Iowa Done Recruiting Florida????

If Johnson would have stated that, then great.

Don't you think you gotta, at the very least, be in either Texas or Florida concerning recruiting? I would bet those are the two biggest states when talking about D-1A talent.


yep and probably so. I think CA rounds out the top 3 states for HS recruiting by quantity. OH, PA and MI must be up there too.
I found this from Rivals in 2011 looking at 10 yrs of data on the number of BCS players produced by state: 10 Best States


TX led the way averaging 185 BCS player per year! FL #2 with 169, then drop to 128 in CA, GA 92, OH 69.

IL must have been close to top 10. I counted 38 BCS commitments for class of 2013 and a whole ton of MAC level commitments.

MI only had 22 and a bunch of MAC level commitments in 2013

IA 10.
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Your post just lowered the success rate of this thread by nearly 2%.

Hardly. It merely showed that Iowa recruiting in Florida isn't a successful proposition. Why so many think we should have success there is mind-boggling. At BEST, what we get are guys that Florida/FSU/Miami had no early interest in getting. Now we have to compete with programs like UCF and USF that are becoming bigger players within the state. This doen't even take into account the legions of other southern schools (SEC/Texas/ACC) that show interest and are much closer to home, and whose parents went to school in or near those areas.

Hayden had success in Texas because he had a past connection to that state. We have never had much presence or connection in Florida.
My lord people. i am not going to read all this so sorry if the following has been mentioned.
Urban has ties in FL and it has been said he plans to recruit heavy there. OSU is closer to FL. Does anyone here honestly think we are going to out recruit the FL schools and OSU?
This move is smart. We can now spend the time and money in a state where we stand more of a chance. You all say this is dumb and I say it is a matter of odds. Unless ofcourse you all think a roster full of 1* FL kids is good enough.
Thats right, plus they didnt say we wouldnt recruit it at all.
My lord people. i am not going to read all this so sorry if the following has been mentioned.
Urban has ties in FL and it has been said he plans to recruit heavy there. OSU is closer to FL. Does anyone here honestly think we are going to out recruit the FL schools and OSU?
This move is smart. We can now spend the time and money in a state where we stand more of a chance. You all say this is dumb and I say it is a matter of odds. Unless ofcourse you all think a roster full of 1* FL kids is good enough.
My lord people. i am not going to read all this so sorry if the following has been mentioned.
Urban has ties in FL and it has been said he plans to recruit heavy there. OSU is closer to FL. Does anyone here honestly think we are going to out recruit the FL schools and OSU?
This move is smart. We can now spend the time and money in a state where we stand more of a chance. You all say this is dumb and I say it is a matter of odds. Unless ofcourse you all think a roster full of 1* FL kids is good enough.

Your reasoning makes good sense. One thing to consider is Texas and Florida are the top two states in sending players to D-1A schools. You simply have got to be recruiting, hot and heavy, in at least one of those states for your program to compete.

This is why the comments from Johnson are so tough to take. He said they are gonna focus on areas 8 hours or less from Iowa City. Last time I checked, Texas is more than 8 hours from Iowa city.

Your reasoning makes good sense. One thing to consider is Texas and Florida are the top two states in sending players to D-1A schools. You simply have got to be recruiting, hot and heavy, in at least one of those states for your program to compete.

This is why the comments from Johnson are so tough to take. He said they are gonna focus on areas 8 hours or less from Iowa City. Last time I checked, Texas is more than 8 hours from Iowa city.


Since when did you start believing what this coaching staff says?
Since when did you start believing what this coaching staff says?

Good point. I don't believe anything from ferentz. Haven't heard Johnson say much, so I guess I'll believe him till he proves me wrong. And don't get me wrong. I don't hate ferentz, just think he's a little not right in the head.

Rather than give up on Florida because the current coaches can't recruit it very well, why don't we get someone who can recruit down there? Or does that make too much sense?

Exactly....this gets back to Kurt's earlier excuses about it's tough to get kids on campus....maybe that's an image issue that YOU are responsible for Kurt. With the 6 to 8 hour driving radius for our coaching staff it must mean we are giving up on EVERY state except IA, MN, WI, IL, MO, and I'm sure we can field a championship caliber team with those states! Oh hey Kurt you lost the best players out of Illinois too to Notre Dame and this year Ole Miss!! Ole Miss for Pete's sake.
In other news, Ferentz said today via Twitter that they no longer focus on bulgaria, hungary and Istanbul metro. The competition from Georgia was cited.
My lord people. i am not going to read all this so sorry if the following has been mentioned.
Urban has ties in FL and it has been said he plans to recruit heavy there. OSU is closer to FL. Does anyone here honestly think we are going to out recruit the FL schools and OSU?
This move is smart. We can now spend the time and money in a state where we stand more of a chance. You all say this is dumb and I say it is a matter of odds. Unless ofcourse you all think a roster full of 1* FL kids is good enough.

Hey OLD DUPE you know those states are teh most Populace too right?! Where the he ll do you think you're going to get kids from Alaska, South Dakota, and North Dakota because they aren't heavily recruited?
Guess that rules out Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey and the ENTIRE Atlantic Seaboard as well! Oh and don't forget California too. So besides abandoning 80% of the football playing universe we should be fine with IA and border states. Freaking GREAT! He can't even keep kids in state anymore....Darboh case in point.
No one has brought this up yet so I am going to say it. Maybe KF and staff are under a tight budget, after all this economy his bad. They are just trying to say on gas, airline tickets and hotel stays.
Good point. I don't believe anything from ferentz. Haven't heard Johnson say much, so I guess I'll believe him till he proves me wrong. And don't get me wrong. I don't hate ferentz, just think he's a little not right in the head.


And many here think you aren't right in the head....and I'm sure even more think I'm not right in the head.

Either way, I think you would be kind of dumb to think that we aren't going to be recruiting Texas very hard. Just look at Jumpers recruiting 2014 data base. We have 6 kids offered from the Dallas/Ft. Worth area alone. We signed 2 kids from Texas this year, 2 in 2011, and 4 in 2010.
Not all recruits you can't make an ALL statement you dolt but you CAN'T put a championship team on teh field recruiting IA, Neb, Kansas, Missouri, IL, MN and WI either because you aren't going to get the top recruits in those states either especially winning 4 games per year.
But stating that you are focusing resources on kids 6-8 hrs from their home pretty much says yeah we are going to recruit very close to our home base.
And many here think you aren't right in the head....and I'm sure even more think I'm not right in the head.

Either way, I think you would be kind of dumb to think that we aren't going to be recruiting Texas very hard. Just look at Jumpers recruiting 2014 data base. We have 6 kids offered from the Dallas/Ft. Worth area alone. We signed 2 kids from Texas this year, 2 in 2011, and 4 in 2010.

LOL.................what the hell you attacking me for? Your recruiting coord said that. Maybe Johnson thinks Texas is 8 hours or less from Iowa City. And no matter how much you cry because i point stuff out that coaches say, I'm gonna keep doing it till Miller kicks me out. I guess you can keep crying if you want.

Rather than attack me, why not blame where blame is due?


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