I think Hawkeye message boards right now are a good example

Here is the thing I dont have to be happy. I dont root for Iowa football unless they are playing ISU...no secret there.Take for what you want, but tell me where that is wrong? Did Iowa play the 'other' team when they shared or not?

I respect what KF has done, but he has his faults. Their recruiting dropped off for a period and OL leaving early didn't help. I see a new direction in recruiting strategy by Iowa and it will show. Iowa's coaches can coach, but their recruiting was poor for about three years there and it really showed last year.

You don't root for Iowa football(except for one game)? May I ask why? Seems odd.
I actually think Ferentz still has more going for him than against him. That being said, watching the bad parts over a number of seasons is a bit like watching a serialized horror flick. You always get this “I’ve seen this movie before” feeling. You know all the plot elements before they happen.

On the other hand, seeing Iowa play up to a good team they have no business beating, is another characteristic of Ferentz teams. It just hasn’t happened in a while.

Pretty accurately summs how I feel as well
The most annoying part about this message board (only one I visit) is that people ride way too much on emotion - the sky is falling and the program is going under when the Hawks lose, and it's the beginning of a return to glory when the Hawks win. Learn to roll with the ups and downs. They're going to happen, we just hope the downs are shorter and the ups are extended.

It's blatantly obvious Iowa is a much better team than it was a year ago, and I believe the coaching additions with some young blood (Brian Ferentz, Levar Woods, David Hernandez) have been positive.

There's also some visible upside on this team with young guys playing all over the field (Spearman even got a chance and showed some flashes today). I definitely have some frustrations, such as the offense's complete schizophrenia from the first quarter to the final three today, the lack of actual pressure we put on teams BOTH offensively and defensively, and today's end-of-game mismanagement where the Hawks basically killed the clock and ended up not even giving themselves a chance to win in regulation because they began killing it without being in field goal range. But, there is definitely signs of progress from this team.

This sort of cuts to the heart of my main issue with the Iowa program. I preface my comment by admitting that I understand Iowa will never reel in 4- and 5-star recruits on a consistent basis. But, in the year 2013, with a completely unbiased view, can we look at the Iowa Hawkeyes and say we have ANYONE on this team aside from Damon Powell (who plays 5 snaps a game) who is a threat to take it the distance any time they touch the ball?

Iowa has no explosion. None. Barely a threat of explosion.

And, I simply don't buy the 4- and 5-star argument nor the typical recruiting disadvantages argument in this case. There are plenty of explosive players who aren't in the Top 150 coming out of high school. We simply don't have explosive offensive threats who strike fear into opposing defenses. Wisconsin has at least three in their backfield. Northwestern has a couple. Northern Illinois has them. Would any of our WR start, or even play, for Indiana? Heck, even Iowa State has the Bundrage kid, who would be better than anything the Hawks have.

Teams in the same area of the country have these types of players, why don't we have any in black and gold?

And lastly ...

Get over it.

What are you gonna do when Fran McCaffery leaves for greener pastures because Iowa won't pony up multi-millions over a lengthy deal? You'll cry and complain.

You can't have it both ways.

Well done sir.
This 'style' is the same or similar style that led to two 11 win seasons, three straight top 8 seasons and four end of year top 10 rankings during the KF era, more than any coach in Iowa history.

I think Kirk is in a bit of trouble and there are some things that have made me weary, but I'm staying away from the crazy juice.

The only thing not popular with the fan base is not winning 10 games.
I have no problem with the "style" of football that Ferentz coaches. The problem has been in-game decisions and lack of execution that have not improved over the last few years.

Truthfully, I'd rather have Iowa be known as a smash-mouth football team rather than an XBOX 'arcade' scoring team.

And that's the group where you get your "breed" of fan like Nebraska. Unfortunately, in real life, you can't disable autosave and replay the game again like these KF-hating geniuses do on their XBOX. They've won 16 straight NCs playing and coaching the Hawks, don't you know?!

And unfortunately, you painted the Iowa fan base with a broad brush with your last comment. That's just dopey, too.
I believe this thread was an observation that Jon Miller made that a coach staying at one school more than 10 years is no longer a good idea. From the perspectives of head coaches he might be more than just right. The irrationality of college football fans is on display every Saturday at half the message boards in America. What has lead to the vitriol in my estimation is a lack of understanding of how college football got to where it is at. Some people have no idea of the context of seasons past and eras of the past.

Trying to compare today's teams against teams from the 50's is almost apples and oranges. I'll remind them that was an era of limited substitution football where some players went both ways. I'll remind them that society in the 50's prevented Americans of Africans descent from playing in the south and they had to migrate north to play. Very few were educated to a point where they could enroll in northern colleges. That is not the case today. It is a reason that south eastern colleges are doing well today.

Looking at the era from the mid sixties through mid eighties requires knowledge that the number of scholarships were much different than today. In the 60' and 70's some conferences permitted 45 per year while the Big Ten permitted 30. It was common that Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas would have 180 on scholarship and still have even more as walk-ons. Players were recruited just to keep them off the rosters of other college teams. Entrance requirements were minimal at some colleges while the Big Ten remained committed to the concept of "student athlete". Today teams are limited to 85 and some walk-ons and the NCAA has a slightly higher entrance requirement to gain a scholarship, which will get tougher in 2016. This means there is a better distribution of talent across FBS, but there is still differences in entrance requirements.

There is different philosophies among coaches. The Barry Switzers' and Jimmy Jones' didn't much care about anything other than winning and weren't going to worry about consequences. So what if you had a player for one year and he failed in the classroom. The DMR did a comparison back in the mid-80's about average ACT scores of teams. Oklahoma's was 13, think about that. Today SEC coaches over sign and scholarships are for one year. Coach Ferentz is offering 4 year rides and is graded by the University on his graduation rate. This past week the NCAA released that Iowa was 23rd in graduation rate with 81% completing a degree with 6 years of entering college. When you look at the team rosters there teams of "student athletes" and teams of "athlete students".

I'm going to say this because it hasn't changed since I was a student at the University. Iowa administrators are not going to hire a coach that puts winning at any cost ahead of the academics. You can read anything you want into that, but realize a Jim Kelly type isn't coming to Iowa City to coach. There are not any high flyers going to want to be part of a program with academic expectations commiserate with the student body. So your choice is to find another college to support because its philosophy fits you or accept the good times with the bad.
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Alvarez coached for 16 years at Wisconsin; excluding his first three seasons (11-22) when he took over quite possibly the worst BCS conference team in the country, he won fewer than 8 games just four times. Ferentz has done that five times in the last 11 seasons (throwing out his first three just like I did for Alvarez) and could do it a sixth time this season. Alvarez also only had back-to-back sub-par seasons once (94-95); Ferentz has had three in a row (2005-2007) and is coming off back-to-back this year.

But the bottom line is that Alvarez won three Rose Bowls. That will earn you legend status at almost any B1G or Pac-12 university.

Alvarez was remarkably consistent about winning during his later years, he did pad Wisconsin's record a bit though by scheduling five OOC games. It was a variation on the old Hayden Fry formula, schedule one difficult team, one challenging team, one mild challenge, one group of bodies to practice against, plus Wisconsin would add an extra fifth OOC on the low end.
Sportstalent: I've got no more time foe someone engaging in a debate who doesn't have a dog in the fight
It's an anonymous message board. People feel free to be as contemptuous as they want to. Of course, you can't ban everyone for being that way, or there would be no one left. It would be no better for a first year coach, whenever that day comes. I think the honeymoon for any coach on an internet message board is about 2 hours.
I believe this thread was an observation that Jon Miller made that a coach staying at one school more than 10 years is no longer a good idea. From the perspectives of head coaches he might be more than just right. The irrationality of college football fans is on display every Saturday at half the message boards in America. What has lead to the vitriol in my estimation is a lack of understanding of how college football got to where it is at. Some people have no idea of the context of seasons past and eras of the past.

Trying to compare today's teams against teams from the 50's is almost apples and oranges. I'll remind them that was an era of limited substitution football where some players went both ways. I'll remind them that society in the 50's prevented Americans of Africans descent from playing in the south and they had to migrate north to play. Very few were educated to a point where they could enroll in northern colleges. That is not the case today. It is a reason that south eastern colleges are doing well today.

Looking at the era from the mid sixties through mid eighties requires knowledge that the number of scholarships were much different than today. In the 60' and 70's some conferences permitted 45 per year while the Big Ten permitted 30. It was common that Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas would have 180 on scholarship and still have even more as walk-ons. Players were recruited just to keep them off the rosters of other college teams. Entrance requirements were minimal at some colleges while the Big Ten remained committed to the concept of "student athlete". Today teams are limited to 85 and some walk-ons and the NCAA has a slightly higher entrance requirement to gain a scholarship, which will get tougher in 2016. This means there is a better distribution of talent across FBS, but there is still differences in entrance requirements.

There is different philosophies among coaches. The Barry Switzers' and Jimmy Jones' didn't much care about anything other than winning and weren't going to worry about consequences. So what if you had a player for one year and he failed in the classroom. The DMR did a comparison back in the mid-80's about average ACT scores of teams. Oklahoma's was 13, think about that. Today SEC coaches over sign and scholarships are for one year. Coach Ferentz is offering 4 year rides and is graded by the University on his graduation rate. This past week the NCAA released that Iowa was 23rd in graduation rate with 81% completing a degree with 6 years of entering college. When you look at the team rosters there teams of "student athletes" and teams of "athlete students".

I'm going to say this because it hasn't changed since I was a student at the University. Iowa administrators are not going to hire a coach that puts winning at any cost ahead of the academics. You can read anything you want into that, but realize a Jim Kelly type isn't coming to Iowa City to coach. There are not any high flyers going to want to be part of a program with academic expectations commiserate with the student body. So your choice is to find another college to support because its philosophy fits you or accept the good times with the bad.

this is a good post. i've often wondered if some of those old Nebby/Texas/Oklahoma teams would even be academically eligible in today's NCAA.
Evy coached at Iowa 9 years and finished in the top 10 of the AP poll 5 times

my uncle played for evy and has his picture in a team picture in one of the plaques in the se entrance area - i'm always 'proud' to bring that fact up when given the opportunity! :)

for everyone who brings up 'evy' in these discussions - you also have to understand why he quit being a coach at iowa. since you brought him into the conversation, i'd assume you know that answer.
You don't root for Iowa football(except for one game)? May I ask why? Seems odd.

Didn't really like collage football, grew up in an Iowa household so not a fan of ISU and especially after I went there for two years.
I root for A&M, since about 1990, for a seemingly odd reason. I do follow Iowa closely, but I digress there are other games I want them to win, but just dislike ISU and the coach a lot, so I am most vocal about that one.
I don't dislike Iowa, just not mmy favorite team.

Basketball is an entirely different story...always have loved my Hawkeyes for as long as I can remember rooting for basketball.
We did win yesterday right? At least, I'm pretty sure I remember sitting in the north endzone and seeing the Hawks win. Maybe it was a dream.
There is no doubt the program is not where anyone wants it, including coaches. But the reactions of some people around here and other message boards is just embarrassing. I hope that people aren't really like that.

It's our society. Going to high school games, college games, pro games are all the same anymore. Loud mouth fans, drunk and obnoxious, are common place.
Message boards are similar, but if not for the participation from the fans, negative and positive, your website would be nothing.
It's actually fun to read some of the more "off the wall" posts and even to respond to them. This place is a nice outlet to vent some of the frustrations we have when things are not going well. I do not think you should take so seriously many of the negative posts. Most of stuff posted would never be said in a public setting nor would they be said after a "cooling down" period.
There is just way to much perspective in this thread... I feel like I entered the twilight zone. We are still on a Hawkeye message board right? It's nice to read a thread like this quite honestly. It kind of centers you if you will... there's been so much nonsense posted here over the past year that it can throw you off. Honestly the irrationality that you see constantly on message boards is starting to push me away from them. I feel like it makes me view our beloved fanbase differently, but in reality I would like to think the jihadic wing only makes up a small percent.
For most part i agree with Jon on this topic. I just hope Kirk goes out on top (Big Bowl win or Playoff appearance) whenever that is.
It's our society. Going to high school games, college games, pro games are all the same anymore. Loud mouth fans, drunk and obnoxious, are common place.
Message boards are similar, but if not for the participation from the fans, negative and positive, your website would be nothing.
It's actually fun to read some of the more "off the wall" posts and even to respond to them. This place is a nice outlet to vent some of the frustrations we have when things are not going well. I do not think you should take so seriously many of the negative posts. Most of stuff posted would never be said in a public setting nor would they be said after a "cooling down" period.
Best post in this thread..College and pro sports are just entertainment. Alot of $$$$ made from alot of people in different ways. Jon gets to make a living off of something he loves. If not for all the fans good and bad that want the entertainment,there is no message board. Great win by the Hawks today.
Hmmm...Todd Lickliter, really? I seem to recall a few championships from KF. In addition, he gets to the post season pretty often...and you know what he does when he get there...he wins. Oh, and he beats the SEC pretty regularly. What's not to like? We are rebuilding...but the team is progressing and getting better. I like the product so far this year...and see major upside in the next few years.

Tell me one team that we have played that would say Iowa was an easy out? OSU, no. MSU, no. NIU, no. Sometimes close counts for something when you are rebuilding a team from a disappointing season...and it's progress.

Gets to the post season and beats SEC teams regularly? Lolz!! Wut, did I fall asleep and wake up in 2004?
Best post in this thread..College and pro sports are just entertainment. Alot of $$$$ made from alot of people in different ways. Jon gets to make a living off of something he loves. If not for all the fans good and bad that want the entertainment,there is no message board. Great win by the Hawks today.

My goal is to have a message board that is pretty much facebook connect...no anonymity. It would mean a drastic reduction in traffic, but one day, I am going to do that. Probably not soon. But one day, it's going to happen. The message boards continue to devolve into something that is less than enjoyable. That didn't used to be the case.
I agree with several that the underlying tone is we are spoiled and we likely set unrealistic expectations. We did win yesterday against a team whom seems to have our number. The Fighting Fitzgerald's had own three of four at Kinnick. So what we didn't blow them out by three TD's. That's likely not possible under KF.

It it is a bit cliche but KF is one of the things that is right about college football. He graduates a high rate of players. He is loyal to fault to his coaches and his players. He, along with his staff, develops more with less time in and time out.

I know I have heard some Hawk fans wish KF had the fire and outward emotion of Paul Rhodes. No thanks. Flopping around the sidelines and ranting and raving at news conferences is not what I want to see in a head coach. Hayden was charismatic and had that "aww shucks," dialogue. There was only one Hayden Fry.

I think ink with Fry coaching at North Texas and SMU his coaches had ties to Texas and a lot of our talent came from Texas. We don't seem to have ties to Texas....well besides GD. Hayden had coached for quite sometime before coming to Iowa. KF was an was with Maine and then came to Iowa. Establishing new or opening up old recruiting areas would be nice. I think we are getting there.

I think KF had to adjust a bit the last couple of years that the tempo and pace of the game has changed up some. Last year was horrible to watch. JVB was on his back or firing shots over and behind receivers all game long. We became reliant on our run game and just as teams have done this year, they dare us tho throw.

We have have a year in GDs system and it shows. Heck we are even starting to utilizing the tight ends. While are we don't have a vertical passing attack per se, it has come a long way from last year. At least we aren't running every down and throwing on 3rd and impossible.

We are getting there. Speaking of trends, how many KF teams seem to get better as the year progresses? Here is to hoping that trend continues.

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