Iowa Done Recruiting Florida????

Without looking back at all of the past recruiting classes, I will guess probably about as many as it can expect to pull from within 6 hours of Iowa City.. thx

You might want to do some homework then and look at past recruiting classes.
All I see is a bunch of drama queens up in here. Please cue the Alanis Morisette music Jon.
Were you at the Neb. game ? I set right behind the bench and belive me every guy down there wanted that game bad. I dont understand people feeling that way at all. We had a good game plan and gave Neb. all they wanted that day. Did you listen to Bo P interview after the game ?
I dont think KF wants to lose in general but he only wants to win his way. He has made that very clear. Also I dont think he wanted to win the nebrasky game. There would have been too much explaining to do.

Kirk would love for his conservative boring ball to make a comeback so he could smirk and snort at all the doubters. However he would rather be fired than change and that is where we are currently. Just waiting for everyone to see that.
Dean, I think the philosophy you just stated is perfectly fine. But regardless of the philosophy/system, you still have to have the personnel to execute it at a high enough level to be able to win with it. I'm just concerned that if the staff is limiting itself to 6-8 hours within Iowa City, that it will be able to get enough good talent to do so.

Maybe I'm taking that "6-8 hour distance from campus" quote too literally, but that came straight from the coaching staff, so not sure how else to take that if that's not what was meant.

It's already been documented also that Iowa had offered something like 44 4-5* recruits, where Illinois & Nebraska had offered more like 90-100+. I just have serious concerns that this staff is doing everything it can to pull the best talent it can, and now we find out that it wants to keep it's recruiting efforts "closer to home".

You may disagree and that's fine, but I can't help but have concerns, specifically after the way last year went.

I agree with this. KF execution of his philosophy has tanked for the most part over the last 6-8 years. To me that is obvious. I just wonder why people attack the philosophy, when there is plenty of evidence that this philosophy is still being used to win today through college and pro football

I think you are taking the 6-8 hour thing too literally.
Were you at the Neb. game ? I set right behind the bench and belive me every guy down there wanted that game bad. I dont understand people feeling that way at all. We had a good game plan and gave Neb. all they wanted that day. Did you listen to Bo P interview after the game ?

Kirk was only gonna win that game if he had to. I understand that the players wanted it. However KF called a very conservative game and thats not how you win games like that. When you have a clearly better team on their heels you dont punt from where he did. You have to take a couple of shots down field. The team can be really pumped and you can have really close seats but that isnt going to change KF and GD.

I understand the point of view that people have on his playing consevative. But that is who he is. Weather that day made things even more difficult for both offenses. Im telling you to think he didnt want that game is just way off. But thanks for your opinion on this
Kirk was only gonna win that game if he had to. I understand that the players wanted it. However KF called a very conservative game and thats not how you win games like that. When you have a clearly better team on their heels you dont punt from where he did. You have to take a couple of shots down field. The team can be really pumped and you can have really close seats but that isnt going to change KF and GD.

Funny, 67 posts in this thread. I counted exactly SEVEN that could be construed as "thoughtful" or "intelligent". Slightly over 10%.

Ironically, it seems to mirror the success rate of our Florida recruiting...
Cutting our losses in FL should help with the attrition situation. I totally get putting our time and effort into players who are more likely to stick around for four/five years.
Funny, 67 posts in this thread. I counted exactly SEVEN that could be construed as "thoughtful" or "intelligent". Slightly over 10%.

Ironically, it seems to mirror the success rate of our Florida recruiting...
Your post just lowered the success rate of this thread by nearly 2%.
Cutting our losses in FL should help with the attrition situation. I totally get putting our time and effort into players who are more likely to stick around for four/five years.

Just curious if anybody had put together any kind of stats regarding the attrition the program has had, and the states those players were recruited from? Serious question.
New territory requires heavy lifting in the beginning and that is what FL is to Iowa recruiting at this point. Not only do you have to have a good salesman representing your program but equally important is the sacrifice that person is willing to make. Bielema did well in FL not only because he can sell but because he was willing to spend the time necessary down there to build some relationships. He was willing to do the heavy hard, be away from home and friends / family for longer periods of time, and stay persistent and visible.

In large part you could call recruiting a young man's game as it likely is tiring, demanding, and requires high energy. Getting on airplanes, making multiple visits per day, living in hotels, being away from family are all a part of the challenge of finding a gunslinger or two for your staff that are willing as well as able. I understand that building a relationship from a long distance is difficult but it is possible with the right person/s.

People make a difference.
I would say most coaches are very stubborn and only want to win their way. Most have massive egos. I actually think KF is mild in this area compared to most.

I think KF wants to win but I do believe he wants to win his way, not because of ego but because he truly believes it is best way to win.

Seriously, people can complain about his demeanor, his style of play or call him stubborn but anyone who questions his will to win is just plain wrong.
This got me checking the undefeated teams in 1921 and 1922 were full of all Americans and all Big 10 players all from in state. Anyone ripping on Iowa talent as being bad has it all wrong. They beat Knute Rockne's undefeated Notre Dame team and Yale. I also remember a few guys named Tim Dwight and Tavion Banks. If anyone says Iowa players are slow I challenge them to try to catch either of those guys.

I hope to God this isn't serious.

How many 4-5 star guys from Florida has Iowa pulled in KF's tenure?


I can think of a few that were four stars - Ed Miles, Kalvin Bailey and Jeff Brinson, Fabian Dodd. David Walker although via transfer from Auburn was also a top Florida HS player.
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It is all true Belding, Locke, Devine, Slater, Dwight and Banks were all in state Iowa recruits. They speak to the how Iowa high school talent is underrated.
Not sure what is actually allocated, but it seemed that it was pretty well known that Iowa's athletic department is in the Top 15 or Top 20 for sure, nationally, in revenue. So I don't think lack of resources in the recruiting budget should be a problem. If our coaches can't afford to travel more than 6-8 hours from IC on recruiting trips, then something doesn't add up IMO. I mean, it can afford to pay its football coach Top 5 money and it just did a $40 million project on renovations and a new practice facility for the hoops program. The Iowa Athletic Department has money.

That is what I mean, with our resources we need to put more into recruiting than any other BIG school. Shoot, I'd be fine with them hiring a person(s) who does nothing but recruit one of the big states. Basically a larger staff hitting the road and guys who focus solely on recruiting. Perhaps even a guy who does nothing but hammer on some 4 & 5 * recruits and no one else. I don't see any reason we can't have someone practically camped in Florida, TX, OH etc. Need to invest everything we can in scouting, recruiting and building relationships with kids and coaches all over the country.

Bonecrusher, Doering, Bain, Moeaki, Dace and JC were all from Illinois. Stross was from Ohio, but that might be pushing 6 hours from Iowa City.

Larson was from Iowa. Keenan Davis was from 25 minutes up 380. Wegher was from just over the border in SD.

Those are players that immediately jumped into my head. You lose. many of these were actually a factor at Iowa? The answer is ONE - Moeaki

Bonecrusher - transfer
Bain - transfer
Richardson - hurt
JC - transfer
Doering - underperformed
Larson - hurt
Davis - underperformed
Wegher - baby drama/transfer

When we do land 4/5 star talent we can't even hit on the right ones.
Iowa is probably the only Division 1 program not trying to pull kids from Florida. It isnt because Iowa is smarter than everyone else either.

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