I think Hawkeye message boards right now are a good example

the bold part is exactly why people go on a message board. not sure when most people will get that. everything on here is "heat of the moment stuff." it's a perfect place for venting, talking crap to rivals, and discussion about random/weird **** that you wouldn't say in a bar.

if people would learn to not take this stuff so seriously, they would realize that this site is a lot of fun. where else can you go and vent, celebrate, or otherwise make a fool of yourself like we do?

i'm a loudmouth on here so that i don't drive my wife crazy at home. jon, you're providing a community service here!

Why don't we just jump right ahead and use the 21st century PC cliche' for criticism. You're a HATER if you dare speak anything but praise. (or a racist if the person on the receiving end happens to be a minority).

Legitimate criticism is just that. Legitimate criticism. If you're too spineless to take it, find another job. (and the $ is a factor. He gets paid big bucks for a reason). If you don't like it, don't read it.

my gosh...has our society become soft.
I think we have to remember that yesterday Iowa, picked for last by many so-called experts, beat the popular choice to win the Big Ten on a day when NW gave us their very best shot with Coulter healthy and moving very well.

This was a HUGE victory for Iowa and puts us in a position where we are knocking the door on a bowl bid.

I'm ecstatic about the progress this Iowa team has made and all the credit goes to Ferentz
I think we have to remember that yesterday Iowa, picked for last by many so-called experts, beat the popular choice to win the Big Ten on a day when NW gave us their very best shot with Coulter healthy and moving very well.

This was a HUGE victory for Iowa and puts us in a position where we are knocking the door on a bowl bid.

I'm ecstatic about the progress this Iowa team has made and all the credit goes to Ferentz

Good post, and let me add playing a team who's coach has had this game circled since the schedule came out?
My goal is to have a message board that is pretty much facebook connect...no anonymity. It would mean a drastic reduction in traffic, but one day, I am going to do that. Probably not soon. But one day, it's going to happen. The message boards continue to devolve into something that is less than enjoyable. That didn't used to be the case.

If only there was someone on here who could remove the posters he felt were consistently contributing to the message boards becoming less enjoyable.
If only there was someone on here who could remove the posters he felt were consistently contributing to the message boards becoming less enjoyable.

i think he is being very shortsighted on that comment. i remember well what the boards were like in those Scout days. there will always be nut-jobs.
Oh I don't know - it's easy enough to sign up for a Facebook account, and put a fake name with some miscellaneous picture up as your profile pic. It doesn't have to be YOU, or even a picture of a person. How many people do you know on Facebook that have some logo, screen shot from a movie or whatever as a profile pic? I guess some people are honest and put their real name and picture of themselves on their profile.. But there's nothing stopping one from signing up for an alternate Yahoo email account and creating another FB profile as an alias. I should know - I've done it. Takes 5 minutes. Besides, who really cares what I have to say? It's not like I am a member of the media and/or represent Iowa Athletics. I have no reason to hold back. If people don't like my opinions, it doesn't really make any difference one way or the other.

I suppose you could do that. Which, in reality, why make major changes if people will do that anyway? Good point.
They're defensive adjustment was poorly which Meyer pointed out in the post game interview. Made the adjustment for Colter today, woulda been nice to see that last week.

what exactly would those schematic adjustments be?

I think you are confusing in-play execution with strategy. Don't forget NW scored 1 TD.
of why many in the coaching profession feel 10 years at the same job is about the max. Familiarity breeds too much contempt. Way too much.

I don't think a message board ever a good example of anything other than a place to find a bunch fanatical people sounding like complete jack*****. I tailgate with a group of about 30 people. I don't think a single one is interested in losing Ferentz, and feel like the program is in good hands. They realize Iowa is not great, but they aren't light years away from being great either.

Jon, I can see why you might feel this way when a food portion of your interaction with fans has been through message boards and on Sound Off. That would be like judging human race after meeting Adolf Hitler and Pol Pot. I have a feeling your opinions are going to erode even more living in Tulsa and not actually interacting with Hawkeye fans in person at all. Try to keep that in perspective.
I don't think a message board ever a good example of anything other than a place to find a bunch fanatical people sounding like complete jack*****. I tailgate with a group of about 30 people. I don't think a single one is interested in losing Ferentz, and feel like the program is in good hands. They realize Iowa is not great, but they aren't light years away from being great either.

Jon, I can see why you might feel this way when a food portion of your interaction with fans has been through message boards and on Sound Off. That would be like judging human race after meeting Adolf Hitler and Pol Pot. I have a feeling your opinions are going to erode even more living in Tulsa and not actually interacting with Hawkeye fans in person at all. Try to keep that in perspective.

now that's some perspective. and to an extent i agree. the only thing you can measure a message board by is the extreme views of a certain fanbase.
I've been to a lot of football games the past 10 years and talked to many different people - I'd say its about 70/30 who don't have much faith in ferentz anymore.

These people acting like it's only the message board - I must say the message board reflects most everything else I hear - good and bad and about the same proportion.
One of the problems is that KF is similar to the Todd Lickliter of football. It's just not the style most fans want to see. I don't mind the game plan . . . ball control, win with defense. In the last two years, KF has tried to adjust (with the hire of Greg Davis) however, KF just doesn't seem committed to the change.

See run to the left.....run to the right.....incomplete pass....punt....just like the ballet 1,2,3 kick. He is not committed to the speed up because we now huddle at the line and wait 30 secs to get the play off. When Jake is in the hurry up running plays every 17-20 secs our offense looks fantastic...once we go to the modified KOK same running plays we bog down and don't score for entire halves.
I dont give a crude about style. Heck we have a lot in common with Stanford. My whole thing is winning, seeing improvement. Heck espn was talkking about nebby and bo. They were saying all those 10 win seasons dont mean anything because they expect more. Now i am not saying perfection is required, but it should be the goal. 7 wins meh. 8 we will get em next year. 9, good season, put the pedal down this off season. 10, nice job.
Problem is we as fans can not even come to an agreeable number we "expect" for most years. I say 8. I can deal with a 7 a few times over 10 years but i also want some 9's and 10's.

This is a realistic take here, but the people that set the bar too high for Iowa Football are probably some of the same that complain about Fran's recruiting for the 2014 class in the basketball forum. It makes no sense to have some of the expectations that I have seen over here. First like it or not, Iowa has a style they have used to win with and it hasn't changed a whole lot, at the same time they are located in a part of the country that makes it tough to recruit nationally, while having on of the more talent devoid states in the nation.

It hasn't been made any easier for Iowa to recruit with Dantonio, Kelly, Wilson and Meyer thrown in the mix in some areas that Iowa has had success, they have had to branch out a little bit as you see them getting some second tier Ohio guys and others. That takes time, but Brian Ferentz has bridged that gap sooner, but a couple years after Iowa was getting shut out by other schools and not getting a lot of low rated kids. Iowa has to coach up their kids, it is just part of it. Iowa football is going to run in cycles because they don't have a strong in-state base to pull kids from, so there are going to be some less than stellar years and quite frankly, I don't care what coach is at Iowa.
Personally...my opinion....just me. I rather enjoy pounding people and imposing your will on someone. It hasn't always been the case this year, but it's been more than it hasn't and we do it better than most. Is it always affective? No. Looking at the strength of our team, is it the best way, absolutely. I don't find that unappealing at all. The first drive of the ball game yesterday, was a thing of beauty. In the 3rd quarter when NW called dive or ISO about 10 times in a row for 8 yards a shot, was beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Better enjoy Iowa basketball.

We have Fran for five more years.
This 'style' is the same or similar style that led to two 11 win seasons, three straight top 8 seasons and four end of year top 10 rankings during the KF era, more than any coach in Iowa history.

I think Kirk is in a bit of trouble and there are some things that have made me weary, but I'm staying away from the crazy juice.

The only thing not popular with the fan base is not winning 10 games.

No denying the lunatic fringe might point to this but, for the most part, I think this statement is just as short-sighted, inaccurate and unrealistic as expecting it.

-- BEAT who you should beat (ISU, 2 weak non-con, NwU, Purdue, Indiana, Illannoy, Minny?);
-- At least split with your peers (Wisky, MSU, Penn St?, Nebby? Maryland and Rutgers);
-- Challenge Michigan and OSU and beat them every 3rd / 4th season (that's merely a recruiting class's development cycle).
-- ABOVE ALL -- always be competitive, prepared, strategically fluid and schematically adaptable, while utilizing your best, most effective players in situations that maximize their strengths / exploit the opponents' weaknesses and give you the best opportunities to win the game.

Depending who's on the schedule among those 3 tiers, I consider Iowa to be at a level of program where it should always win at least 7 or 8 games and occasionally win 10 or 11 games.

My "contempt" is based on the last point. Kirt's personnel mismanagement and situational schematic / strategical failures were suspect about the time you mentioned, 2007, became apparent during the Pitt game, in 2008, and have now become an expectation that he will snatch at least 1 or 2 inexplicable (i.m.o., unacceptable) losses from the jaws of victory. For a coach that used to be lauded as doing more with less, he's just become a coach that does less.

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