3* guy. He played very minimal in his career at Iowa because the injury bug and then he transferred to be closer to home for family issues.
My take is that each school has a limited amount of resources (staff, time and money) and you need to build relationships. It seems we have been recruiting OH much harder the past yr and now TX so perhaps the FL resources have shifted to these two states? We seem to have more offers out in IL and IN too. It's not like we shifted our focus from FL to ID or something.
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My take is that each school has a limited amount of resources (staff, time and money) and you need to build relationships. It seems we have been recruiting OH much harder the past yr and now TX so perhaps the FL resources have shifted to these two states? It's not like we shifted our focus from FL to ID or something.

Did you read the part where Johnson said they're gonna focus on 6-8 hours away? Isn't most of TX, if not all of it, more than 8 hourse from Iowa City?

then why be upset we are pulling out of florida? if it doesn't matter, why care?

also, this thread had posts about AC slater and another post had "belding". i nominate this best thread ever on HN

Whammer, it is beyond Freed it is anyone who dislikes KF and is unwilling to give him more time to turn things around. Nothing makes them happy unless he gets fired or quits and the sooner the better. I was with them after this past season but I am willing to give him another 2 years to see how the coaching changes affect this team. Still don't think he can turn it around, but hey he isn't going anywhere might as well try to be positive at least.

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