Iowa Athletics COVID-19 Discussion


I've been saying that since March. From schools to sports to small business owners to front line workers, the PTSD element of this will eventually dwarf the virus itself, especially in those with pre existing mental illnesses.

Drownings are way up this summer in the Missiszippi and Wisconsin rivers in Grant County where I reside. They thought opening swimming pools where there is, you know, lifeguard supervision and much less inherent danger, was too much of a Covid risk

Not sure you understand ptsd. Front line workers where people are dying from an overwhelmed system yes. Witnessing a drowning or experiencing near drowning? Yes. Business owners losing a business a brutal attack on a business owner over masks..yes... more child severe child abuse.... yes
This just in and will it cause a reconsideration???? If this is a rapid result saliva test without the need for healthcare testers to be all bundled up in PPE then this is what we have been waiting for especially if mass produced quickly.

NBA, Yale land the COVID testing breakthrough the NFL (and the general U.S. public) has been hoping for
Not sure you understand ptsd. Front line workers where people are dying from an overwhelmed system yes. Witnessing a drowning or experiencing near drowning? Yes. Business owners losing a business a brutal attack on a business owner over masks..yes... more child severe child abuse.... yes
A business owner that loses something that was their life's labor of love will experience some kind of stress, even if it doesn't officially fit your criteria of PTSD.

People who suffer from depression, bipolar, autism and other mental illnesses are being severely affected by this, especially if its isolated them more than they already were. Once again it may not meet your criteria of PTSD but it is plenty of stress nonetheless.

I don't have to understand stress the way you might to know what it is doing to people.
Yep. If the elected leaders of this country saw this virus as serendipity to divide the country, they are just as at fault as those who are perceived of equal serendipity to try and make said elected leaders look bad.

My high school government teacher always talked about 1968 and how wild it was. Someday I will be telling my grandkids about 2020 the same way.

Epic failure of the Administrative Branch, IMHO. Our country is failing at managing the virus, and has never been more divided. The leaders are looking bad on their own.
Epic failure of the Administrative Branch, IMHO. Our country is failing at managing the virus, and has never been more divided. The leaders are looking bad on their own.
I would quarrel with putting the blame on the politicians, my beef is with the Washington Bureaucracy. The Washington Bureaucracy was charged in 2005 to be prepared for a pandemic. This resembles a FEMA failure in some retrospect. Plans evidently didn't get done satisfactorily and then never reached to the local health departments. There wasn't anything in place to keep businesses operational, equipment and supplies were not available. It isn't the politician's job to do the work the bureaucracy is assign to do.

In my opinion political correctness got in the way. Reporting should use zip codes rather than counties for tracking. The biggest factor in catching the virus is poverty. If you lay positive cases over zip codes it would reveal that the energy and focus to control the spread should have been in the poorer zip codes.

More than a few books will be written about this and when the scientific analysis is done it will put the blame on federal, state, and local bureaus.
I would quarrel with putting the blame on the politicians, my beef is with the Washington Bureaucracy. The Washington Bureaucracy was charged in 2005 to be prepared for a pandemic.

CDC has taken in well over $50 billion in the past 10 years. What did we get for that money? A bunch of signs on city trains telling people to have safe sex. If you look at the breakdown, the amount of funds spent on education and HIV is mind boggling. I called this shit in March, I literally said that Western society wasn't prepared for a pandemic.

The CDC and whatever the hell Fauci runs are full of people who couldn't qualify for private sector work. The fed's hands are tied in a lot of respects and they deferred to the states because they actually have authority to shut everything down. And hell, damned near everything was shut down, even by me, for damned near 2 months. The government has given a lot of people freedom to choose. If you want to cower in fear at home and never leave, you can. If you want to go out and do stuff, there is a lot you can do. It's a pretty nice deal. Unfortunately, totalitarian leftists like racerhawk don't want anyone to exercise their own discretion. It's really a political sweet spot for people like him - if Orange Man had ordered everything closed, "Ermagawd, he's literally a fascist dictator" and if he doesn't run the jackboot tyrant playbook "Ermagawd, he's not doing enough! WON'T SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING?"

'Member when Orange Man shut down tourism with China? "Ermagawd, Xenophobe!" Now, it's "Ermagawd, why did he wait so long???"
Summit last night around 9:15 PM. Here we go!


Ahh, the ol' Scummit. I heard a rumor that when the kitchen closed cooks there used to tear dirty dish towels into strips, then batter and fry them and serve them as calamari when people were good and drunk.

Looks like they have a lot of high IQ customers still.

With all due respect to any readers on here who might be in local government in Iowa City, right now is the point where Iowa City needs to be run by normal dudes and not a bunch of NIMBY hall monitor town versus gown assholes. They need to set up a good old fashioned block party and cordon off an area that becomes a giant outside bar with drinks sold by each bar in the Ped Mall every night that it is nice. You're not going to stop The Germ with that, but you'll set up a situation where like 6 people get it instead of 600. The notion that kids who have been on some sort of lockdown for 5 months aren't going to go party (whether downtown or elsewhere) is laughable and someone with a grasp of reality needs to take the fucking reigns. This is willfully fucking stupid.
Ahh, the ol' Scummit. I heard a rumor that when the kitchen closed cooks there used to tear dirty dish towels into strips, then batter and fry them and serve them as calamari when people were good and drunk.

Looks like they have a lot of high IQ customers still.
Summit was really nice when it first opened, used to go there for comedy nights. Went there with the wife for lunch one day 4-5 years ago when we were both working downtown, it was completely empty. The food was awful.

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