Iowa Athletics COVID-19 Discussion

The NCAA cannot stop play. It will get sued for an antitrust violation and damages are 3x losses. It does not want to "endorse" play either, lest they find themselves defendants in a number of lawsuits. They are in an absolute no-win situation here.

This is the result of putting a bunch of high paid functionaries who have never had a real job into a position of power. Emmert needs to draw up a strongly worded release that says "hey, we are not stopping you from playing, each member school is free to do its own thing, but we think, and this is merely a suggestion, that it is a bad idea to try to kick off a football season in 30 days."

There are too many people who have gotten fat off the whole "amateur athletics" crap who are placing preservation of their 7 figure salaries ahead of player well-being. It is despicable. These men are not leaders. If I were in the shoes of any long tenured P5 coach or AD or commissioner, I would insist on a $1 salary and insurance for the year to show shared sacrifice. The people who need to be organizational leaders just completely suck.

This bullshit of saying "derp, it's safe for Maryland to go to Iowa or Iowa to go to PSU, but Iowa playing ISU, UNI and NIU is too much risk" is the fucking icing on the cake. If it is unsafe to play 12 games, it is unsafe to play 10. If it is unsafe for Northwestern or Rutgers to have kids on campus, it is unsafe to play football. The fucking paralysis at this point is mind-boggling.

I know. The whole thing is becoming a joke. If it isn't safe to play 12, it isn't safe to play 10. If teams are suspending training a few weeks out from the season due to the COVIDS, the season likely isn't going to happen. I'm said to say that it shouldn't happen. 600,000 plus Americans died in WW II. 400,000 may die with Covid. We will probably easily get to 300,000.

If we would've done the right thing, everywhere, initially, we might have a very different situation. But, you know, don't step on snake crowd and all that...
Nationally, we may end up with 400,000 deaths. Nice false equivalency. Quarter of a million likely by December. 30,000 people usually die from influenza. Maybe 40-50k by car accident. Drug addiction and suicide are at similar levels.

I totally appreciate the need to get back to normal, but this isn't, as our president said, going to just magically go away anytime soon. estimates 295,011 COVID deaths in the US by Dec 1. That's a LOT of deaths.
I'm not worried about 400,000 national deaths for the sake of this post. I'm concerned about Pritzker rolling back reopening in a county where one (1) Covid death has been recorded.

This isn't going away anytime soon. In fact it's never going away. Better learn now to live with it. And a huge part of that is not getting scared by misleading information.
I know. The whole thing is becoming a joke. If it isn't safe to play 12, it isn't safe to play 10. If teams are suspending training a few weeks out from the season due to the COVIDS, the season likely isn't going to happen. I'm said to say that it shouldn't happen. 600,000 plus Americans died in WW II. 400,000 may die with Covid. We will probably easily get to 300,000.

If we would've done the right thing, everywhere, initially, we might have a very different situation. But, you know, don't step on snake crowd and all that...
What was the right thing? Shutting the country down for four months?
What was the right thing? Shutting the country down for four months?

No. It should have been longer, with follow up requirements on masks, social distancing, testing with instant results, and a lot more personal responsibility by the numerous idiots who can’t follow simple rules to protect themselves, their families, their friends and the public. We would be re-opened by now if we had organized a serious response. In the meantime you speculate about how many reported infections may be in error. Miss the point much?
No. It should have been longer, with follow up requirements on masks, social distancing, testing with instant results, and a lot more personal responsibility by the numerous idiots who can’t follow simple rules to protect themselves, their families, their friends and the public. We would be re-opened by now if we had organized a serious response. In the meantime you speculate about how many reported infections may be in error. Miss the point much?
It's not speculation. Its fact.

Yes there are a lot of idiots out there. But this virus is going run its course at it's own pace and timetable. We tried to mess with nature and again we paid for it. But we can still live our lives. Sadly, a lot of Iowa seniors are now tweeting in a desperate move to block the inevitable. College football for 2020 is in deep trouble, as some have speculated for weeks.
It's not speculation. Its fact.

Yes there are a lot of idiots out there. But this virus is going run its course at it's own pace and timetable. We tried to mess with nature and again we paid for it. But we can still live our lives. Sadly, a lot of Iowa seniors are now tweeting in a desperate move to block the inevitable. College football for 2020 is in deep trouble, as some have speculated for weeks.

Well, you were right in your last sentence. Fall BT sports cancelled.
August 10, 2020


IOWA CITY, Iowa – The University of Iowa Athletics Department conducted 338 COVID-19 tests for the week of August 3-9, 2020. 15 positive tests and 323 negative tests have been received. As part of the return to campus protocol, testing began May 29, 2020, and includes student-athletes, coaches and staff. A total of 47 positive tests and 894 negative tests have been received.

Following the positive test result, protocol established by UI Athletics and medical staff, including contact tracing procedures, is being followed to ensure the safety of all UI Athletics student-athletes and staff. This mandatory protocol also includes isolation for the individuals who test positive, and quarantine for those individuals who might have been exposed to someone with the virus.
I'm not worried about 400,000 national deaths for the sake of this post. I'm concerned about Pritzker rolling back reopening in a county where one (1) Covid death has been recorded.

This isn't going away anytime soon. In fact it's never going away. Better learn now to live with it. And a huge part of that is not getting scared by misleading information.

I mostly agree...but many people fed on the intentional misinformation coming from our elected leaders, and many have taken no precautions. That's part of why we have failed miserably in containing this virus,and part of why we can't have football. Ignorance and selfishness.
Everything else in that post has been pretty much proven as fact.

So what if football is never the same. Younger people started backing off 10 years ago. They were never joining. As the older boomers die off so does football. Covid19 sure is speeding thing up.

Take away race issues is it possible the world will become a better place without football as we know it?
What was the right thing? Shutting the country down for four months?

Wearing masks and efforts at social distancing would've been a great start. But some don't " believe in" the virus because our country is full of anti science dolts.

You can keep businesses open and do what I mentioned above. It's possible to hold two perspectives in your head, and have them both be valid. That isn't how people roll these days, unfortunately.
So what if football is never the same. Younger people started backing off 10 years ago. They were never joining. As the older boomers die off so does football. Covid19 sure is speeding thing up.

Take away race issues is it possible the world will become a better place without football as we know it?
Football may never be the same and could be abolished by the middle of this century.

But the post I'm referring to had nothing to do with a long term demise of football. I talked about how stupid and selfish we've become, how the virus will pick it's own pace, how we took on nature and lost once again, and about how tough a cancellation wou,d be on the seniors
I mostly agree...but many people fed on the intentional misinformation coming from our elected leaders, and many have taken no precautions. That's part of why we have failed miserably in containing this virus,and part of why we can't have football. Ignorance and selfishness.
Yep. If the elected leaders of this country saw this virus as serendipity to divide the country, they are just as at fault as those who are perceived of equal serendipity to try and make said elected leaders look bad.

My high school government teacher always talked about 1968 and how wild it was. Someday I will be telling my grandkids about 2020 the same way.
My high school government teacher always talked about 1968 and how wild it was. Someday I will be telling my grandkids about 2020 the same way.

"Listen here, kid. I bought these ARs in the summer of 2020. They were both "lost" in a tragic boating accident in Lake Hartwell somewhere on the Georgia-South Carolina border just days before Commissar Biden's gun sweep, if you catch my drift. That summer was a bumper time for gun sales. Ahh, those were the days."
It's not speculation. Its fact.

Yes there are a lot of idiots out there. But this virus is going run its course at it's own pace and timetable. We tried to mess with nature and again we paid for it. But we can still live our lives. Sadly, a lot of Iowa seniors are now tweeting in a desperate move to block the inevitable. College football for 2020 is in deep trouble, as some have speculated for weeks.

I agree with your post but for different reasons. The virus is going to run its course at it's own pace and timetable. Not not because that was inevitable, it's because we as a country have made the choice to allow it. That's also a fact. If you want verification of this fact, look at basically every other western country that got this thing under control and have very few new or active cases, especially compared to us.

Now since we've made that choice, I think we should give people the choice to play because we can't count on grown adults to do what needs to be done to contain it.

I've been saying that since March. From schools to sports to small business owners to front line workers, the PTSD element of this will eventually dwarf the virus itself, especially in those with pre existing mental illnesses.

Drownings are way up this summer in the Missiszippi and Wisconsin rivers in Grant County where I reside. They thought opening swimming pools where there is, you know, lifeguard supervision and much less inherent danger, was too much of a Covid risk
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