Iowa Athletics COVID-19 Discussion

@Fryowa Have not been visiting as often, but I am sick of hearing my Nebraska co-workers talk about how The SEC, ACC and Big 12 are playing football. You've been the guy touting no football will be played this fall for months so I am curious where you stand on things with it? I'm still touting that as I agreed with you from the start, but I am getting concerned that B1G and the Pac 12 will not be playing and other teams will. Are you still a believer that these other conferences are going to follow suit and cancel as well?
@Fryowa Have not been visiting as often, but I am sick of hearing my Nebraska co-workers talk about how The SEC, ACC and Big 12 are playing football. You've been the guy touting no football will be played this fall for months so I am curious where you stand on things with it? I'm still touting that as I agreed with you from the start, but I am getting concerned that B1G and the Pac 12 will not be playing and other teams will. Are you still a believer that these other conferences are going to follow suit and cancel as well?

If schools decide that the safety and well being of their players is priority number one then I think they shut it down. If maintaining status and/or trying to keep their athletic departments from drowning is top priority I think they play. I think we all know the top priority.
@Fryowa Have not been visiting as often, but I am sick of hearing my Nebraska co-workers talk about how The SEC, ACC and Big 12 are playing football. You've been the guy touting no football will be played this fall for months so I am curious where you stand on things with it? I'm still touting that as I agreed with you from the start, but I am getting concerned that B1G and the Pac 12 will not be playing and other teams will. Are you still a believer that these other conferences are going to follow suit and cancel as well?
I look at what happened at UNC as a sign of what’s coming once everyone gets back to school. There’s no way around it, there will be huge outbreaks like that one all over the place and those conferences will have no choice. Which is why I actually think the B1G and P12 were smart by cancelling now. It will save what money they can, and it’s a whole lot better for everyone if they stop early rather than get two weeks into a season and have a completely uncontrollable shit show.
I look at what happened at UNC as a sign of what’s coming once everyone gets back to school. There’s no way around it, there will be huge outbreaks like that one all over the place and those conferences will have no choice. Which is why I actually think the B1G and P12 were smart by cancelling now. It will save what money they can, and it’s a whole lot better for everyone if they stop early rather than get two weeks into a season and have a completely uncontrollable shit show.

I think this is good point. While there is concern that the BIG 10 and PAC 12 find themselves in the rearview among the Power 5 conferences for pulling out early, I wonder if the script flips and its them that saves place and the other programs that take a hit for continuing to push forward in the event that all Power 5 conferences end up shutting down. I can see how it would work both ways.

I'm just not sure how the BIG 12 can come up with a scheme to stop the spread of the virus when they haven't found a defense capable of stopping anything in years.
Summit last night around 9:15 PM. Here we go!


Did they have limited capacity inside?

Could that be the reason for the line outside?

If those clubs are jam packed and people aren't social distancing they are playing with fire.
Did they have limited capacity inside?

Could that be the reason for the line outside?

If those clubs are jam packed and people aren't social distancing they are playing with fire.
No clue, just stumbled across the picture but from what I've heard they were not following the rules that well.
Holy shit that should be an easy lawsuit. Glad to see the professors were supportive but that sounds like a terrible ordeal. HTF is the University not prepared to serve positive cases, that is ridiculous.
That's terrible, but at least they were able to be tested. I heard from a friend last night that their kids may have been exposed and are both sick and needed to be tested. In trying to get in to get the test they were told they wouldn't be able to get tested anywhere locally until next week, so they were driving 150 miles to Waterloo today for testing.

Edit: this is all word of mouth so not sure how accurate, but if true then DAMN!!!

Wait a second. So this genius tested positive for The Germ that she probably brought with her from Illinois and then got on a Megabus back to Illinois? Or did she ride the Dog? Either way, wow what great judgment.

EDIT - just to be clear, I think the school is like 98% at fault for exercising bad judgment, but we as Americans need to exercise a fucking modicum of care for our fellow citizens as well and at 18 if she is old enough to vote, she needs to understand that basic civic duty.
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Holy shit that should be an easy lawsuit. Glad to see the professors were supportive but that sounds like a terrible ordeal. HTF is the University not prepared to serve positive cases, that is ridiculous.

Universities used to be places of cutting edge thought. Now, independent thought is punished and mindless bleating is rewarded. If I were running the response team for The Germ and in charge of the quarantine, the accommodations in The Germ Ward would be first class. Concierge service, someone checking in every 4 hours, etc. This girl is 18, YOU CAN'T FUCKING LET HER BREAK THE DAMNED QUARANTINE UNTIL SHE IS CLEARED. You have to pamper someone and be reassuring. Treat them like they are in luxury suite on a cruise or sitting in first class in an aircraft. It is absolute fucking idiocy. F that place. Every single person involved in this should be fired without a second thought. Unreal.
Unlike Iowa State, Iowa decided not to test students coming back to campus and moving into residence halls. Excellent plan.
Why do we have to always be ashamed of the university we cheer for? It's a joke.

I'm livid. I read the first thing and was kind of like "meh, the school should have been better prepared but there's probably some drama-queenery embellishment here" but then when I read the second one about her getting on a fucking bus, I changed my opinion instantly. These people have no business running an organization like this. ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY NO BUSINESS.

"Derp, we didn't expect anyone to show up on Day 1 with The Germ." Are you fucking kidding me? There are people coming from all over the country and you didn't think one single person out of thousands would have The Germ? They seriously need to come up with a plan right now because God knows how many people she exposed and the old "Hey, don't tell anyone" is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. Jesus H. Tap Dancing Christ.
Unlike Iowa State, Iowa decided not to test students coming back to campus and moving into residence halls. Excellent plan.

They didn't? Holy shit. Iowa has a great hospital but it is like an independent arm that prints money. Iowa State has a far more scientific base than Iowa and it sure as shit must flow up through the administration. This is unreal. Clemson (which is another strong science school) required testing as well. I don't know of other schools, but letting kids just roll back in is the stupidest fucking idea I've heard in a long time. You pissed me off for the rest of the day.
They didn't? Holy shit. Iowa has a great hospital but it is like an independent arm that prints money. Iowa State has a far more scientific base than Iowa and it sure as shit must flow up through the administration. This is unreal. Clemson (which is another strong science school) required testing as well. I don't know of other schools, but letting kids just roll back in is the stupidest fucking idea I've heard in a long time. You pissed me off for the rest of the day.

Can't test positive if your never tested.

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